Story of Television, The

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Story of Television, The is a short film from 1956 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

Shows efforts of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in the creation, development and introduction of the all-electronic TV system; explains how science made television a working reality. David Sarnoff tells of the early research and experiments. Shown is the first successful picture tube, the first experimental TV station, the problems of improving piucture quality and reducing the size and cost of components at the transmitting and receiving ends, and the function of mobile units. Actual scenes from TV "firsts" are included -- President Roosevelt opening the 1939 New York World's Fair, the visit of the King and Queen of England, and the 1940 Republican Convention in Philadelphia. Animated diagrams demonstrate how a TV camera converts electronic beams into a picture.

03:00:00:00 - 03:56:46:23 B/W Sound 1956

           RCA promotional film about television tracing scientific
           development of electronic television systems from 1920s to 1950s.
           Chairman David Sarnoff & Vladimir Zworykin recount early research
           and experiments, honing of picture tubes. Animated diagrams of TV
           transmission, reception. TV event "firsts" - President Roosevelt
           opening the 1939 New York World's Fair, King and Queen of England,
           and the 1940 Republican Convention in Philadelphia. Second film-
           TV- "A Welcome Guest in The House," narrated by Don Ameche. TV's
           role in modern society seen through role in shaping young boy's
           goals, imagination. News events, politics, drama, community
           advocate, advertiser, bastion of American values & freedom. 3rd
           film explains scientific theory of television broadcasting.

03:00:00:00 - 03:02:17:09 B/W Sound 1956 Title on simulated TV screen. VO: "The signature of every century has been its skyline." VS architectural landmarks. Ancient- Egyptian sphinx, Old- Greek Acropolis, Roman ruins, Medieval- cathedral Modern- New York City skyline. PAN TV antennas on suburban houses. "Metal fingers beckoning to the invisible...Our era- the era of television." Young woman climbs hill, looks out over landscape. "The dream of television has persisted for centuries." Devices to extend range of human eyesight- binoculars, giant telescopes. "Could man fling pictures to the sky and gather them at a distant point."

03:02:17:10 - 03:05:26:18 B/W Sound 1956

           TU RCA building New York City. "Two men took up this challenge (in
           the 1920s). They shared the irresistible dream of television."
           David Sarnoff- RCA Chairman of The Board, Dr. Vladymir Zworykin-
           inventor of modern electronic television. Sarnoff recalls their
           first meeting when Zworykin proposed idea for television
           development. "You were an excellent salesman- and I was a good
           dreamer." They discuss cost of RCA's development, value. Sarnoff:
           "We've extended our sight far beyond the horizon." Original picture
           tube on desk. Zworykin shows him modern "grandchild" of original
           electronic tube. Sarnoff: reduce costs of television so that "color
           television may be within the reach of everyone."

03:05:26:19 - 03:06:07:07 B/W Sound 1956

           VO host. Television tube development. CU original 1923 iconoscope
           developed by Zworykin. Changed from early disk system. Modern
           orthicon from television camera. Kinescope first developed in 1929.
           Larger kinescope. Animated cross-section diagram of TV camera.
           Process of light refraction, electromagnetic beam scanning picture
           of dancing girl. Signals broadcast through antenna tower.
           Cross-section of receiving TV set reassembling picture w/

03:06:07:08 - 03:09:30:15 B/W Sound 1956

           Empire State Building, NYC. VO- In 1931, National Broadcasting
           Company erects antenna on top of building for RCA. RCA refined
           scanning lines for greater detail. 1937- RCA NBC mobile TV
           broadcasting vans. Two men place large boxy TV camera on tripod.
           Engineers monitor signal in control room of van.

03:09:30:16 - 03:11:35:20 B/W Sound ca. 1939

           New York World's Fair 1939. World's Fair logo flag waves.
           Television debuts at fair. VS RCA exhibit building. (still) David
           Sarnoff at podium. "We have added radio sight to sound." First
           president televised- FDR officially opens the World of Tomorrow.
           King & Queen of England take televised tour. Other TV milestones-
           NBC televises first baseball game- August 1939, 1940 political
           conventions, Two cameramen prepare camera, subject for TV shoot.

03:11:35:21 - 03:13:15:05 B/W Sound ca. 1941

           Spinning newspaper headlines. VO host: 1941- WWII declared. RCA
           research center, Princeton, NJ. VS Scientists experiment w/
           electronic components- meters, lab equipment. Military products-
           sonar for submarines, night vision sniper-scope, 1945- Japan
           surrenders- VJ, VE day celebrations in streets. 1949- first TV
           presidential inauguration of Harry Truman.

03:13:15:06 - 03:14:45:11 B/W Silent 1956

           Male & female workers on assembly lines in television factory-
           putting electronics in cases, boxing sets. Fleet of TV service
           trucks w/ ladders on roofs in parking lot. VO host: "TV has entered
           our homes, our lives... an exhilarating component of our American
           way of life." VS antennas, transmitters. B&W as foundation for
color TV.

Story of Television, The
Produced byGanz (William J.) Co.
Ganz (William J.) Co.
Distributed byGanz (William J.) Co.
Release date
Running time
ewid: 1520 | Fresh | | step:2 || dopt: {{{dopt}}}