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Plow that Broke the Plains, The is a short film from 1937 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

16:32:11:14 Animated map of the U.S. Writing appears on the map identifying the Great Plains Area which is then outlined in dotted lines. CU of Great Plains and in dotted lines the states in covers are drawn and labeled the replaced with the information 625000 Square Miles 400 million acres.

16:33:15:22 CU VS wild grass blowing in the wind. VS of the Great Plains.

16:34:25:08 Silhouette of man on a horse riding along a hill that makes the horizon line of the plains.

16:34:39:25 VS herds of cattle in the Great Plains and a farmer tending the herd.

16:36:50:05 Low-angle of pioneers riding in covered carriage drawn by horses pass camera.

16:37:21:12 CU hammer nails wood stake into ground.

16:37:31:08 CU plow slicing into fresh soil for the first time. VS CU plows plowing through soil.

16:37:47:28 Farmer in cowboy hat and plow handle in shot, reaches down to run the soil through his fingers.

16:38:16:11 VS fields of grain blowing in the wind.

16:38:52:28 VS old fashioned harvester combing the fields of grain pulled by horses.

16:29:16:12 CU grain pouring out of harvester.

16:39:21:21 Black smokestack from steam engine crosses frame along the horizon at sunset.

16:40:32:22 Baby sits in barren sand soil holding on to a plow.

16:41:01:24 CU newspaper headline from the Herald Dispatch England Declares War on Germany Belgium Invaded French Win At Sea ; headline War News Tumbles Securities; Stock Exchange Closed; Wheat Prices Soar

16:42:13:16 CU newspaper headline:

 Wilson Proclaims War

Spy Ring Arrested German Ships Seized news paper headline War Sends Wheat Soaring; Grain Up 13 Points; Pit In Pandemonium

16:42:27:14 VS large tractors in cascade formation pass camera almost like army tanks creating a large cloud of dirt in their tracks.

16:43:15:00 CU inside grain thresher rapidly threshes grain and separates stalks from kernels; on audio track radio announcer declares Wheat will win the war!

16:43:18:23 Wheat thresher s spout spits out hay onto a huge hay stack; CU canon fire; CU thresher spout pours wheat kernels into large mound with audio track over shot Wheat for the boys over there!

16:43:30:24 CU stream of wheat kernels pours into mound; audio track over shot Wheat for the French!

16:43:33:02 Large steam boat with black smoke exhaust exiting smokestack and NYC skyline of the late 1930s early 1940s in background; audio track over shot We got to eat right! Wheat will win the war!

16:43:34:17 Triumphant military music over shot of a line of tractors entering frame cuts to low-angle CU of army tank passing camera; VS in comparative cross-cutting sequence of tractors sowing land and army tanks in battle and then VS of a parade with a crowd in celebration amidst American flags confetti and streamers.

16:44:49:06 Field of grain blowing in wind; cut VS of large tractor harvesters.

16:45:29:17 CU Printing press then various flyers transparently superimposed over shot: Service Men! Free Land!! Government Homesteads in the Plains!! Own your own Far!! Apply Central Land Office , Range Land at Rock Bottom Prices! New Sod--Finest Wheat Land in West! A Section in the Plains- Yours for a Down Payment! Western Cattle Syndicate , 30000 Farms for Sale!! 3000000 Acres of Prime Land!! A Few Dollars Now Means a Farm for Your Old Age!

16:45:54:29 VS of tractors with grain threshers combing the land.

16:46:21:27 CU Printing press with flyers superimposed over shot You Own it- We Farm It! Own a Farm Away From Home!! Invest in the fastest growing county in the West!! Come to Jonesville and see for yourself , Fortunes in Wheat Farms! One crop re-pays purchase price!! Examine our records and see for yourself!! , The hear of the wheat lands!! Prices tripled in six months!! Round-trip inspection trip at our expense-- Write now while these bargains are still available. Great Plains Reality Company

16:46:47:19 VS tractors threshing grain at night by spotlights; lights illuminate tractor silhouettes and clouds of white smoke; very eerie dark shots.

16:47:19:12 Waterfall of grain kernels pour out from top of frame to mound on bottom of frame.

16:47:21:13 Two huge smokestacks releasing enormous clouds of black smoke.

16:47:23:03 CU wheat kernels pour into pile of kernels.

16:47:26:08 VS CU old-fashioned stock ticker; CU wheat thresher; CU stock ticker; CU pouring wheat kernels; CU stock ticker; MS Black musician in tuxedo hits cymbal with drumstick; stock ticker shooting out stock quotes on thin piece of paper; MS Black musician on cymbal; stock ticker falls off table smashing on to ground in a pile of its stock quotes printed in thin continuous strip of paper.

16:47:51:07 CU Cow skulls on cracked barren dirt followed by VS of farm graveyard with various tractors and equipment abandoned in field

16:48:14:23 Pan over dustbowl sandy soil; VS dustbowl farm barren farm land.

16:49:30:06 Low-angle of dustbowl farmer of the Great Plains with cowboy hat on and overalls looking up into the sky with one hand on the brim of his hat.

16:49:33:21 Little dust devil whirlwind forming on the sanding soil.

16:50:06:04 1930s people on city streets running for safety in the midst of a dust storm.

16:50:10:09 Tornado forming in the distance; VS dust storm passing over already barren sandy dustbowl land.

16:51:45:02 VS Great Planes farmhouses of the 1930s almost entirely buried in sand after dust storm.

16:52:05:13 LS boy and girl watch there father with shovel dig out passageway to the front door of their home.

16:52:09:15 Two rural children of 1930s dustbowl; dark haired boy kneels with heavy gaze and his sister standing just behind him in dress with bow looking sad.

16:52:46:02 Boy, and girl in dress with bow, sit in the bed of trailer pulled by a car with the rest of their family s possessions and drive away from camera in to empty plains.

16:53:34:10 VS farmers in cars packed with all their belongings drive on highway; VS farmers setting up camp with other farmers in diaspora from devastated dustbowl farmlands of the Great Plains.

Plow that Broke the Plains, The
Produced byU.S. Film Service
U.S. Film Service
Distributed byU.S. Film Service
Release date
Running time
ewid: 3550 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}