Egg and Us, The

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Egg and Us, The is a short film from ca. 1952 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

This part-animated, part-live-action film assures us, the American viewer, that we have confidence in the economy and that "the nation's nest egg is growing" to 235 billion dollars in savings. Even though the postwar economy is helping the individual to save money, the national debt totals 275 billion dollars which can be paid off in the most stable manner by the government borrowing from individuals. This film speaks confidently to Americans, assuming and convincing the viewer that they have faith in the American economy, and urging them to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds.

17:37:07:24 Cartoon intro with drawing of an egg and a little stick figure man who waves an American flag.

17:37:50:00 CU United States Savings Bonds, $25, $50, $100 bonds stacked on top of each other.

17:38:06:10 Aerial American Airlines plane flying over New York City; train speeds past young woman, conductor waves as train passes.

17:39:15:10 Worker walks out of long line after getting his paycheck, man looks at check and puts it in his jacket pocket.

17:39:37:07 CU suburban house with Sold sign nailed into tree out front, sign pained in cursive.

17:39:40:03 Four kids wearing party birthday party hats seated at table in backyard, mother takes kids plates; MS boy and girl about 7 years old wearing party hats eating ice cream.

17:40:31:27 CU disembodied woman s hand flips through magazine with images of new homes and new 1950s car ad on back cover.

17:41:29:19 CU 50 and 100 dollar U.S. bonds, VS World War II stock footage superimposed over CU U.S. bonds, CU newspaper headline Peace in the Philadelphia Inquirer superimposed over US bonds, digital display signing announcing Japanese surrender superimposed over US bonds.

17:42:19:12 Great VS man putting up billboard advertising U.S. savings bonds.

17:42:59:23 Low-angle U.S. army soldiers marching past camera, American flag in shot; Marines and Navy soldiers march away from camera; female soldiers march toward camera.

17:43:20:03 B-29 bomber landing.

17:46:08:25 VS busy city streets, probably New York City; cars and taxis on street; exterior of Fort Neck National Bank; VS women buying bonds at bank.

17:46:39:23 Man enters office number 902 labeled General Electric.

17:47:13:21 The Burroughs Corporation President John S. Coleman speaks to camera about Savings Bonds.

17:49:10:18 VS men working in machine shop making precision parts; man in machine shop, Norman Gentz gives tells how Savings Bonds have helped him and his family; CU disembodied man s hand holding BW photographs of his family; CU BW photograph of house with two people on bicycles in front held in disembodied man s hand.

17:51:17:25 LS Manhattan skyline; aerial of large steamships in pier; trucks pull out of the docks, truck carrying McCreary Tires.

17:51:43:00 Secretary hangs up phone and begins to type on typewriter; CU typewriter printing text.

17:51:55:05 VS man walks out of house, grabs mail from mailbox; man walking up the sidewalk stops to say hello; man shows other man yellow envelope; CU yellow envelope in mans hand, man slides out 100 dollar bands from envelope.

17:53:03:11 Pan up New England style church from front door up church steeple.

Egg and Us, The
Produced byEnos (Brandt) Associates
Enos (Brandt) Associates
Distributed byEnos (Brandt) Associates
Release date
ca. 1952
Running time
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