Oxydol Goes Into High

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Oxydol Goes Into High is a short film from 1938 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

""Motion slidefilm" for Oxydol distributors and retailers, showing sales campaigns undertaken by manufacturer. Good lab testing shots. Housewife speaks about Oxydol detergent and its benefits. Good lab testing shots; media and advertising; store displays.

First half of film is comprised mostly of BW stills of 1930s housewife buying Oxydol soap.

21:21:33:11 CU four boxes of soap- Qinso, Concentrated Super Suds for washing clothes hospital-clean, Super Suds for washing dishses, Oxydol- each infron of a glass beaker; pan out to show boxes in laboratory, scientist wearing white lab coat pours water in each beaker in front of the soap boxes; VS scientist measures out soap from each box into its corresponding beaker; motor at end of row of beakers is turned on driving mixers mixing soap and water in beakers; Oxydol soap on far right has twice the suds.

21:23:48:07 MS 1940s woman washing clothes in antique washer, woman runs clothes through automatic press of washer, disembodied narrator s voice asks woman what suds mean to her, woman turns to camera and enthusiastically says Suds? Why I want lots of suds. Every woman does, whether its for washing clothes, dishes, or general cleaning I want the soap that gives the most suds ; woman continues washing clothes in washer.

21:24:53:10 VS CU tintometer, microscope-like device that measures tint, disembodied hand turns on tintometer, light on device turns on; CU disembodied finger points to guage indicating degree of whiteness

21:25:26:15 CU disembodied hands holding large scissors cut a piece of cloth into four pieces; cloth is placed on the tintometer

21:25:50:09 CU 4 boxes of soap in laboratory in front of miniature glass beaker washing machines, scientist pours soup into each beaker, flips on the motor which drives the mixer, scientists drops dirty cloth into each beaker

21:26:24:08 CU clock in fast-forward runs from 10:00 to 10:15.

21:26:34:17 CU disembodied scientists hands hang small pieces of cloth on clothes line.

21:26:59:28 MS 1940s housewife washing clothes turns to camera and says why of course, I want my clothes just as white as I can get them, but I don t want to scrub and boil them, that s far too much work, that s why I use a soaking soap, a granulated soap

21:27:36:26 VS scientist in laboratory takes small pieces of fabric down off of clothesline; VS each piece of fabric is measured for whiteness on a tintometer, with the fourth fabric sample the tintometer reads the highest degree of whiteness.

21:28:34:00 1930s housewife pulling clothes out of the washing machine, woman turns to camera and says how great Oxydol soap is at getting clothes white but asks about colors, woman picks up box of Oxydol and reads the label

21:29:15:25 Great shot scientist pours a soap from box labeled Ordinary Soap into a beaker with water

21:29:30:28 CU disembodied hand holds box of Oxydol soap.

21:29:37:10 Scientist in laboratory pours water into four beakers each above a different box of soap; VS scientist rinses little piece of cloth in water-filled beakers; CU each beaker after cloth has been rinsed in the water, all but the Oxydol beaker leaves behind soapy scum on glass.

21:31:09:10 CU woman running clothes through press of antique electric washing machine

21:31:28:03 CU disembodied hand cuts flowery fabric into two pieces, A and B paper labels on each half; VS scientist in laboratory washes the flowery fabric in beakers with each of the four soaps being tested

21:32:46:00 CU folded cloth on table beside scissors, disembodied scientist s hands enter frame, unfold cloth and cut the it in two with the scissors; MS scientist in laboratory washing fabric samples in beakers; CU disembodied hands of scientists old up corners of A and B samples of fabric; CU two fabric samples on table with labels Washed in old-fashioned soap and Washed in Oxydol

21:33:46:27 CU box of Oxydol soap beside glass beaker filled with soap water and suds from Oxydol soap, text flashes below box and beaker matching disembodied narrator s voice: Whitest washing Most Suds Safer for color s Maintains whiteness

21:33:59:16 CU box of Oxydol soap, pan out and down to low-angle of soap box; follow by various stills of 1940s people listening to radios and reading advertisements in newspapers.

21:38:18:24 CU newspapers rolling out of the printing press

21:38:21:16 MS radio engineer wearing a tuxedo sitting in control room in front of microphone gives signal indicating they are going on the air; CU illuminated sign changes from Standy By to On The Air

21:38:26:19 MS 1930s radio announcer standing in front of microphone reading from script

21:38:31:09 CU scientist stirs Oxydol soap into glass beaker causing the beaker to overflow with suds.

21:38:39:06 7 boxes of Oxydol soap lying in table, dissolves to graph showing sales of competitors Rinso, Supersuds and Oxydol; CU box of Oxydol.

Oxydol Goes Into High
Produced byHandy (Jam) Organization
Handy (Jam) Organization
Distributed byHandy (Jam) Organization
Release date
Running time
ewid: 3477 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}