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Nothing to Argue About is a short film from 1953/08/00 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

Promoting the Raytheon television set. Salesman pays sales call on skeptical family and convinces each member in turn. Discussion of tuning, UHF, and picture quality. Boy and girl talking with parents in living room. Same adult male character as "Midwest Holiday." Television assembly shots.

1950s family talks to a TV salesman.

06:01:38:04 Red-haired preteen boy energetically runs to answer the knock on the door. Boy calls to family Hey Mom, Dad, Bill, Ginger, the TV salesman s here! Why don t you go inside they all want to see you. TV Salesman enters in 1950s suit dark hat and briefcase.

06:02:40:29 Teenage girl in blue dress with matching blue bow in her hair fixing hair and chewing gum.

06:03:04:14 Grey-haired father of household in blue shirt and red tie with pipe in hand enters living room and is greet by TV salesman with briefcase under arm.

06:03:21:00 Teenage brother and sister argue in foreground while their parents sit on couch in background of frame.

06:03:38:11 VS Teenage boy in blue shirt sitting backward on chair arguing with seated sister in blue dress.

06:04:00:22 Funny shot focusing from blackout screen to blurry then focus CU of TV salesman looking confused then a bit surprised with the narration On and on and on

06:04:07 CU Teenage boy with slicked hair aggressively says to TV salesman I tell you, you can t get the best picture unless you tune it yourself. CU sister in blue dress And that s exactly what I don t want! Get the station, tune the picture, tune the sound, get it in focus. Golly by the time you ve got it the programs over! Brother reacts to sister But most people aren t stupid. The rest of us know a little about TV.

06:04:30:14 Great series of sound-bites with terrific visuals. MS Father reacting to his son Just one minute Bill. I don t want you fooling around with that TV set. Come to think about it maybe we better wait awhile, that set s going to be pretty expensive. CU daughter outraged gives great sound-bite Well gosh I mean, Gee Daddy, everybody, just everybody has a TV set!

MS Mother s reaction  I am just trying to figure out just where in this room we could put a TV set. I don t want to spoil all my decorating with that big ugly cabinet. 

Great CU daughter gives another classic reaction: Oh mother don t be a drip! Father with frustrated look on face: Good gosh, you ve got to be a two-headed genius to please everybody around here! CU TV salesman looking overwhelmed and deep in thought with classic 1950s flowered wallpaper behind him. TV salesman leans back and looks triumphant as though he has solved a puzzle.

06:05:47:08 CU TV salesman introducing the Raytheon TV set. The young man out of frame remarks: Raytheon. I know that name TV Salesman You should Bill, it may have save your life in the Navy.

06:06:37:09 Stock shot of Steamship and tugboats in the Atlantic Ocean and the statue of Liberty in the distance.

06:07:03:28 Scientist in Raytheon research laboratory in lab coat and glasses. The scientist runs tests on a large machine plugging and unplugging this and reading something of a rectangular device. Looks like amplifier tubes on the machine.

06:07:16:00 VS great stock shots of Raytheon laboratory s electronic brain and its man circuit boards and wires. Engineer or scientist watches over giant computer spooling tape.

06:07:28:29 Chef in chef hat turns knobs on oven.

06:08:09:26 Two designers at desk working on drawing together.

06:08:46:01 VS advertising wood cabinet with blue turquoise backdrop; TV in wood TV cabinet with built-in speaker in green or turquoise backdrop; TV on four leg stand; silver and gold TV on four wire legs among other Tv ads.

06:10:52:25 Two engineers one in Hawaiian shirt building Ratheon television in workshop; lots of TV hardware.

06:11:59:09 Teenage sister Well, if having UHF means I have to fiddle around with a lot of knobs and dials then I am not interested, that is all.

06:12:45:19 CU young man making funny scrunched face.

06:13:39:28 Good shot of TV salesman explains features of TV to young man while parents attentively listen on in the background.

06:15:17:17 Funny scene of young red-haired boy entering living room with rope in hands Hey haven t you made up your mind yet? Gee wiz, how long does it take!?

06:17:21:07 Stock shots of woman in factory placing TV parts in box. Woman screwing in piece on TV tuner in factory. Good shot of assembly line.

06:16:20:02 CU young man I am about to decide this is it. I think this is the set we have been looking for. Father reacts Well could be.

06:23:54:22 Clock quickly turning.

06:26:13:25 Small red flag on the battle ship. Spinning radar satellite.

06:26:24:02 Stock shot of fighter plane landing on navy ship.

06:27:07:00 Engineer working on television circuit board in Ratheon factory workshop.

06:27:20:12 Woman in seated in hospital gown while nurse turns dials on a Ratheon machine and places large lamp looking object on woman s shoulder.

06:27:35:04 Piece of meat taken freshly cooked.

06:27:54:16 VS engineer with rolled up shirt sleeves working on TV circuit board; turning dials; running tests. Good shot of exposed electronics in back of television.

06:29:40:29 Chart of UHF signal radius in 10, 25, 60, and 75 mile markers. Hand with pencil explaining chart.

06:30:58:02 Cartoon drawing of bare television outside of chases and TV cabinet with text animated on the screen March 1950

Adaptable to UHF 
June 1952 
First all-channel Continuous Tuner 

06:32:07:10 Great CU TV tuner with hand demonstrating the dial.

06:34:36:14 CU of tuning dials underneath TV screen.

06:35:58:07 Woman demonstrating how to remove the glass cover of the TV screen.

06:36:51:23 Great advertising shot of six Ratheon TV tubes in two rows; three power tubes and three preamp tubes. Montage of independent TV parts: Monitor, screen, tubes.

06:40:50:27 Great MS man movie camera rotation toward the camera; camera zooms into movie camera looking straight into its lenses.

Nothing to Argue About
Produced byDallas Jones Productions
Dallas Jones Productions
Distributed byDallas Jones Productions
Release date
Running time
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