Pick of the Pod

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Pick of the Pod is a short film from ca. 1939 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

01:19:31:18 Busy intersection of city in 1940s at sunrise; cars fill the street.

01:19:55:23 Great shot from outside of house looking in through window at 1940s to 1950s housewife wearing apron cooking in kitchen; VS mother and daughter cooking together in kitchen, daughter peels potato; boy about 12 years old comes home wearing dirty white vest, boy pulls sisters pigtail; boy licks batter from bowl, Mother slaps boys hand; brother and sister tease each other.

91:21:27:08 CU woman pours can of Del Monte sugar peas into glass pot; CU bowl of steaming peas with butter melting in the center.

01:21:43:02 Family of four eating dinner; Father asks son how his baseball game went, asks if he hit any homeruns, boy answers he hit one. Boy asks Father for more food, great sound bite:

What? You ve got a man size appetite tonight son 
Well I have been doing man size work. 
You mean chasing that old baseball around the sandlot. 

Great shot little sister with disgusted look on her face as father serves son more food. Daughter asks Father if she had peas when he was little, father answers that he had to wait for peas to be in season. Brother yells at sister who asks how peas grow On a vine stupid don t you know anything , mother reprimands son That s enough junior. Finish your dinner.

01:23:04:15 Father sits down on couch and packs pipe, daughter sits next to father How is daddy s little girl tonight? Boy sits on other side of father after grabbing large book off of shelf. Father lights pipe and tells story of peas.

01:24:01:26 Aerials of pea fields; aerials of towns in Illinois near Del Monte farmland. Aerials of Del Monte canneries.

01:25:44:18 CU field of pea vines. Farmers driving tractors over field harvesting peas; CU peas harvested; men with pitchforks lift pea vines onto wagon train pulled by tractor; mechanical loader lifts pea vines onto the load; peas are loaded by men into viners. VS in Del Monte pea cannery; peas arrive at cannery in huge truckloads, crates of green peas lifted off truck beds and stacked inside cannery, man empties crates of peas into machine; peas are sorted and washed in rotary washer, peas are sort by sizing in large spinning cylinder, the Colossus Grader. CU cans of Del Monte Early Morning Sugar Peas; CU VS green peas.

01:34:08:18 Father reminisces shelling peas as a child to his children, pipe in hand; great sound bites:

Yes sir, those peas we had tonight were just like old times. 

Great shot of the Colossus Grader sorting peas by size.

01:35:22:18 Great shot pans down zigzagging silver pipes to woman in blue uniforms inspecting peas passing by on conveyor belt, women hold little vacuum tubes to pick out the bad peas. VS peas passing through separate troughs carried by water; industrial size pea blancher, steaming peas; peas sprayed with cold water on the sprayer washer. Great shot of disembodied hands picking bad peas off of moving conveyor belt of peas. Pea filling machine, cans are washed with live steam, cans filled with peas; automatic sealer puts caps on cans. VS montage sequence of every part of the pea harvest and canning process.

Pick of the Pod
Produced byPalmer (W.A.) & Company
Palmer (W.A.) & Company
Distributed byPalmer (W.A.) & Company
Release date
ca. 1939
Running time
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