Everyday Courtesy

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Everyday Courtesy is a short film from 1948 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

Discusses courtesy in connection with invitations, telephone conversations, introduction and entertaining guests.

19:50:59:10 VS kids in early teens with guardians tour class exhibit on courtesy; poster in background read Be Courteous and Courtesy is Consideration.

19:51:30:14 CU painted sign of stomping feet, text reads Be Courteous, Walk Softly, camera pans to poster with illustration boy pulling out chair for old woman with cane, text reads Be Courteous, posters of tipped hat with text Be Courteous to Ladies, poster with two girls drink from same glass, text reads Don t be a pig, be courteous.

19:51:46:20 Boy takes woman over to his poster in the exhibit with painted title We Need Them All the Time and four illustrations showing when to say: please, thank you, excuse me and may? CU painted illustrations on the poster.

19:52:46:22 Great sequence of shots: Boy reads book by door as girl with large pile of books ask him to open the door, CU boy s cartoon drawing of the scenario; boy sets up chair and sit down as girl offers him a treat from a tray, CU boy s cartoon of the situation acted out with boy saying Thank you ; two girls act out scene where phone rings and girl asks her friend if she may answer the phone, CU boy draws cartoon of the scenario with girl saying Excuse me ; school kids act out scene where girl talks to boy but her friend would like to interrupt, CU boy drawing cartoon with girl saying to friend May I?

19:54:34:26 Boy shows woman a sign; CU sign with text Thinking of the other person: invitations, telephone courtesy. CU cursive written note inviting parents to come to the class exhibit on courtesy; audio track boy s voice reading note. CU a reply letter by a parents addressed to the class.

19:58:44:05 CU handshake between man and boy.

19:58:46:04 CU handshake between man and woman. CU handshake where one hand is limp.

16:01:15 Pan of series of posters about courtesy 16:01:51

Drawings of a woman serving man food. Man says "thank you."

Everyday Courtesy
Produced byCoronet Instructional Films
Coronet Instructional Films
Distributed byCoronet Instructional Films
Release date
Running time
ewid: 2549 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}