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Behind Your Radio Dial: The Story of NBC is a short film from 1948 released on 16mm. It is held in the Prelinger Archives collection.

DESCRIPTION  : A behind-the-scenes tour of NBC's radio and television

recording and broadcasting studios at Radio City in Rockefeller Center, NYC. Features shots of the old-fashioned, large floor television sets and radio sets of the era. Directed by Edward J Montagne.

[On-screen timecode].

02:00:00:00 ZI to large radio set in a cozy living room with blazing

               fireplace; hand turns on the radio; CU INT mechanism of
               the radio; DISSOLVE to a symphony orchestra performing
               piece of music.

02:01:46:00 Montage of people listening to the radio: housewife woman

               cooking food in her kitchen; little boy getting into bed
               and under the covers; man at work-table in machine shop;
               couple relaxing on penthouse patio of apartment building;
               couple lying down on the beach; man in his living room
               with pet dogs; "blind newsdealer" man sitting in his
               newsstand; man driving car.

02:10:00:00 Montage of NBC radio recording studios: reporters reading

               news reports into microphones; actors performing radio
               plays; musicians performing; etc.

02:02:39:00 Man wearing headphones and his son try to tune-in a radio

               station with hand-made radio in basement.

02:03:10:00 Family in their parlor / living room, man sits in front of

               and listens to cone speaker of radio.

02:03:38:00 1925 archival footage of President Calvin Coolidge being

               sworn in during inauguration ceremonies.

02:04:00:00 1920s archival footage of sports announcer Graham McNamee

               reciting play-by-play coverage of a Rose Bowl football
               game into an NBC microphone.

02:04:17:00 Animation: map of the US illustrating commercial radio

               networks with rippling circles.

02:04:48:00 TU EXT the RCA Building / GE Building of Rockefeller

               Center; VS NBC studios lobby; VS usher guide woman leads
               visitors on a tour of the master control room (with
               technicians / engineers), recording studios, newsroom
               (with typists and teletype machines), program schedule
               board, etc.

02:06:59:00 VS radio actors / players perform a radio play in studio;

               director in booth breaks-in to instruct the actors.

02:08:09:00 Commentator / anchorman HV Kaltenborn announces news into

               microphone in news studio; engineer in booth gives the
               "cut" signal; Kaltenborn briefly speaks to CAM about news
               and history.

02:08:48:00 VS radio station newsroom: man monitors row of news-wire

               teletype machines, tears off one urgent bulletin and hands
               it to news announcer to read it on the air; row of wall
               clocks displaying times of different international cities;

02:09:41:00 Recording engineer makes a news recording on a phonograph

               record LP; CU the spinning record.

02:10:25:00 Archival footage news montage: Wiley Post after his

               record-breaking around-the-world flight; the Hindenburg
               explosion; Wendell Willkie (?) speaking at the 1940
               Republican National Convention; FDR making speech before

02:11:19:00 Commentator / anchorman HV Kaltenborn speaks to CAM about

               NBC radio news.

02:12:00:00 UN Security Council meeting, US Representative (Warren

               Austin?) speaking.

02:12:24:00 NBC office worker scenes: VS workers sorting mail in the

               mailroom; mail is delivered to employees by cart; workers
               at desks speak into old-fashioned dictaphones; rows of
               typist women at work; men operating small mimeograph or
               rexograph copying machines; man rapidly collates papers;

02:12:59:00 Foley artists record sound effects in radio studio. 02:13:06:00 Pianist in radio recording studio, he begins to play after

               "on air" light on wall illuminates.

02:13:23:00 VS the NBC radio music library: sheet music and other

               paper documents are chosen from stacks, stamped, read,
               etc.; music arrangers / producers confer together over
               sheet music; man opens and closes filing cabinets holding
               sheet music scores in large library / archive room.

02:14:21:00 Live broadcast from Radio City studio: VS chorus of

               singers rehearsing on stage for the Fred Waring and the
               Pennsylvanians Show; VS engineer and producer in the
               booth; "on the air" sign illuminates; VS announcer and
               chorus on stage before a live studio audience.

02:16:54:00 Radio show broadcast: Fred Allen and Parker Fennelly

               perform "Allen's Alley" comedy routine in front of
               microphone; Fennelly does New England country accent.

02:17:20:00 EXT NBC Radio City building in Hollywood. 02:17:27:00 Bob Hope signs autographs for fans in crowd on sidewalk,

               then drives away in convertible car.

02:17:39:00 Man opens closet door, hat boxes, luggage and the like

               spill out and fall down on him. [Slapstick, pratfall].

02:17:50:00 Radio show broadcast: group of people sit at desk in front

               of NBC microphones during a discussion.

02:18:04:00 News reporter on location on farm field speaks into NBC

               radio microphone.

02:18:08:00 Religious radio show broadcasts: Catholic priest speaks

               into microphone at pulpit; Protestant minister speaks into
               microphone at pulpit; Jewish Rabbi speaks into microphone
               at pulpit.

02:18:19:00 Radio show broadcast: group of people sit at desk in front

               of NBC microphones during a discussion.

02:18:27:00 Early telemarketing: woman at telephone switchboard makes

               a telephone call; housewife woman answers her telephone
               and the switchboard operator asks her a marketing survey

02:19:01:00 VS marketing survey / opinion poll is taken at a theater /

               assembly hall: people in audience fill out questionnaire
               sheets and answer questions into microphone held before
               them by usher.

02:20:27:00 Man stamps paper document with "approval" at desk during

               business meeting.

02:20:40:00 Montage of people listening to the radio: CU shots and

               DISSOLVES of hands adjusting radio knobs; people listening
               closely to radios, sitting next to their radios, etc.

02:21:16:00 Early television montage: camera operator and his large

               NBC television camera; VS people watching early television

02:21:46:00 Television studio recording session scenes: VS crew and

               cameras around the set (featuring scantily clad dancing
               women); VS engineers and producers watching monitors and
               sitting at control panels.

02:22:42:00 Children laughing while watching Howdy Doody marionette

               puppet on television set.

02:23:01:00 Two men watch a baseball game on television set. 02:23:10:10 Man watches a symphony orchestra perform on his television

set, he adjusts tuning knobs.

Behind Your Radio Dial: The Story of NBC
Produced byRKO-Path
Distributed byRKO-Path
Release date
Running time
ewid: 2135 | Fresh | || dopt: {{{dopt}}}