Chevrolet Leader News Vol 4 No 1

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Moving Image:Chevrolet Leader News (Vol. 4, No. 1)
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Chevrolet Leader News Vol 4 No 1 is a short film from 1938 released on 35mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

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Chevrolet Leader News Vol 4 No 1
Produced byHandy (Jam) Organization
Handy (Jam) Organization
Distributed byHandy (Jam) Organization
Release date
Running time
ewid: 2286 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}

Shot List

Surfboard riders show tricks on West Coast breakers. Elkhart, Indiana police use 2-gun method to test motorists' reaction time. Camera fans shoot iron horses. Trona Flyer makes record run from Trona, California to CCC camp in Death Valley. Pete, the deer lives in a house with a New Jersey family.

Promotional newsreel sponsored by General Motors: Automobile driving along coastline, men and women surfing; Supply truck driving through desert (Death Valley) to remote campsite; Man lying on railroad tracks (photographing trains from odd angles), developing photographs in trunk of car; Police using paint guns to measure automobile's braking distance; Family with pet deer.

Title Card: "Chevrolet Motor Division...General Motors Sales Corporation...Presents...The Leader News" superimposed over montage.

Title Card: "Water Babes Slam Slippers, Strike Permanent Waves" superimposed over newspapers coming off of printing press.

Malibu, California: LS 3 automobiles driving along winding road (at base of oceanfront mountain). MS above automobile (leaving dusty trail). Several women (wearing swimsuits) getting out of car (parked on beach; surfboards strapped to roof); women removing surfboards. Men and women (carrying surfboards) running toward ocean. VS several men and women paddling surfboards; riding waves; man surfing while standing on head; falling from surfboard. CU 4 women (wearing swimsuits) waving from rock.

Title Card: "Death Valley Record Set, Trona Flyer Battles Heat" superimposed over newspapers coming off of printing press.

ECU wall thermometer (illustration of terrier at top) indicating 112 degrees. Shirtless boy checking temperature on thermometer (wiping sweat from brow). MS rustic settlement in rugged hills at rim of Death Valley (wooden shacks; people working outside). Boy, standing beside shack door, holding headphones to his ears (boy sitting beside him; third boy approaches). 2 boys loading cartons onto truck parked beside small "Retail Store". CU boy tossing mail sack through open passenger window; walking around front of truck. LS small, desert settlement (resembles prison camp) with tents, small buildings and water tower (hills in BG). Truck driving passed Spanish-style building. VS truck (leaving dusty trail) driving through (and negotiating grades in) rocky desert. CU sign in desert indicating: "Warning...Poison Water...Do Not Use For Any Purpose"; truck passing sign. Truck approaching sun baked bones (skeleton) of large animal. Truck passing through ghost town (adobe building and small wagon prominent). CU weathered wooden signpost with arrow indicating direction to "Wild Rose" and "Death Valley". LS truck approaching desert settlement. Boys (waving) running out of shacks. 3 boys (one listening to headphones) running o.s.; 2 shirtless boys running from shack (boy with towel around neck is pulling up his pants; other boy is waving arm). Several boys converging on truck. CU several boys anxiously watching boy opening package; CU melted box of chocolate. Laughing, rowdy boys grabbing at box; CU hands reaching into box (grabbing melted pieces of chocolate)

Title Card: "Shoot Engineer on Sight, Addicts Seek Dizzy Angles" superimposed over newspapers coming off of printing press.

Man (wearing suit and carrying shoulder bag) frantically waving arm and running onto railroad tracks (in path of oncoming train); man lying down on tracks as train approaches; taking photograph of train (as it switches tracks and passes him by, showering and obscuring him with steam). Man taking photograph of locomotive; (pan to) well-dressed passengers taking photographs atop locomotive. VS photographers setting up tripods (to photograph locomotive inside train maintenance building). VS photographers. Photographer lying on back beside locomotive. VS locomotive suspended by chains (crowd beneath). VS man running across railroad tracks (beside spectators on rotating platform). VS man assisting man into automobile trunk (mobile darkroom); man in trunk with bottles of fluid (as trunk closes). Man placing sign on car indicating "Halt...Do Not Disturb"; CU above sign with illustration of soldier (sentry) holding rifle. Man (on hands and knees; camera dangling from neck) inside automobile trunk; trunk opening; man sitting on automobile bumper, examining film (negatives) with another man. CU boy (wearing beret) adjusting camera setting; something (resembling a snake-in-a-can) springs out, hitting him in eye.

Title Card: "Guns Bark as Paint Flies, Put Driver on Two Spots" superimposed over newspapers coming off of printing press.

Elkhart, Indiana: CU hand loading 2 pistols (resembling "Saturday Night Specials") mounted on steel plate. Hand loading bullet into gun. Policeman rising from knees beside automobile; putting on gloves and nodding while talking to someone o.s. CU hand placing wire (with taped button) onto car seat. Policeman adjusting wiring beneath steering wheel. ECU hands attaching (tying) wire to brake pedal. Men standing beside car (2 guns mounted on car's grill); car pulling away (revealing policeman standing beside motorcycle). 2 policemen driving car along highway. CU hand pressing taped button. 2 pistols (resembling "Saturday Night Specials") mounted on steel plate on car's grill (Elkhart Police Dept.); one gun firing. ECU foot stomping brake and clutch pedals; second gun firing. CU above car pulling to stop. 2 policemen and inspector getting out of car; walking behind it; placing tape measure on ground. MS policeman (tape measure in hand) bending to pavement. CU hand holding tape measure beside splotched area. ECU "Elkhart Police Dept. Division of Traffic Safety Test Card" indicating test results. Policeman writing (what appears to be) traffic ticket (man, standing beside him, watching); another policeman appears (winding tape measure; removing papers (documents) from coat pocket.

Title Card: "Soft Life for One Buck, Pete Adopts New Quarters" superimposed over newspapers coming off of printing press.

CU deer (buck) running down flight of stairs. Woman exiting doorway followed by deer (deer wearing a collar and licking its lips); both walking down sidewalk o.s. Parked automobile; woman opening back door of car, prodding deer to climb in. Car pulling alongside curb (store's awning indicates "Abramowitz's Department Store"); woman (driver) sliding across front seat; exiting passenger door (small town, residential BG). CU woman's hands locking and slamming car door (deer's nose visible). Woman beside car (pointing finger at car window), admonishing (unseen) deer to wait in car and behave; woman turning and entering store. Businessman walking along sidewalk (in residential area); glancing at parked car; stopping (with surprised expression). ECU deer's head (looking about curiously). Businessman glancing into car; (walking away) scratching head in confusion. Woman entering doorway, followed by deer. Deer standing in bedroom; jumping onto bed. ECU deer chewing; deer's ear flapping; deer resting on bed; deer abruptly raising head (in response to sound(?); ear cupping forward). ECU eggs frying in skillet. ECU deer (looking about curiously). Deer, standing on bed; jumping off bed. Deer licking jar on table (in kitchen beside woman cooking at stove). ECU eggs frying in skillet. Deer nosing around kitchen counter; jumping up and putting front hooves on countertop; placing head in cupboard and eating napkin(?). ECU deer licking plate in cupboard. Family, sitting around dinner table, drinking coffee (deer, wearing straw hat, licking plate at table). ECU deer, wearing straw hat, eating from plate at table.

Great sexist footage of men and women surfing, women always lose their balance and fall. 

16:30:26:26 Newspapers rolling off the printing press, newspaper article headline superimposed over shot  Water Babes Slam Slippers, Strike Permanent Waves 

16:30:34:06 VS three 1930s cars driving on dirt road along rocky beach coastline of Palos Verde, California.

16:30:45:20 LS four women wearing bathing suits get out of late 1930s car parked in front of beach and untie surfboards from car roof

16:30:51:15 Two women and two men carrying surfboards run across beach into water; LS seven men and women catching wave on longboard surfboards; LS man wearing speedo riding wave on long board surfboard; low-angle four women in bathing suits sitting and standing on rocks waving.

16:31:09:29 VS HA LS surfers catching waves; man does hand stand on surfboard while riding wave, woman wearing swim cap surfs beside man; VS woman wearing swim cap riding wave on longboard; MS woman losing her balance on surfboard cross-cut with woman falling off surfboard

16:31:31:20 Two men catch wave on longboards; woman wearing swim cap catches wave on longboard surfboard cross-cut with MS woman losing her balance, LS woman falls off of surfboard; VS men and women surfing.

16:31:55:20 Newspaper printing press printing newspaper, superimposed newspaper headline  Death Valley Record Set, Trona Flyer Barrles Heat 

16:32:03:10 CU wall thermometer reads 112 degrees Fahrenheit; MS sweaty shirtless boy looking at thermometer on wall wipes his sweaty forehead. 

16:32:13:02 Young man wearing headphones listening to radio standing in doorjamb of KNLO radio station around Death Valley, CA another young man sits beside him, a third enters frame approaching the men. 

16:32:32:20 VS 1930s truck driving on dirt road cutting through rocky mountainous desert landscape kicking up dirt, Desert Valley areas
16:32:49:15 Low-angle sign along left-hand edge of frame posted in desert reads  Warning: Poison Water Do Not Use For Any Purpose , truck enters frame driving past sign; VS truck driving through dusty road in Death Valley; great LS truck drives past ghost town in Death valley, then passes rubble of adobe house

16:33:27:03 Old sign nailed to wood stake with arrow pointing left to  Wild Rose Death Valley ; LS truck pulling into Wild Rose camp in death valley; VS young man running out of their barracks, KNLO radio building, showers with corrugated walls

16:33:43:29 Crowd of young men crowd around shirtless young man with towel hanging over his shoulders as he opens a package; CU box of melted chocolates; group of boys laughs; UC disembodied hands reach in to grab melted chocolates; group of boys fighting to get to box of chocolates. 

16:33:55:22 Newspaper printing press rolling out newspapers, superimposed over shot newspaper article headline  Shoot Engineer on Sight, Addicts Seek Dizzy Angles 

16:34:03:10 Great shot man runs out on to train tracks in front of oncoming train, man lies down on tracks and snaps photograph, train changes tracks just in front of man

16:34:14:14:04 Man crouching down in front of train, pan up train to man holding camera standing on front of train taking photograph. 

16:34:22:26 VS photographers setting up cameras on tripods in front of train in repair station taking photographs of train; man lies on his back next to train to take picture; VS pan over locomotive train car hanging in train repair station, large crowd beneath locomotive as train is lowered down onto tracks. 

16:34:44:10 Crowd of people on rotating platform to turn around trains, photographer runs over tracks following people on platform in order to get a picture, various people on platform holding cameras

16:34:55:02 VS Man crawls into the trunk of a 1930s car, man in trunk with camera hanging from his neck, portable darkroom has been set up in trunk of car, another man closes trunk door, then places sign on handle of trunk; CU sign on trunk door handle  Halt! Do Not Disturb ; CU man in trunk of car developing pictures, car tire in foreground; man steps out of trunk showing film to another man. 

16:35:18:12 MS young bout about nine years old presses button on trick box, buzzer sounds and spring shoots out of box and hits boy in face. 

16:35:24:07 Newspaper printing press rapidly printing newspapers, superimposed newspaper article headline reads  Guns Barks as Paint Flies. Put Driver on Two Spots. 

16:35:31:28 CU two mounted guns with mechanical lever attached to the triggers, disembodied hand enters frame and loads bullet into gun
16:35:42:02 CU disembodied hands strap a cable over the brake pedal. 

16:35:54:04 CU disembodied hand pushes button attached to a cable. 

16:35:55:06 CU grill of car with board attached to front bumper with two guns mounted on it, text on board reads  Elkhart Police Department Division of Traffic Safety , gun on left fires; CU disembodied feet of man slam on brake; CU gun mounted on board fires; low-angle car with guns mounted on bumper stops in front of camera; VS two 1930s police officers and man step out of car, police officers using tape-measure, measure distance between two paint marks on road; CU disembodied hand holding tape measure over mark on road

16:36:15:24 CU disembodied hand holds up car from Elkhart Police Department that indicated the results of a safety test measuring reaction time. 

16:36:20:29 Two 1930s police officers, one officer writing man ticket, countryside in background. 

16:36:33:05 Newspaper printing press rapidly printing newspapers, superimposed newspaper article headline reads  Soft Life for One Buck Pete Adopts New Quarters 

16:36:41:09 Woman walks out of building followed by a deer; woman opens back door of 1930s car for deer, deer jumps in backseat of car like a dog; car pulls up in front of Abramowitz s Department Store

16:37:01:21 CU woman locks door of car from inside

16:37:07:16 Man walking up sidewalk stops in front of car with look of surprise; CU back window of car, deer sits up entering from bottom of frame; cross-cut between surprised man looking into car and dear in backseat of car, man walks away scratching the back of his head

16:37:16:18 1930s woman walks into building carrying bag of groceries, woman is followed by a deer. 

16:37:21:00 Great shot deer standing in bedroom, climbs up onto bed; CU deer looking into camera; deer lying in bed

16:37:34:11 CU eggs frying in a pan. 

16:37:25:26 CU deer looking around inside house, wallpaper in background; deer climbs out of bed; deer in kitchen beside woman cooking on stove; CU eggs frying in pan; deer climbs onto kitchen counter and pokes around the cupboard; CU deer licking plates in the cupboard

16:28:03:22 LS family eating dinner at table, deer sits at head of table with a little hat on its head; CU deer licking its plate on dinner table, deer wars hat on its head