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Photographic Studies in Hypnosis: Abnormal Psychology is a short film released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

20:44:52:15 MS woman in a chair closing her eyes, strange rapid blinking, beginning to fall asleep in the early stages of being hypnotized.

20:45:13:09 CU woman falling asleep sitting upright. Hand enters frame as if to shake her. Intertitle: Are you asleep? Woman shakes her head no. Intertitle: Youa re now passing into a deep, profound sleep. Woman falls asleep her head turning off to one side. Intertitle: Going deeply asleep.

20:46:21:22 Intertitle: I am going to pull your eyelids apart. CU woman in profile with two hands entering the frame from the left pulling her eyelids apart.

20:46:42:07 Intertitle: Your right are is becoming rigid. Stiff and rigid at your side. MS woman with stiff and rigid arms and the hypnotists arms entering the frame demonstrating this phenomenon in the woman lifting her arms and bending her fingers.

20:47:14:17 Intertitle: I am going to prick your hands with a pin. MS of woman asleep having her hands pricked by the hypnotist. Her hands twitch with each prick but she remains asleep in a state of hypnosis.

20:47:31:06 Intertitle: Your right hand is now insensitive. MS woman having her right hand pricked. Her hand now impervious to the prick while her left hand remains reactive.

20:47:58:10 Intertitle: I am going to touch your arm with a red-hot instrument. MS woman wincing in pain as her right arm is burned by the instrument. She appears to mutter something under her breath but remains asleep. She pulls her arm away

20:48:10:29 Intertitle: You cannot withdraw your arm. You must endure the pain. The woman replaces her arm and allows it to be burned by the red-hot instrument once more without removing it from harms way.

20:48:27:22 Intertitle: I was touching you with a pencil. The pain has vanished. The red-hot instrument is again placed upon the woman s right arm but now she shows no sign of suffering.

20:48:44:29 Intertitle: Take a drink of this bitter solution. Hand enters frame placing a glass labeled water before the woman. Her eyes still closed she takes the glass, takes a sip, and twists her face in reaction to the apparent bitterness of the liquid.

20:49:03:06 Intertitle: Sip this sweet liquid. Once again a glass labeled as water is produced before the woman however, this time the woman coolly drinks from the glass without even the slightest reaction.

20:49:21:23 Intertitle: You will now raise your head, open your eyes, but remain profoundly asleep. The woman, now eyes open follows a pencil presented before her eyes.

20:49:37:14 MS woman sitting still with her eyes now open until a light enters the bottom-left of the frame and abruptly shines a bright light in her eyes to which she reacts strongly.

20:49:39:17 Intertitle: You are becoming blind. The woman now is unable to follow the pencil being waved front of her and similarly now does not react to the light shined in her eyes.

20:50:18:19 Rapid succession of intertitles: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Wake Up! MS the woman arise from her hypnotic slumber at first looking confused, then smiles warmly and fixes her hair. She writes a note with a red pencil then after the pencil is removed from her hand she immediately falls back asleep.

20:51:52:08 MS woman now sitting upright, awake, and in a cheerful state, is handed a LIFE magazine which she then flips through. She is delighted by the images on the left page and bothered by those on the right.

20:52:31:03 Intertitle: Fifteen minutes later. CU woman still looking at the magazine and in quick succession changes facial expressions from happy to sad as she scans from left page to right.

Photographic Studies in Hypnosis: Abnormal Psychology
Produced by0
Distributed by0
Release date
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