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Moving Image:Understanding Your Ideals
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Understanding Your Ideals is a short film from 1950 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

Illustrates, with everyday examples, the difference between superficial standards and true ideals. High school boy who is primarily concerned with his automobile, dates, and parties learns from his father's example that ideals are based on honesty, sincerity and good sportsmanship.

00:45:36:10 CU 1950s car ad in magazine, camera pans out to 1940s to 1950s boy wearing a bow tie talking to himself; boy says if he had a car he would be popular, boy says something to dog, CU dog barks twice back at young man. Young man about seventeen delivers long monologue about wanting to be popular. Boy says to himself looking in the mirror as he puts on jacket �can�t be popular unless you know how to dress.� CU ticket between thumb and forefinger for Class Party at the High School Gymnasium on Oct. 26 at 8 p.m.

00:47:39:10 Boy asks father for the keys to the car as his parents rush to get out the door, father tells son he can�t have the car. Boy looks defeated as parents leave, leans up against the wall �They just don�t want me to be popular that�s all. How can you take a girl out without a car� CU dog barks twice at boy. Boy dials phone with rotary dial. Girl brushing hair answers phone, boy cancels date with girl saying he feels sick. Boy tears up ticket; CU ticket torn in two on floor.

00:49:47:05 Camera pans out from jukebox in diner, teenager in jacket and bowtie approaches group of younger teens in booth �If it isn�t the Freshmen having a night out, stag. Hey don�t you guys ever have dates.� One boy in the booth answers in patronizing tone �Maybe if we had fancy clothes like you we could go out.� Boy in bow tie tries to tell the freshman that he is popular. CU boy �Tell us if you�re so popular why aren�t you at your class party tonight.�

00:51:26:14 CU shot reverse shot boy and girl arguing at soda fountain about why they didn�t go to the dance. Boy tells girl he couldn�t get the car. Girls says they could have taken the bus, then angrily yells �you�re not making yourself very popular� �Popular, that�s just it, how can you be popular without a car� Girl yells back �you don�t know what the word popular means� and exits frame; boy behind counter shrugs shoulders then exits frame.

00:51:55:03 POV inside car at night, card stops in front of sign lit bit car headlamps �Dead End Street No Outlet�, audio track car skidding to stop.

00:52:08:17 Man enters house and sees something on the ground, throws hat on chair, picks torn ticket on ground; CU man puts two pieces of ticket to high school class party together; LS man looks upstairs.

00:53:29:15 MS teenager seated on bed looks upset says to father �Oh what difference does it make�Well if you can�t be possible with the right clothes, and a car, then how can you be popular?� MS Father answers �If you can�t keep your promises to your own son, can you be an honest man?� Teenager answer with confusion �Dad I am all mixed up, what can I do now?�

00:57:57:18 Teenage boy sits down at desk to write letter.

Understanding Your Ideals
Produced byCoronet Instructional Films
Coronet Instructional Films
Distributed byCoronet Instructional Films
Release date
Running time
ewid: 1226 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}