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Revision as of 23:01, 7 December 2021

Growth Study of Johnny & Jimmy: Normal Child Development Study is a short film from 1932 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

06:02:32:13 Two naked twin babes at 14 weeks lay on dark blanked in front of black background.

06:07:40:02 Naked baby at 30 weeks being held up by woman and walked toward camera; twin brother also held up and walked toward camera by woman.

06:08:19:18 VS naked baby at 38 weeks tries to stand alone spotted by woman in all black, but is repeatedly caught when falling.

06:09:35:07 VS babies in nude at 45 weeks taking first steps in front of black backdrop.

06:10:24:05 VS babies at 57 weeks running naked toward camera.

06:10:48:22 VS naked baby at 70 weeks walking.

06:11:29:27 naked four year old boy in black set walks toward camera then away from camera; twin brother wearing glasses does the same.

06:12:07:22 naked four year old boy walks across platform crossing frame in profile in front of black backdrop; twin brother does the same.

06:13:17:26 VS two naked twin babies at 50 weeks play with two toy blocks in all black room.

06:16:30:20 naked child at 77 weeks tries to grab object suspended on string by dragging chair beneath it and climbing atop the chair.

06:17:39:11 VS naked children at 79 then 103 weeks try to arrange different height pedestals in order to create steps up to object on top of highest pedestal. Children problem solving. VS twin boys at five doing same experiment arranging pedestals in order to create steps to reach lure hanging from string too high to reach without a ladder.

06:30:16:10 VS Jimmy and Johnny suspended in swimming pool.

[The Jimmy and Johnny footage from here on out has already been shotlisted on different tape.]

Growth Study of Johnny & Jimmy: Normal Child Development Study
Produced by0
Distributed by0
Release date
ewid: 2776 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}