Is Your Daughter Safe? [erotica]

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Moving Image:Is Your Daughter Safe? erotica
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Is Your Daughter Safe? [erotica] is a short film released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

This early nudie-film, showing two naked women lolling around a rocky landscape, is more quaint than erotic. It's not clear what the original purpose was - it appears to be an excerpt from a longer film, and the peculiar title, in combination with the occasional mild nuzzling of the protagonists, suggests some kind of cautionary film about lesbianism. For our purposes, these gentle images of two naked women (one thin, and the other, well, Rubenesque), crossing a meadow picking flowers, climbing a bank, dozing in the sun, suggest an innocent kind of Victorian naughtiness.

Is Your Daughter Safe? [erotica]
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Release date
ewid: 2990 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}