Making the Synchrophase in Grebeland

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Making the Synchrophase in Grebeland is a short film from c. 1925 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

Summary: early radio-building factory industrial film. Sequences of machine parts being manufactured, both factory floor long views and close-ups of hands performing manual assembly and machine operation. Both men and women pictured working in factory environment. Women's shots are time logged below.

Time in: Factory exterior, four-story building with huge multi-pane windows.

1:35:53:21 Title: Making Vernier Wheels

01:35:57:26 - 01:36:24:25 Man in industrial gloves hammers machine parts into what looks like cupcake molds. Uses hammer to place parts in cup molds, adds powder, presses into form and hammers

01:36:24:26 - 01:36:31:20 Bird s eye POV of factory room floor. A dozen men work at identical machines.

01:36:31:21 Title: Punch presses cut and form metal parts of synchrophase

01:36:39:17 Long view of different factory room floor. Men sit on chairs in front of workstations equipped with controls and huge belt arrays.

Close up of machine stamping.

Title: High speed automatic press punching out audio transformer parts

Two men in aprons operate a large automatic punch machine.

Close up of punch machine.

Title: Automatic screw machines at work:

Man at belt-driven machine.

Close-up of belt-driven machine.

Title: Checking the part for accuracy

Title: Fine sets require fine tools:

Long view of factory floor crowded with dense machines and with men.

Title: Grinding transformer die.

Grinder at work.

Title: Shaping steel plate for drill jig.

close up of machine shaving a groove in a plate of metal.

Title: machining drill jig plate

Man operates automatic machine.

Nickel plating various parts of synchrophase 

Scene: man in work apron dips objects into vats.

Man uses wrench to adjust a belt-driven machine.

Man holds bolts in gloved hand.


Assembling Grebe-made parts 

01:40:12:28 -Women workers sit at assembly benches. Long view looking down the center of a work table with facing workstations: over a dozen women at work. Male overseers stand by windows in suits.

-Bird s eye POV of room full of women workers.

01:40:32:23 Title: winding rheostat element Woman (partial view_ at work bench. Young woman at workbench, operating wheel.

The endless conveyor carries on 

bird s eye POV of women at work at benches on a factory floor.

01:41:31:08 bird s eye POV of men at work at benches on a factory floor, with huge conveyor belt in front of them.

The Unit Control 

male hands fit chains around a belt array. Small-format.

Putting the synchrophase  on the air  

Bird s eye POV of men at factory floor, looks like final finishing assembly.

Man puts light bulbs into the machine.

View of front of machine with dials and knobs.

Packing sequence: one man at a packing station wrapping it and boxing it and pushing it down a conveyor belt.

Final shipping boxes labeled Synchrophase Radio Braodcast Recever.

View of man looking at catalog advertisements.

Views of flat bed truck (very old, very quaint) being loaded with boxes of radios for shipment. Truck cab is stylized and riveted with multi-pane windows. Very unique-looking.

Men at desks make absurd silly faces into the camera.

Making the Synchrophase in Grebeland
Produced by0
Distributed by0
Release date
c. 1925
Running time
11 min.
ewid: 3167 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}