How To Prevent Disease

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How To Prevent Disease is a short film from ca. 1920s released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

On pure drinking water, clean milk supply, quarantine.

New York City reservoirs upstate. animated diagram of desired separation between house, outhouse, well, manure, slough CU New York City Department of Health quarantine sign for scarlet fever, dated 1922. VS immigrants on shipboard being inspected by public health officers (good) graphs on smallpox vaccination and its efficacy in preventing deaths graphs on diphtheria antitoxin Schick test for diphtheria, hypodermic needle shot graph of influenza epidemic in New York City, rising off the charts in 1918 Title: "But science may yet find a way for preventing or curing all diseases which endanger the life of the Race, as well as the individual."

blank graph with headline at top: "What Science Hopes to Do" with animated cursive writing appearing at a diagonal: "Reduce all transmissible disease to - 0"

How To Prevent Disease
Produced by0
Distributed by0
Release date
ca. 1920s
ewid: 2899 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}