Birds of Prey

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Moving Image:Birds of Prey
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Birds of Prey is a short film from 1938 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

A study of several American birds of prey.

Birds of Prey
Produced byERPI Classroom Films, Inc.
ERPI Classroom Films, Inc.
Distributed byERPI Classroom Films, Inc.
Release date
Running time
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More Details

Introductory scenes show the general characteristics of birds of prey their talons for grasping and carrying prey, and their curved beaks for tearing flesh. The commentator classifies these carnivorous birds as owls, vultures, hawks, and eagles.

The barn owl, great horned owl, screech owl, and snowy owl are shown as representative of their group. Animated maps indicate the range and migrations of the several species. As a barn owl is shown flying after a field mouse, the commentator describes the former's keen eyes, sensitive ears, and fringed wings. The commentator states that the fringe on the wings enables the owl to fly silently. Young barn owls and great horned owls are shown. A view of a screech owl in her nest in a hollow tree illustrates this bird's protective coloration. The range and migrations of the turkey vulture and the black vulture are shown by maps. Black vultures feed on a carcass. The commentator explains that they are scavengers. Several views follow of the young being fed.

Four species of hawks are illustrated the spar row hawk, the marsh hawk, the rough-legged hawk, and the red-tailed hawk. Range and migrations of these hawks are shown by animated maps. The sparrow hawk and its young are shown nesting in a hollow tree. The marsh hawk is shown feeding its young in its nest in marshland reeds. The young of the rough-legged hawk and those of the red-tailed hawk are shown in their nests. A redtailed hawk wheels high in the air.