Whoever You Are

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Whoever You Are is a short film from ca. 1930s - 1940s released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

Footage from late 1930s early 1940s of footage, mostly in New York City, related to religious and racial prejudice. Poor film quality.

06:40:55:18 CU sign �NO: Bicycle Riding, Roller Skating, Dogs Allowed, At Large, Deposit Litter in Receptacles�; the word �Niggers� is written in chalk over the word �Riding� in no �Bicycle Riding� and �Milks� written in chalk over the word �Allowed.�

06:40:59:11 CU hand writing �Jew� on sign in chalk; LS boy running away chased and tackled by another boy; boys are wearing 1930s to 1940s style suits; VS boys wrestling on grass.

06:41:26:12 VS Mother cleans with cloth boys' black eye; CU boys face with black eyes as mother cleans it up.

06:42:27:15 Creepy VS pan over KKK Klansmen in with white skull and crossbones on their hoods holding torches; CU grand wizard in white hood with black skull and crossbones does "Heil Hitler" salute.

06:42:47:21 High angle camera looks down on energetic smiling Hitler youths or Neo-Nazis saluting with arms in air.

06:42:50:06 Pan across rows and rows of Nazi soldiers wearing helmets holding rifles in tight formation.

06:43:02:22 VS stock footage of Hitler delivering speech; crowd salutes Hitler; VS Nazi soldiers.

06:43:21:03 CU white sign with black skull and crossbones painted along with words �Achtung Juden [Look Out Jews]�

06:43:23:24 stock shot of Hitler with several other uniformed Nazis.

06:43:54:08 Man jumps out of tank surrenders with hands in air, walks toward camera; four me men surrendering with hands up.

06:44:03:00 VS stock footage of people fleeing there homes leaving on dirt streets in WWII both in Europe and China.

06:44:30:29 Little boy in lederhosen talks to soldier on crutches missing a leg; VS injured people carried on stretchers and bandaged Navy soldiers walking off ship.

06:47:04:22 Circle of street kids in coats in 1940s watching two children fight in street.

06:47:06:16 CU newspaper headline in the PM �Call to Arms: Fight Racial, Religious Hate�; hand opens paper to article with headline �Fight Off the Rising Storm of Racism�; CU article headline �West Side Reports 150 Anti-Jewish Incidents in 60 Days� woman�s hand point to headline then turns page to article �Anti-Semitic Violence Revealed in Another District�; CU newspaper article headline in New York section �Fuehrers� Turn Citys�s Kid Gangs Into Brown Shirts� CU child in paper with black eye.

06:47:46:03 Camera pans from police officer on sidewalk in front of Undertaker storefront to officer walking into 20th precinct of NYC.

06:52:21:24 LS man at desk on phone; glass window behind him reads YMCA Uptown Branch.

06:52:00:28 Sign in New York City window reads �West Side Council of Religious and Civic Organizations Inc Metropolitan Interfaith and Interracial Coordinating Council Inc.�; CU same sign in window.

06:53:27:29 Two women in fur coats walk down steps exiting Joan of Arc Junior High School; CU engraved sign for Joan of Arc Junior High School.

06:57:27:29 VS Black and White men play basketball together in gym in 1930s to 1940s.

06:58:50:20 VS Black mother drops off her son at White Woman�s house for play date; little White boys hold Black boys hand and they play on the floor together.

06:59:40:07 CU newspaper headline �Citizens Indignant In Freeport Killing�, �Protests Urged in Cop�s Slaying of Negro,� �Hunt Vandals in 2d Attack�on Jewish School,� �Terrorism in South! ILWU Member Wantonly Shot for �Disturbing Peace,�� �Veteran Killed for Shifting Jimero Sign in Trolley Car,� in the New York Post �President Signs �Bad� Draft Bill; Expect Recall of 26-29,� �Forces of Darkness Light Their Fires in Georgia� with newspaper photograph of clansmen.

07:00:14:27 Three children, one boy and two girl president decorated torah to rabbi; burning cross superimposed over shot

Whoever You Are
Produced byVFT Films
VFT Films
Distributed byVFT Films
Release date
ca. 1930s - 1940s
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