[Untitled: Part 6: Reproductive System and Human Development]

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[Untitled: Part 6: Reproductive System and Human Development] is a short film released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.


title card: "The adolescent and mature need to know the truth about HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, to appreciate its wonders, to safeguard its potentialities, and to avoid its many pitfalls." animated drawings of female reproductive system gloved hands pulling at dissected reproductive organs on white background (removed from body) animated fertilization and cell division seq seven-week embryo in test tube, another dry specimen held in hand two-month fetus in membranous sac 12-week fetus "definitely resembles a human being" (dry specimen) wet specimen of fetus drawings of various stages of fetal development

title: "The phenomena of human development have a fascination equalled only in their importance by eugenics. Healthy forebears is their keynote."

[Untitled: Part 6: Reproductive System and Human Development]
Produced by0
Distributed by0
Release date
ewid: 1942 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}