[Stunt Compilation]

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[Stunt Compilation] is a short film from 1918 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.


(28 feet) Franklin Rose, U.S. Marine hero, skates along the narrow parapet of San Francisco's Federal Building (20 feet) Motorcycle Cop daredevils stop speeding motorists along San Francisco's Great Highway by transferring, at high speed, from motorcycle to car (13 feet) Skier is pulled through the snow by racing car (27 feet) Farmers plant crop by dropping seeds from planes (57 feet) Cameraman takes a ride on one of the arms of the giant windmills in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and keeps cranking all the way (37 feet) Franklin Rose, aerial policeman, pinches plane and pilot for flying under the legal altitude of 300 feet (20 feet) Daredevil leap from automobile to plane at 70 miles per hour (58 feet) Franklin Rose makes a daring leap from a motorcycle to a racing plane traveling at 91 miles per hour (58 feet) Daredevil cyclist race around the edge of the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco then takes the bike for a high broad jump and repeats it through a hoop of fire at night

(sources: Fox, International News and Pathe)

[Stunt Compilation]
Produced byN/A
Distributed byN/A
Release date
Running time
ewid: 1884 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}