Government Workers

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Government Workers is a short film from ca. 1960 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

[time codes below correspond to PA-0765, though this may be an error and the film may only be on PA-0750]

14:00:31:02 Great shot looking down Pennsylvania Avenue, U.S. Capitol building in background in center of frame, 1960s cars, taxis, and buses in street; VS government building in Washington D.C.

14:02:55:39 Low-angle meteorologist climbs up pegs on pole to weather instruments; weather balloon is released into the sky.

14:02:03:18 Male and female scientist working in laboratory, female mannequin heads sits on table between them.

14:02:27:26 Front of the Treasury Department building in Washington D.C., statue of Alexander Hamilton in front of building.

14:03:19:10 Disembodied arms of worker at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing with hundreds of sheets of uncut one dollar bills, workers stacks sheets of money then places them into machine to be cut; VS workers at mints making coins.

14:04:47:13 VS old siderographer looks through magnifying glass, man works on steel engraving for 4 cent postage stamp; man inspects large sheets of stamps at the mint; CU sheets of Abraham Lincoln stamps.

14:05:36:01 Two men release a large weather balloon; great shot of satellite tracking an object; meteorologists inspects weather instruments in field.

14:06:58:00 Man types information into machine that punches it onto a punch card; CU wind speedometer instruments reads 20 mph, camera pans to wind direction instrument with reads West North West.

14:08:26:04 CU United States Department of Commerce emblem on vaulted door; LS man in lab coats opens vault door carrying glass case; standard kilogram weight is placed on tray using tongs and covered with a glass cover in the vault at the Bureau of Standards; scientist places the standard kilogram weight using tongs onto a scale, man uses telescope to read and calibrate scale from a distance; CU standard kilogram weight on scale.

14:10:03:26 VS children watching US Department Bureau of the Census map of the US light up, each light corresponds to different statistics listed on the key of the map as: one birth every 7.5 second; one death every 20 seconds; one immigrant every 15 minutes; one emigrant every 20 minutes; net gain 1 every 11 seconds. CU large counter showing the estimated population of the United States including armed forces overseas, is now: sign counts up from 176376960.

14:10:33:05 CU 24 hour clock.

14:10:35:28 VS radio engineers in Voice of America broadcasting station working at control board, audio track Around the clock the voice of America broadcasts American s message of democracy to the world; CU 24 hour clock; CU disembodied hand pushes button on control board; man picks up phone from control board; radio broadcaster reading from script into Voice of American microphone, audio track highly specialized workers speak for all of us to the people of other nations ; Asian woman reading from scripts speaks into Voice of America microphone; Hindu Indian woman with a bindi mark on her forehead reads from script into Voice of America microphone; Asian man reads from script into Voice of American microphone.

14:11:32:09 Two radio engineers loading magnetic recording tape into machine to record radio programs for Voice of America; CU spinning tape reels in recorder.

14:11:52:14 Facade of the Pentagon as shot from the pentagon parking lot with 1950s to early 1960s cars.

14:12:03:18 CU disembodied man s hand holds down button on intercom, man s face leads into frame and speaks into intercom; CU disembodied woman s hand dials rotary dial of phone; disembodied hand places papers in metal wire paper tray; disembodied arms of woman filing in file cabinet.

14:12:25:04 VS woman at desk, probably a secretary, feeds paper into typewriter and begins to type.

14:12:35:02 LS National Archives building in Washington, D.C. in early 1960s; visitors explore an Abraham Lincoln exhibit; CU framed newspaper headline announcing Abraham Lincoln's assassination; MS female archivist sorts through archival boxes; CU letter handwritten in cursive dated July, 1812, archivist records archival find.

14:13:10:20 Pennsylvania Avenue in early 1960s, U.S. Capitol at end of avenue in center of frame.

Government Workers
Produced byNorwood Studios, Inc.
Norwood Studios, Inc.
Distributed byNorwood Studios, Inc.
Release date
ca. 1960
Running time
2 reels
ewid: 2757 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}