Apples: From Seedling to Market

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Apples: From Seedling to Market is a short film from 1950 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

This film shows the activities at an apple orchard in the Pacific Northwest.

Apples: From Seedling to Market
Produced byViking Pictures Corp.
Viking Pictures Corp.
Distributed byViking Pictures Corp.
Release date
Running time
ewid: 2059 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}

This film shows the activities at an apple orchard in the Pacific Northwest.

Although the orchard specializes in Delicious apples, a man is shown planting seeds from another variety which has stronger roots and trunks. Buds from Delicious trees are next grafted onto the hardy trunks, where they flourish and eventually become fruit. Pruning and irrigation also help the trees to become sturdy and productive. The spring blooms are pollinated by bees, by ladybugs, and by human help, as illustrated in several scenes. The workers who gather, sift, and weigh the pollen are also pictured. Some workers remove the less desirable fruit from the trees to improve the rest, and a helicopter dusts large areas with pest-killing mixtures.

In the fall when the apples are ripe, the pickers are shown carefully emptying their full picking bags into wooden crates for hauling to the packing house. The commentator stresses the necessity for preventing bruises which would spoil the perfect fruit. The boxes are unloaded from the low trucks and the apples are washed, sorted, inspected, wrapped in tissue paper, and packed in boxes, which then go to the shipping room.

Filmed in the Wenatchee Valley of Washington state.