News Magazine of the Screen, The (Vol. 4, Issue 3)
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News Magazine of the Screen, The (Vol. 4, Issue 3) is a short film from 1953 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.
News Magazine of the Screen, The (Vol. 4, Issue 3) | |
Produced by | Warner Path News |
Production company | Warner Path News |
Distributed by | Warner Path News |
Release date | 1953 |
Running time | 21:46 |
Language | English |
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Shot List
0:25:00 - PROBLEMS OF THE FREE WORLD Aerial of Trieste, Italy / Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia looks through binoculars as soldiers invade / flag goes up pole and people applaud / anti-American riot at US consulate in Yugoslavia (Balkan 'powder-keg' in Europe, October, 1953) 0:26:32 - Korean students in Seoul, South Korea, protest against presence of Indian soldiers at POW repatriation camps 0:26:55 - French soldiers fight communist Viet Minh in rice fields of Indo-China (Vietnam) 0:27:19 - KEEPING UP WITH OUR PRESIDENT Crowds enter giant tent to celebrate President Dwight Eisenhower's 63rd birthday party. Sign outside circus tent at Hershey, Pennsylvania, reads: The Greatest Tent On earth - Attend The Greatest Buffet On Earth - For The Greatest Guy On Earth / giant scale birthday cake / President Eisenhower and wife, Mamie, eat cold chicken box lunch / President Eisenhower and Mamie ride one-horse-shay into arena filled with admirers / candlelight tribute to Ike Eisenhower 0:28:10 - President Dwight Eisenhower and President Adolpho Cortinez of Mexico at ceremony, opening Falcone (?) Dam on Rio Grande River 0:28:36 - VS firemen fight 5 alarm fire in Oakland, California / wreckage caused by fire, morning after blaze 0:29:22 - NEW YORK PAYS A TRIBUTE TO GENERAL DEAN Ticker tape parade for returning war hero up lower Broadway. Some very good shots of confetti falling and ETD of limousine riding up Broadway 0:30:00 - ART Italian artist ? goes underwater, wearing sea diver helmet, to paint scenes / Sicilian tailor ? sews bits of cloth fabrics together to create pictures / Artist ? makes portraits using woolen yarn ( Picasso, Truman, Eisenhower, & Queen Elizabeth) / women artist ? uses typewriter to create tapestry-like pictures 0:32:49 - NATURAL HISTORY - RETURN OF THE SALMON Spawning salmon transported along Deschutes River, Washington, in fishery rehabilitation project. Workers inspect salmon on fish ladder / black bear cubs catch salmon along breeding grounds 0:34:54 - AVIATION - NEW PLANES, NEW RECORDS Airplane model which resembles 4 slats on a venetian blind, rises straight-up (like a helicopter) / airplane model with hydro-skis instead of wheels, speeds through water and takes off - both models at research lab, Langely Field, Virginia / new navy fighter jet, Sea Dart, takes off and lands in test flight / camels in African desert look up as British jet plane zooms overhead in flight to break speed record / US Navy pilot, challenges new speed record , beats it, flying Sky Ray jet plane / VS, takeoff, flight, & landing of USAF first super-sonic jet fighter plane (F-100) / VS, USAF Thunderbird jet fighter planes in flight formation 0:38:40 - TIME Visit to House of Clocks at New York University (NYU) / curator, Edward Conrad Smith, examines 18th century clock at desk / varied timepieces in CU: Sun Dial, sand glass, medieval band-marked candle, oil lamp clock, 17th century Dutch mechanical clock with figurines striking a bell (sounds) wooden Dutch clock with trip hammer chimes (sounds), 15th century Japanese double-balance clock, 18th century flint-lock pistol clock which fires shot of gunpowder, lighting a candle to read time on clock face, 1815 calendar clock and the 'one-month' clock; both in motion. Also, statue with CU of pendulum in motion / CU pendulum doll on a swing in motion / clock pendulum in motion / CU 18th century 'tides' clock. Intricate cosmochronic type clock / CAM tracks row of grandfather clocks 0:43:05 - GEOLOGY Scientific expedition travels to northwest Canada...glacial ice cap. Streamline railroad train speeds along tracks in Canadian landscape, POV front of train / train engineer at controls, blows whistle / train enters and exists mountain tunnel / truck carries horses to remote mountainous landscape / pack horses cross stream in wilderness / glacial crevice / geologist measures glacial depth by sticking aluminum pipe into frozen earth / glacial water spout erupts on frozen surface / WS glacier landscape (Saskatchewan)