New Tools for Learning

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Moving Image:New Tools for Learning
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New Tools for Learning is a short film from 1951 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

"So much must be learned by so many in so little time. This is the question we must address to every aspect of the problem. School buildings; equipment; teacher's loads; teacher's salaries; the training of teachers and the tools for learning."

    Promotes educational and training films. Includes industrial, military, and scientific leaders extolling the use of educational and training films in teaching.  The point is made that the world is increasingly complex and there is a corresponding need to augment knowledge.
    "If you want to know what we're really doing, take a look at our schools; for on what we're doing here and in schools throughout the world, rests not only our future fate but perhaps the very fate of civilization itself. "

AV Squads, school film libraries; audiovisual equipment in use. Opening is two and a half minute montage of stock shots: Capitol building, urban aerial, traffic, suburban lawns, food, industrial production, reaping grains, farm, locomotives; airplanes; trucks; vaccination; children playing outdoors; iron lung; buses; children in classrooms, children entering schools; close up globe; atom bomb explosion; fighter plane;rocket take off; end of World War I celebration; Armistice declared headline; Pearl Harbor; League of Nations; U.N;.; No Hiring sign [Depression]; Hitler; Stalin; radio; television; little boys picking out comic books; they choose Jesse James. World War I montage includes submarine, firing torpedoes; torpedos find their target; ship exploding. Students and teachers using film projectors; record players; tape recorders; Man with racks of educational films. Rapt students watching films in darkened classrooms; closing the window shades; students reading aloud. Adults watching films; Calf judging contest at state fair. Bloomington, Indiana classroom. Includes some African-American children. Wisconsin classroom. Cincinnati, Ohio classroom. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University

University of Chicago.

New Tools for Learning
Produced byUniversity of Chicago Audio-Visual Center
University of Chicago Audio-Visual Center
Distributed byUniversity of Chicago Audio-Visual Center
Release date
Running time
ewid: 3352 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}