Series:Industry on Parade

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Industry on Parade title

Industry on Parade was a short television program that aired in the United States from 1950–1960. It was produced by the w:National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). The show depicts complicated industrial processes that transform raw materials into finished products available for consumption by Americans. Its episodes generally contain several sections, each of which looks at a different aspect of some larger topic within industry.

In 1953, Arthur Lodge formed his company and began producing his educational films. He wrote and produced more than 500 episodes for Industry On Parade. Each episode was produced, written, directed, and narrated by Lodge.


The Industry on Parade Film Collection, 1950-1960, was created by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) from 1950-1960. In 1950, Johnny Johnstone, NAM's radio and television director, developed the idea for a television program highlighting American manufacturing and business. Working with Frank McCall, an NBC News Department Manager, Johnstone created and presented a sample reel to NAM's board of directors. Based on this sample, the board supported and financed the production and distribution of an NAM-sponsored series, intended

... to show the marvels of American industrial technology in operation and show how the industrial process results in higher living standards, to show new developments in the fields of science, invention, and research, particularly as they contribute to health, welfare, and national defense, to show the integral part that industry plays in the civic, religious, and social life of American communities as well as the economic, to show people who work in industry and the attention industry pays to their well-being, and to show some of the difficult problems that have been faced and solved by American industry. (From: Industry on Parade Fact Sheet, October 15, 1955)

The series, titled Industry on Parade, was first broadcast during the week of October 15, 1950.

The series promotes capitalist industrial production and typically ends with an anticommunist message. The success of Industry on Parade provoked the AFL–CIO to demand its own "public service" time on television, which they obtained and used to broadcast Series:Americans at Work (1958–1961).

The show generally depicts and promotes women in the workforce.

Peabody blurb

The first television program to present industrial films planned especially for television, and utilizing the best of newsreel techniques, Industry on Parade, through some 900 sequences carried by over 200 stations, is a constant and effective reminder that the story of American industry is the story of the American people. Viewed in many schools and circulated throughout the free world by the U.S. Information Agency, this series is a potent weapon for the American way and reflects great credit on G.W. (Johnny) Johnstone and all those responsible for this valuable contribution to education, public service, and patriotism in the best sense of each.


Each Industry on Parade episode was 13.5 minutes long and, for most of the series, contained three to four stories examining some aspect of American manufacturing and business.

Towards the end of the 1950s, episodes were arranged thematically, featuring a single type of product, industry, or American consumer. Most episodes also included "public service announcements" placed between story segments or at the end of the episodes to promote capitalism, the American way, and the rewards of a free economy and society. NAM provided the weekly episodes to one television station in each market throughout the country, at no charge, for broadcast, usually in non-prime time slots.

"Industry on Parade" used the Langlois Filmusic library for its background music.


These episode numbers come from the Archives Center of the Smithsonian Institution, but they do not always seem to conform to video segments available to view online.

SOVA stands for Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives


Industry on Parade 1950
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link
Ep. 1.1? 1950 ?
Ep. 1.2? 1950 ?.
Ep. 1.3? 1950 ?
Ep. 1.4? 1950 ?
Ep. 2 1950 Half Century of Service! General Electric laboratory and research. General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY. Printing Trades Show Stuff! The Sixth International Graphics Arts Exposition. International Amphitheater, Chicago, IL. Boats Pressed While U Wait! Manufacturing fiberglass and plastic boats (molding). Sidewalk Supers Move Indoors! Open house at Westinghouse Plant showing manufacturing of parts. The Caddie's Delight! A golf club with an interchangeable head. Miami, FL.
Ep. 3 1950 Exploring Underground! Oil prospecting in Canada. Standard Oil of New Jersey. Europe Views U.S. Products! Marshall Plan. Viewing American products in Turin, Italy. A Man's World? Uh-uh! Women in industry (manufacturing company). Shooting for Safety! Safe operation of a gun; safe hunting habits. Bridgeport, CT. Need Dough? See Herman! Herman Seiden's company prints stage money for use in theaters. Minerva Printing Corp., New York, NY.
Ep. 5 1950 Haul on High! Transporting goods and cargo by air. New air freight industry. Riding the Lionel Line! Manufacturing Lionel model trains. Hillside, NJ. Fairest Customer's Man On Wall Street! Woman stock broker. Dreyfus and Co., New York, NY. Oldest Pharmacy Going Strong! Colonial apothecary. Williamsburg, VA. Thousands Jam Business Show! Innovations in office equipment and machinery.
Ep. 6 1950 November 16 Glass Home for U.N.! Manufacturing glass for the U.N. building. Libbey Owens-Ford, Toledo, OH. Community Cooperative! Business Industries Education Day. Teachers visit metal manufacturer. Lyon Metal Products, Co., Aurora, IL. School of the Jeep! Training U.N. peace keeping forces in Jeep repair and maintenance. Willys-Overland Plant, Toledo, OH. The Tools of Surgery! Manufacturing surgical tools. House of Pilling. RX for Delinquency: Pretzel-Bending! Police officers making pretzels to combat delinquency. Canton, OH.
Ep. 7 1950 November 21 Growing with the Nation! How the steel industry produces steel. New Breaks for Old Timers! New jobs for old employees. Old Timers Department, Douglas Aircraft Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. The Museum That Lives! The Living History Museum. Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA. Luxury Liner Nears Completion! Building the U.S. Liner Independence. Leave it to the Kids! A playground for kids. Minneapolis, MN.
Ep. 8 1950 November 28 Westward America! American population and industries move west on Union Pacific Railroad; shipping livestock. CA. Mechanical Male Digs Coal! Manufacturing a mechanical coal digging machine. Partners with Nature! How industry is working with nature to improve the environment; disposing of waste water in a forest. Irrigation. Frozen food processing. Seabrook Farms, Bridgeton, NJ. Inventing for the Invalid! Inventor H. J. Rand and his motorized wheelchair. Bendix clothes washer. Disabled Veterans. Drawing Board to Backboard! Manufacturing basketballs. Harlem Globetrotters featured.
Ep. 9 1950 December 5 The Wonder Child of Show Business! Behind the scenes at TV filming. New York, NY. Texas Hat Harvest! Harry Rolnick develops new industry in the South with his hat factory. Resistol Hat Factory, Dallas, TX. The Blind Adventure! Telephone answering service started by a blind man. Stamford, CT. Making Business for the Mint! Annual convention of vending machine operators. Chicago, IL.
Ep. 10 1950 December 12 Pipeline to the Big Town! Pipeline of natural gas from Rio Grande, TX to New York, NY. Saw Maker for the World! Manufacturing saws. E.C. Atkins Co., Indianapolis, IN. Factory Afloat! Catching and processing fish off the coast of Newfoundland. Kitchen Kibitzers! Manufacturing kitchen utensils. Ekco Products Co., Chicago, IL. Railroad in Style! California Zephyr luxury train. From Chicago, IL to San Francisco, CA ref24 (10)
Ep. 11 1950 December 19 Moving the Earth! Moving gold-bearing ore, soil, and rock; continuous hauler and loader used in highway construction and mining. NV. T.V. Trouble Shooters! Manufacturing televisions on assembly line. TeleKing Manufacturing Company, NY. Industry Mobilizers! Mobilizing industries. Copter Comes of Age! Helicopters from military to civilian. ref26 (11)
Ep. 12 1950 December 26 Fabulous Fruit Basket! Soil conservation; environment. Canning pineapple; food industry. Hawaiian Pineapple Company, Honolulu, HI. Seeing How We Do It! French industrialists take tour of Federal Telephone and Radio Company, Clifton, NJ. Mammoth Mover! The 'Turnaton" mover made in Peoria, IL. Playing Industry's Infield! Billy Johnson of New York Yankees runs his own Amoco service station in the off season. Baseball; sports.


At least three are missing 24 and 50 and 58. 54 episodes total, with 53 "normal" and one special episode (45A).

Industry on Parade 1951
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link SOVA Link
01 Ep. 13 1951 Harvest of Trees! Harvesting and re-seeding trees. Weyerhouser Co. U.S. Chinaware into Lead! Manufacturing chinaware. Syracuse, NY. Highways of Rubber! Manufacturing asphalt and rubber for streets and highways. United Rubber Company. Freight Car of the Future! Unicell car for freight and refrigeration. Press Steel Co.. Sinker Science! Research and development. Mayflower Donut Company, Newark, NJ
02 Ep. 14 1951 Rubber of Our Own! Manufacturing synthetic rubber. Goodyear Rubber Co., Akron, OH. Power for the West! Iron, steel, and coal industries. Power Light Co., Provo, UT. Handle With Care! Packages for export and shipping. Pohl, Brooklyn, NY. Boxes of Beauty! Manufacturing cedar chests. Alta Vista, VA. Dream School! New modern school. New Canaan, CT
03 Ep. 15 1951 January 16 Cable to Cuba! Lord Kelvin cable ship. Cable from Florida to Cuba. Communications. Bell Laboratory, AT&T. Treasure of the Deep! Mining ore in the Gulf of Mexico. Dow Chemicals, Freeport, TX. Beyond the Pipeline! Propane gas. Rulane Gas Co., Charlotte, NC. Carving a Career! Manufacturing ice sticks for winter fishing. Mora, MN. IOP Ep 15
04 Ep. 16 1951 The Great Metal Mystery! Mining gallium. Joplin, MO.

The Tape with Muscles! Manufacturing filament tape. 3M Co., St. Paul, MN.

The Beauty 'Round Your Neck! Manufacturing neckties; apparel industry.

Doll House Deluxe! Doll house with heating and cooling system. Coleman Co., Wichita, KS

New Scenes on the Old River! Diesel river boat. Pittsburgh, PA

ref36 (16)
05 Ep. 17 1951 January 30 The Eager Beaver! Manufacturing waterproof truck (U.S. Army Truck). Reo Manufacturing Co., Lansing, MI. New Life for Lebanon! Dressmaking; apparel industry. Lebanon, KY. Furniture for Today! Manufacturing furniture. Johnson Carper Furniture Co., Roanoke, VA. Teaching Tooth Care! Schools teach dental care to children. Walpole, MA.
06 Ep. 18 1951 Mrs. America Serves Again! Women in defense aircraft production. Republic Aircraft, Long Island, NY. King Cotton's Court! Cotton mills. Erwin Mills, Durham, NC. Tower of Glass! Johnson Wax's building. Johnson Wax, Racine, WI. Radiophone Keeps 'Em Rolling! Radioing between trains. Erie Railroad. ref40 (18)
07 Ep. 19 1951 February 13 Man-made Plasma! Manufacturing synthetic plasma; blood supply. General Aniline & Film Corp., Grasselli, NJ. Trailers on the Trail! Manufacturing trailers; transportation. Marvelous Mildred! Plastic coating to protect tools and instruments during shipping. Female inventor and businesswoman. Molding Men of Tomorrow! Orphaned children at work and school. Milton Hershey Industrial School, Hershey, PA. in Smithsonian Institiution DAMS
08 Ep. 20 1951 February 19 Industry's Island Frontier! Manufacturing clothes and candy; apparel and food industries. Ponce Manufacturing Company, PR. Push-Button Weather! Manufacturing thermostats. Honeywell Co., Minneapolis, MN. Taking the Tuna! Tuna fishing and canning; food industries in CA. Radio Gets a Factory Job! Radio production control in manufacturing. Weatherhead Co., Cleveland, OH.
09 Ep. 21 1951 February 27 Pacific Airlift! Air freight. Seaboard and Western Air Line. Fancy Fencing! Keystone fence manufacturing. Peter Sommer, Keystone Wire & Steel Co. High Fashion Furniture! Manufacturing furniture. Drexel, High Point, NC. Free Cash! Free money from Weimar Republic, Germany. Inflation dangers. Tarrytown, NY.
10 Ep. 22 1951 March 5 Six Thousand Partners! Automobile manufacturing and suppliers. Ford Motor Co. Klieglight on the Klothespin! Manufacturing clothes pins. Spencer Wood Products Co., Spencer, IN. Rugged Research! Research and development for better cars. Armour Research Foundation. You Name It We Got It! Doc Smith's General Store, Sebree, KY s
11 Ep. 23 1951 March 12 New Strides in Steel! Steel plant constructed to use iron ore from Venezuela. U.S. Steel Corp., Morrisville, PA. Amazing Trail Blazer! Bushwhacker machine clears land for power lines. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., Ashtabula, OH. Paperboard Progress! Turning waste paper, rags, and pulp into cardboard boxes. Victory Mills. United Board and Carton Corp., Thomson, NY. Adaptable Omnibus! Making convertible buses for the military; Super-Freighter truck. Twin Coach Co., Kent, OH.

Industry's Apple a Day! Industrial preventive medicine. Health facilities for factory workers.

12 Ep. 24 1951 desc url ref53 (24)
13 Ep. 25 1951 March 26 Record Refuge! Record keeping for national defense. U.S. National Bank, Portland, OR. Contour in Silver! Silverware. Towle Manufacturing Co., Newburyport, MA. Paris to Peoria! TWA airline from Paris to U.S. for fashion design. Making dresses for American women; apparel industry. Gracerte Dress Co.

Stress on Security! Security for defense. Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, NY.

u (25)
14 Ep. 26 1951 April 2 Getting the Brakes! Manufacturing brakes. Bendix Aircraft Corp., South Bend, IN. Profits in the Bag! Recycling bags. S. and S. Bags and Burlap Co. Hello America! Telephone system for U.S. ocean liner S.S. America. Batter Up! Manufacturing Louisville Slugger baseball bats. Hillerich and Bradsby Co., Louisville, KY s
15 Ep. 27 1951 April 9 Living Up to a Name! Generating station off New Jersey coast. Cracker Craftsmen! Manufacturing crackers. NABISCO, Portland, OR. Doing the Daily Wash! Daily wash in industries. Detrex Corp. Heroes Haven! Disabled vets in industries. Jim Riover. Supreme Engineering Co., Los Angeles, CA. Living Up to a Name! Generating station off New Jersey coast. s
16 Ep. 28 1951 Publishing Powerhouse! Crowell Collier Publishing, Springfield, Ohio. Publishing Collier's magazine. Bean Bin to Arsenal! Cadillac Motor Car Division, General Motors Corporation, Cleveland Tank Plant, Cleveland, Ohio. Making General Walker "Bulldog" T41 tanks. (name later changed to M41) The Flame that Cools! Servel Refrigerator, Evansville, Indiana. Manufacturing gas refrigerators. Old Dream, New Idea! Appleman Art Glass Works, Bergenfield, New Jersey. Leon Appleman making Electriglas, a radiant home heating system. #ref1377 (28)
17 Ep. 29 1951 April 24 Vest Pocket Auto Pilot! Manufacturing automatic pilots. Lear Aircraft Manufacturing, Grand Rapids, MI. Ice Cubes by the Millions! Manufacturing ice-making machine. H. Vogt Machine Co., Louisville, KY. Frocks to Parachutes! Dress manufacturer makes parachutes for the military; apparel industry. A Town Reborn! Rejuvenation of Quoddy Village, suburb of Eastport, ME s
18 Ep. 30 1951 The War on Whiskers! Manufacturing razor blades. Gillette Co., Boston, MA. Communications Centennial! Western Union. Sawdust Saver! Using sawdust in building industries. Lumber company manufactures Wood-Crete, a new product. Eastern TX. Fly Rod Factory! Manufacturing fly rods; fishing. Cleveland, OH. This episode is followed by a U.S. Savings Bonds promotion s
19 Ep. 31 1951 May 4 Titan of Metals! Open-pit mining of titanium and iron. National Lead Co., Adirondack, NY. Floor Show! Manufacturing linoleum. Congoleum-Nairn Co., Kearny, NJ. Artists in Overalls! Manufacturing pianos. Baldwin Pianos, Cincinnati, OH. Lawn Mowing Made Easy! Remote control lawnmower. Portland, OR s
20 Ep. 32 1951 Timber Skinners! Debarking logs using water under high pressure. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., Harrison, NJ. Sculptures in Glass! Glass making (crystal). Steuben glass. Corning Glass, Corning, NY. New Life for Old Metals! Recycling metal. Commercial Metal Co., Houston, TX. Rambling Check Cashers! Mobile check cashing. Thillens, Inc.. ref67 (32)
21 Ep. 33.1 1951 May 21 Strength from the Soil! Manufacturing limestone for cement. Portland Cement Co., Alpena, MI. ref69 (33)
21 Ep. 33.2 1951 May 21 Craft Therapy! Manufacturing furniture. Brandt Cabinet Works, Hagerstown, MD. ref69 (33)
21 Ep. 33.3 1951 May 21 Housefly's Nemesis! Manufacturing insect screen cloth. National Plastic Products Co., Odenton, MD & Chicopee Manufacturing Corp., GA. IOP - Plastic Age Anniversary and Housefly's Nemesis ref69 (33)
21 Ep. 33.4 1951 May 21 World's Best Known Baby! Manufacturing Baby Ruth candy bar. Curtiss Candy Co.. ref69 (33)
22 Ep. 34 1951 May 24 Opening New Horizons! Research and development for industries. DuPont Corp., Wilmington, DE. Industrial Preparedness! Manufacturing cans. American Can Co., Brooklyn, NY. Business Office Magician! Manufacturing cash registers and adding machines. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Plymouth, MI. Fashion Caravan! Fashion show for employees. Women's clothing; apparel industry. Hess Dept. Store, Allentown, PA. Box 2
23 Ep. 35 1951 May 29 The Quest for Cortisone! Manufacturing cortisone; pharmaceuticals. Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, MI. Tireless Hauler! Manufacturing industrial conveyer belts. B.F. Goodrich, Akron, OH. Refractory Factory! Manufacturing fire bricks. General Refractories Co., Baltimore, MD The National Dessert! Manufacturing ice cream. Dixie Corporation.
24 Ep. 36 1951 June 7 Building for the Ages! Carving scenes for churches and religious events. American Seating Co., Grand Rapids, MI. Pill Taking Made Easy! Manufacturing pills in capsules; pharmaceuticals. R.P. Scherer Corp., Detroit, MI. Suit-able for Summer! Dress clothes for summer; apparel industry. Goodall-Sanford Co., Sanford, ME. Vanishing Craft! Cutting railroad cross ties by hand. Kentucky Woodlands National Wildlife Preserve. s
25 Ep. 37 1951 June 12 The Need for Nickel! Mining nickel. International Nickel Co., Sudbury Basin, Ontario. Pointers on Pencils! Manufacturing pencils. Eagle Pencil Co. Hoisting the Big Ones! Manufacturing hoisting and lifting machines. Industrial Brownhoist Corp., Bay City, MI. Golden Twilight! Four retired men. General Petroleum Co., Southern CA. IOP Ep 37
26 Ep. 38.1 1951 June 20 Horsepower for the Air Force! Manufacturing Allison aircraft engines. Indianapolis, IN. IOP Ep 38 ref79 (38)
26 Ep. 38.2 1951 June 20 Putting the Spark in Sparklers! Diamond cutting. Harry Winston Jewelers IOP Ep 38 ref79 (38)
26 Ep. 38.3 1951 June 20 Canned Water! Canned water for lifeboats and national defense. Multiple Breaker Co., Boston, MA. IOP Ep 38 ref79 (38)
26 Ep. 38.4 1951 June 20 Creators of Communities! Bill Levitt, house builder; construction. Levittown, Long Island, NY. IOP Ep 38 ref79 (38)
27 Ep. 39 null Stretching Rubber! Scientists develop synthetic rubber. General Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, OH. The Boss Gets Bossed! Annual stockholders meeting. Standard Oil Co., Linden, NJ. The Portable Bridge! Manufacturing portable bridges for the military. Steelcraft Manufacturing Co., Rossmoyne, OH. Tarzans of Industry! Tree removal services for telephone and electric companies. Asplundh Tree Expert Co., Jenkintown, PA. IOP Ep 39 s
28 Ep. 40.1 1951 July 3 Preparing a Nation's Breakfast! Manufacturing breakfast cereal. C.W. Post, Battle Creek, MI. #ref83 (40)
28 Ep. 40.2 1951 July 3 The Coal With Class! Mining coal for the steel industry. Floyd County, KY. #ref83 (40)
28 Ep. 40.3 1951 July 3 Sylacauga Saga! Weaving cotton; textiles. Avondale Mills, Sylacauga, AL. Industry on Parade: Sylacauga Saga - Seminar for Executives! - A Message from Industry to You #ref83 (40)
28 Ep. 40.4 1951 July 3 Miniatures with a Mission! Manufacturing miniatures for defense. New York, NY. Box 2 IOP - Plastic Age Anniversary and Housefly's Nemesis #ref83 (40)
29 Ep. 41 1951 July 11 The Age of Precision! Manufacturing machine tool parts. Cincinnati Milling & Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, OH. Progress in Pottery! Manufacturing chinaware. Lenox Manufacturing Co., Trenton, NJ. California We're Here! Opening of soap manufacturing. Lever Brothers Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles, CA. Torrent of Toys! Manufacturing toys. Renwal Manufacturing Co., Mineola, NY. Box 2
30 Ep. 42 1951 July 18 Moving a City to the Sea! A port city; shipping. Houston, TX. Agriculture Mobilizes! Clover and alfalfa harvesters. New Idea Farm Equip. Co., Coldwater, OH. Building Boots! Manufacturing rubber boots. U.S. Rubber Co., Naugatuck, CT.

Fences from the Forest! Cutting cedar posts for fences. Thunder Bay, MI.

New Job for the Copter! Transportation by helicopter. New England Helicopter Co., Hillsgrove, RI.

31 Ep. 43 1951 July 27 Airpower Starts Here! Manufacturing aircraft engines. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, CT. Tailor for the Toilers! Manufacturing overalls and work clothes for industry and the military; apparel industry. H.D. Lee Co., Kansas City, MO. Steel Store! Steel for industry. Brown-Wales Co., Cambridge, MA. The All Time Best Sellers! Manufacturing Bibles. The American Bible Society. Translife World Publication Co., Cleveland, OH.
32 Ep. 44 1951 August 13 Open House! Open house for stockholders and customers. Maxwell House Coffee, General Foods, San Leandro, CA. Fares Please! Johnson Fare Box Manufacturing Co.. Mop Up! Manufacturing. Stanley Home Products Co., Westfield, MA. The Car of Tomorrow! The LeSabre, experimental automobile. General Motors Moving_Image:IOP_Ep_44 s
33 Ep. 45 1951 August 10 Music Making Miniatures! Manufacturing plastic harmonicas, bagpipes, concertinas, electric organs. Magnus Harmonica Corp., Newark, NJ. Furniture from the Forest! Manufacturing white pine furniture. MI. Strength from a Cocoon! Manufacturing liquid plastic to surround and protect military equipment for storage. R. M. Hollingshead Corp., Camden, NJ. At Home on the Deep! Living on a houseboat used as a floating filling station; marina services. William Green family, NY Harbor.
33.5 Ep. 45A 1951 August 17 Special release about July 1951 Missouri Valley Flood The Spirit of a City! Kansas City's damage and responses. July--1951! Footage of flood. Kansas City Comeback! Successful industrial rejuvenation. s
34 Ep. 46 1951 August 22 Friend of the Firefighter! Manufacturing fire equipment and fire extinguishers. American-La France Foamite Corp., Elmira, NY.

Synthetic Soap! Manufacturing Surf Soap. Lever Brothers, Los Angeles, CA. Shower Stylists! Manufacturing hand-painted shower curtains. Styletone, Inc. Bottling Southern Sunshine! Dairying in the Southern states. Foremost Dairies, Jacksonville, FL and Shadow Lawn Dairy Farm, Duval County, FL.

35 Ep. 47 1951 Food for America's Future! Manufacturing baby food. Gerber, Fremont, MI

Concrete with the Bends! Testing concrete beams. Austin Co., Cleveland, OH

Public Transit Centennial! Transportation planning. San Antonio Transit Co., San Antonio, TX

Air Power in Miniature! Manufacturing miniature engine models for experimental work. Herkimer Tool & Model Works, Herkimer, NY

IOP Ep 47 refxxx (47)
36 Ep. 48 (1) 1951 September 7 Babes in the Woods! 4-H summer camp; children. Simpson Logging Co., Panhandle Lake, WA. ref102 (48)
36 Ep. 48 (2) 1951 September 7 Striving for Safety! National Safety Council recognition. Heating and plumbing equipment. American Standard, Louisville, KY. ref102 (48)
36 Ep. 48 (3) 1951 September 7 The Vital Junior Partner! Manufacturing tubes for air conditioners and refrigeration systems for defense. Swan Engineering Co., Bloomfield, NJ. ref102 (48)
36 Ep. 48 (4) 1951 September 7 Serving Those Who Served! Disabled veterans. Bulova School of Watchmaking, Woodside, NY. ref102 (48)
37 Ep. 49 1951 September 17 Caution on the Concrete! Transportation safety. Low cost housing for workers. McLean Trucking Co., Winston-Salem, NC. Carpet Capital! Mohawk Carpet and Rug Company, Mohawk Carpet Mill, Amsterdam, NY. Scraping for Scrap! Scrap metal collecting and pressing. A. Shaw Company, Cleveland, OH. Sleek, Trim and Sturdy! Manufacturing boats and engines. Chris Craft Corp., Algonac, MI ref104 (49)
38 Ep. 50 ? missing x s
39 Ep. 51 1951 Masters of Time! Manufacturing watches. Elgin National Watch Co., Elgin, IL. Faster Plaster! Building with plaster; spraying technique. Cleveland, OH. Candy Craft! Manufacturing sweets. W. S. Schrafft and Sons, Boston, MA. Glamour Tour! Businesswomen tour New York City. Members of Sigma Alpha Sigma, sorority of "white collar girls." New York, NY. ref106 (51)
40 Ep. 52 1951 October 5 Integrity United! Furniture manufacturers exhibit wares. Grand Rapids, MI. Watchband Wizardry! Manufacturing watchbands. Speidel Corp., Providence, RI. New Broom! Manufacturing corn brooms. Century Broom, Mattoon, IL. Foundation of Freedom! Constitution Day festivities. Celebrities joining festivities. Elmira, NY. Box 3 ref108 (52)
41 Ep. 53 1951 October 12 Serving Up Safety! Manufacturing safety equipment. Mine Safety Appliances Co., Pittsburgh, PA. Papermen's Paper! Publication of "The Log" by workers for workers of Champion Paper and Fiber Co., Hamilton, OH. History Under Glass! Heat-treated glass for preserving historic documents. Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Toledo, OH. Ink, Inc.! Manufacturing ink. One of the largest producers of ink in the United States. Sun Chemical Corp., Clearing, IL. They Tan as They Toil! Overhead lighting provides sunshine for employees. Westinghouse Electric Corp.. IOP Ep 53 ref110 (53)
42 Ep. 54 1951 October 18 Career in Chemicals! Manufacturing and testing drug chemicals and fire extinguishers. Ansul Chemical Co., Marinette, WI. Rope Yarn! Making hemp rope. Columbia Rope Co., Auburn, NY. Adventures in Aluminum! Manufacturing aluminum. Kaiser Chemical and Aluminum Plant, Spokane, WA. Back to School - At Fifty! Continuing education. Wittenberg College, Springfield, OH.
43 Ep. 55 1951 October 26 Careers in Business! Recruiting and training for career in linoleum sales. Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA. Wonder Wax! Manufacturing wax for industry. Big Bend, TX. Campaign Cleanliness! Manufacturing soap and toilet articles. Miss Veep! Manufacturing fire controls. Woman executive. s
44 Ep. 56 1951 November 2 Oilmen for a Day! Houston students visit Hughes plant. Hughes Tool Co., Houston, TX. Cleaning with Class! Developing the vacuum cleaner. Hoover Co., North Canton, OH. Seminar For Executives! Annual seminar. National Association of Manufacturers, Lake Placid, NY. Hoisters of Oysters! Harvesting oysters. Long Island, NY.
45 Ep. 57 1951 November 9 Caterers to Combat Men! C-rations for military; food industry. Flotill Products Co., Stockton, CA. Surface for Service! Manufacturing Textolite (plastic). General Electric Plant, Coshocton, OH. Machine Age Underground! Manufacturing rock shovels. Eimco Manufacturing Co., Salt Lake City, UT. Top Speed Turnaround! The "Queen of Bermuda" in port. Fast turnaround of cruise ship passengers and cargo. New York, NY. u s
46 Ep. 58 ? missing url s
47 Ep. 59 1951 November 23 Priority Production! Processing uranium for shipment to Atomic Energy Commission in Oak Ridge, TN. Vitro Chemical Co., Salt Lake City, UT. Efficiency Minus Exertion! Manufacturing hoists and lift trucks.

Precision at Play! Manufacturing erector sets; toys. A.C. Gilbert Co., New Haven, CT. Mr. Tozzi and His 4 Cent Ring. Manufacturing small aluminum ring for R.C.A. Tozzi Manufacturing Co., Bayonne, NJ

#ref120 (59)
48 Ep. 60 1951 November 30 Treasure Hunt! Searching for scrap metal to recycle. Manufacturing steel.

Underground City! Mining rock salt under the streets of Detroit. Salt used in chemical processing, meat packing, and snow removal. International Salt Co.

Manchester Medicine Man! Industrialist reopens textile mills after receiving bank loan; installation of new textile manufacturing equipment. Amoskeag Cotton & Woolen Mills, Manchester, NH.

Signs of the Times! Making and maintaining signs with flashing lights called "spectaculars" on Broadway's Great White Way. Molding neon glass tubes. RKO Palace sign showing Judy Garland's stage show. Artkraft-Strauss Sign Co.

#ref122 (60)
49 Ep. 61 1951 December 10 Understanding Through Trade! Port activities at International House of Trade, World Trade Development, New Orleans, LA. A Perfect Match! Manufacturing matches. Diamond Match Co., Oshkosh, WI. Decreasing Danger! Safety work program. Stockham Valves and Fittings Co., Birmingham, AL. Mother's Helper! Women workers using day-care center; children. Sylvania Electric Co., Brookville, PA s
50 Ep. 62 1951 December 12 Aluminum-American Style! Manufacturing aluminum for industry. Harvey Machine Co., Torrance, CA. Squeeze Play! Manufacturing plastic bottles. Plax Corp., West Hartford, CT. New Life for the Land! Putting farmland back into production. Missouri Valley. The Picture Age! Manufacturing photographic film and cameras. Ansco Manufacturing Co., Binghamton, NY s
51 Ep. 63 1951 December 18 Texas's Pet Cat! Catalytic cracking plant. Petroleum. Gulf Oil Co., Port Arthur, TX. Making the Shoe Fit! Manufacturing shoes. The Brown Shoe Company, St. Louis, MO. Package of Progress! Manufacturing packaging for food. Milprint, Inc., Milwaukee, WI. The Knight of the Roof! Armory exhibiting artistry of steel craftsmen. Worcester Pressed Steel Co., Worcester, MA Moving_Image:IOP_Ep_63 s
52 Ep. 64 1951 December 20 That They May Fly! Manufacturing propeller blades. United Aircraft Plant, Hartford, CT. Forest Footnote! Lumber industry. Crosby Forest Products Co., Picayune, MS. Serving Uncle Sam! Manufacturing ironing tables and gasoline cans for the military. Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Co., Milwaukee, WI. Full Time Pastime! Manufacturing bubble gum. Fleer's Gum, Philadelphia, PA. #ref130 (64)
53 Ep. 65.1 1951 Friend in Need! Glassmaking company has policy to replace any window broken while playing ball. Sports, children. F.C. Russell Co., Cleveland, OH. #ref132 (65)
53 Ep. 65.2 1951 Bettering the Brew! Making coffee in an automatic coffeemaker, the Coffeematic; food industry. Landers, Frary & Clark Co., New Britain, CT. Bettering the Brew! #ref132 (65)
53 Ep. 65.3 1951 Outgoing Cargo! American shipping industry on NY waterfront. New York, NY. Outgoing Cargo! #ref132 (65)
53 Ep. 65.4 1951 Food By Fast Freight! Restaurant serves food on toy train running between kitchen and the counter. St. Louis, MO. #ref132 (65)


Industry on Parade 1952
Ep No Date Subjects Include Loc Link SOVA Link
Ep. 66.1 1952 Tinplate By the Ton! Manufacturing tin plate for tin cans. Weirton Steel Plant, WV. Box 3 ref134 (66)
Ep. 66.2 1952 Shopping in the Kitchen! House wares. Fuller Brush Co., Hartford, CT. ref134 (66)
Ep. 66.3 1952 Diamonds Are a Digger's Best Friend! Manufacturing diamond core bits for drilling and mining. Christensen Diamond Products Co., Salt Lake City, UT. ref134 (66)
Ep. 66.4 1952 Teamwork After Hours! Manufacturing gears and high speed gear drivers after work hours. Falk Corp., Milwaukee, WI. ref134 (66)
Ep. 67.1 1952 Bullets and Blood! Manf. bullets and steel casings. Twin Cities Arsenal. Federal Cartridge Co., New Brighton, MN. ref136
Ep. 67.2 1952 Vendors of Vision! Manf. lenses, microscopes, and optical equipment. American Optical Corp., Southbridge, MA. ref136
Ep. 67.3 1952 Tricks with Treats! Manf. chocolates and other candy. NY. ref136
Ep. 67.4 1952 Career in the Sky! Stewardesses (flight attendants) in training; working women. American Airlines Stewardess School, Chicago, IL. ref136
Ep. 68.1 1952 Of Men and Metal! Malleable iron for casting. Albion Malleable Iron Co., Albion, MI. ref138
Ep. 68.2 1952 Pressure Pack! Processing and sealing coffee cans under pressure; food industry. Chase and Sanborn Coffee Plant, Hoboken, NJ. ref138
Ep. 68.3 1952 Hobby Help! Manf. saws and other power tools. Skilsaw Corp., Chicago, IL. ref138
Ep. 68.4 1952 Fairyland, U.S.A.! Children's theme park; entertainment. Box 3 Lakeside Park, Oakland, CA. ref138
Ep. 69.1 1952 The "Solar" System! Manf. solar aircraft. Solar Aircraft Co., San Diego, CA. ref140 (69)
Ep. 69.2 1952 The Big Role for Rock! Manf. gypsum for construction industry. National Gypsum Co., Clarence Center, NY. ref140 (69)
Ep. 69.3 1952 Setting The Standards! Safety testing for industry. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. ref140 (69)
Ep. 69.4 1952 A Share in the Future! Story of boy who bought a share in Erie Railroad Company. ref140 (69)
Ep. 70 1952 Salvaged Skills! Manf. automobile controls and precision instruments. Working with those who have special needs. Man-made Stone! Asbestone, asbestos and cement, used in building industrial products. New Orleans, LA. Cooking With Gas! Manufacturing ovens; appliances. Magic Chef Inc., St. Louis, MO. Industrial Miniatures! Junior Achievement, Houston, TX. Box 3 Leeds and Northrup Co., Philadelphia, PA. IOP Ep 70 Industry on Parade - Salvaged Skills ref142
Ep. 71 1952 February 15 Black Diamonds! Manf. carborundum and man-made diamonds. Waste Not, Want Not! Recycled clothes using used wool; textiles. Unsinkable Boat! Manf. an unsinkable boat. Continental Copper & Steel Ind., Perth Amboy, NJ. Everyday Art! Calendar painting by Norman Rockwell in Arlington, VT. Brown & Bigelow, St. Paul, MN. loc
Ep. 72 1952 February 21 Mines Above Ground! Scrap metal for recycling. Processing used metal for Youngstown Steel and Tube Company. Youngstown Iron and Metal Co., Youngstown, OH. A Lesson For Teachers! Teacher visits industry for Business Education Day. Houston, TX. Ring Job! Manf. piston rings. Ramsey Corp., St. Louis, MO. Workhorses of the Harbor! Tug boats in harbor. New York, NY. loc Workhorses of the Harbor
Ep. 73 1952 The Electrical Team! Manf. electric household appliances and equipment. Electrical Association of Philadelphia Sawmaking Savvy! Manf. cutting tools. Simonds Saw & Steel Co., Fitchburg, MA. Walk, Don't Run! Manf. foolproof fire alarm. Edwards Co., Norwalk, CT. Courage Plus! Fred Vant Hull, a sports broadcaster with polio. Box 4 loc
Ep. 75.1 1952 Steel for Oil! Manufacturing steel parts for oil industry. Emsco Derrick & Equipment Co., Houston, TX. ref150
Ep. 75.2 1952 Duping Ducks! Manf. rubber duck decoys for hunting; sports. Deeks, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT. ref150
Ep. 75.3 1952 General's Own General! Manf. steel and steel lockers for the military. General Steel Products Corp., Flushing, NY. ref150
Ep. 75.4 1952 Making Old Friends in a Hurry! Helping newcomers know the neighborhood; community life. Box 4 General Steel Products Corp., Flushing, NY. ref150
Ep. 76 1952 Beating the Weather! Instruments for flying DC-6 United Airlines plane from Los Angeles, CA to Chicago, IL. Instrument landing systems. Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL. ref152
Ep. 76 1952 Machines that Make Machines! Mechanical aptitude testing. Pre-employment physical examination. Training machine for tool makers. Warner and Swasey Co., Cleveland, OH. ref152
Ep. 76 1952 Industrial "Angels!" Ideas for new products. Invention advice; label-on-tape. Minnesota Mining and Manf.; Kodak. ref152
Ep. 76 1952 Old Country Career! Carving wooden shoes by hand for dancers. Holland, MI. ref152
Ep. 77 1952 Citrus Saga! Harvesting oranges. Agriculture; food industry. Minute Maid Orange Juice, Plymouth, FL. Pliers Aplenty! Manf. pliers. Drop Forge & Tool Corp. Coinslot Cleaner! Valeteria Dry Cleaner. Factory of the Future! Manufacturing chain saws, engines, and aircraft parts. McCulloch Motor Corp., Los Angeles, CA.
Ep. 78 1952 Exploration Underground! Electronic equipment used by geologists and engineers searching for oil. Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp., Houston, TX. Precision by the Ton! Potassium sulfate manufacturing. J.T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, NJ. Keeping Saws in Shape! Manf. filers, grinders, and sharpening tools. Foley Manf. Co., Minneapolis, MN. Super Secretary! A one-woman secretarial service; entrepreneur. Chicago, IL.
Ep. 79 1952 A Harness for Niagara! Hydroelectric power. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., Niagara Falls, NY. Precision Printer! Printer of stocks, bonds, and stamps. Security Banknote Co. Creative Chemistry! Manf. paints, chemicals, and synthetic materials. Reichhold Chemicals, Detroit, MI. Heroes in Pastry! Manf. Hero cookies; food industry. Burry Biscuit Corp., Elizabeth, NJ.
Ep. 80 1952 Two Wheel Triumph! Manf. bicycles. Sports; children. Westfield Manf. Co., Westfield, MA. Spark of Life! Processing raw wheat germ. Kretschmer Corp., Carrollton, MI. Hearing for the Deaf! Manf. hearing aids. Sonotone Corp., Elmsford, NY. Goodbye Skids! Taking skids out of skidding. Gyro Slide Control device for automobiles. Safe-T-Auto Stabilizer Co., Los Angeles, CA. Box 4
Ep. 81 1952 Paragon of Plywoods! Harvesting redwoods. Hammond Lumber Co., Eureka, CA. Processing redwood into plywood. M and M Woodworking Co., Portland, OR. Building Boilers! Manf. cast-iron boilers. H.B. Smith Co., Westfield, MA. Pathways in the Sky! Manf. navigation controls. Narco Omnigator. National Aeronautical Corp., Ambler, PA. IOP Ep 81 ref163
Ep. 81 1952 Meet a Heel! Manf. rubber heels and soles for shoes. O'Sullivan Rubber Corp., Winchester, VA. Box 4 IOP Ep 81 ref163
Ep. 82 1952 New Power for Iron Horse! The first gas turbine electric motor built by General Electric for Union Pacific Railroad. Suppliers of Sleep! Manf. mattresses and box springs. Kentucky Sanitary Bedding Co., Louisville, KY. Getting the Point! Manf. phonograph needles. Permo, Inc.. 10,000 Rubber Fingers! Manf. skid-less, puncture-proof tires. B.F Goodrich Plant, Akron, OH.
Ep. 83 1952 May 8 Sub-Zero Service! Testing machinery and motors in an arctic chamber. Stewart and Stevenson Services, Inc., Houston, TX. Birthdays Stop at Ninety! A ninety-year-old man is skilled woodcarver; senior citizens. Louisville Chair Co., Louisville, KY. Picture of Precision! Contour projector for gauging accuracy. Metal made into machine parts; tooling. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY. Dolls that Dance! Manf. marionettes; woman-owned business. Toys. Cottage industry owned by Miss Hazel Rollins, Kansas City, MO.
Ep. 84 1952 May 14 Progress in Pipe! Manf. and fabricating steel pipe. Benjamin Shaw Co., Wilmington, DE. Fishing With Glass! Manf. fishing rods. Horrocks-Ibbotson Co., Utica, NY. Keeping a Nation in Stitches! Manf. sewing machines; apparel. White Sewing Machine Corp., Cleveland, OH. Power Lawn-Cutter Unlimited! A lawn-cutting business started by a boy.
Ep. 85 1952 May 21 Tall Corn Craftsmen! Town built by a washing machine company is home of world's largest washing machine company. Maytag, Newton, IA. 35,000,000 Customers! Disabled American veterans produce miniature license plates for motorists' key rings. Idento Tags, Cleveland, OH. Fast Growing Industrial Infant! Manf. glass fiber products and lighting. Gustin Bacon Manf. Co., Kansas City, MO. Organdy Steps Out! New fabric, organdy, receives treatment called Heberlein process. Rainwear and umbrellas made from this textile; apparel industry. New York, NY. Box 4 loc
Ep. 87 1952 Men of Iron! Open-pit mining in Minnesota and Chile. U.S. Steel Corporation's Oliver Iron Mining Co. The Cleveland Plan! Manf. modular houses. Exan-Homes, Inc., Cleveland, OH. Merchandising by Machine! Manf. vending machines. Coin operated units. Vendo Co., Kansas City, MO. Highway Vacuum Cleaner! Highway cleaning in CA by Director of Highways. Good Roads Machinery Co., Minerva, OH.
Ep. 88 1952 1 Story of a Switch! Manf. a switch for the United States Navy. Capitol Machine and Switch Company, Danbury, CT. Greetings! Manf. birthday and greeting cards. Hallmark Cards, Inc., Kansas City, MO. World's Toughest Sandwich! Manf. bullets and engines using steel and copper alloy. American Clad Metals Co., Carnegie, PA. Things Are Popping! Starting a popcorn business; food industry. Duluth, MN.
Ep. 89 1952 3 Setting Fires for Safety's Sake! Testing and setting fires. Factory Mutual Laboratories, Norwood, MA. Breakfast for Billions! Manf. oatmeal. Quaker Oats, Cedar Rapids, IA. Waterproof Workhorse! Manf. six-by-six trucks for military use. General Motors Corporation. Take Your House Along! Manf. portable homes; trailers. Pressed Steel Car Co.. Box 4 loc
Ep. 90 1952 Still the Richest Hill! Mining copper ore at the copper capital of the world. The Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Butte, MT. IOP Ep 90 ref180
Ep. 90 1952 Miles of Birch! Production of birch veneer. Penokee Veneer Co., Mellen, WI. IOP Ep 90 ref180
Ep. 90 1952 Betty's in Business! Manf. wind-up toys. Betty and A. Wilson, A.B.C. Products, Los Angeles, CA. IOP Ep 90 ref180
Ep. 90 1952 New Assignment for the Electron! Electron gun used in building trades and cabinetry; construction. Reeve Electronics, Inc., Chicago, IL. IOP Ep 90 ref180
Ep. 91 1952 City of Gloves! Glove manufacturing; apparel industry. Gloversville, NY. Watermelon Bank! Storing watermelon juice for victims of nephritis; pharmaceuticals. Little Rock, AR. Something's Cooking! Dream kitchen items; house wares. Washington Steel Products, Tacoma, WA. Welcome Neighbor! Factory's pro-community policies enter neighborhood. Reliance Electric & Engineering Co., Cleveland, OH.
Ep. 92 1952 Jets For the Navy! Making the F-9-F Panther, the Navy carrier jet fighter. Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., Bethpage, NY. Scale Story! Using plastic and aluminum to make scales. Pelouze Manf. Co., Evanston, IL. Twentieth Century Apprentices! Local industries, labor unions, and educators cooperate in apprenticeship program. Vocational Trade High School, Springfield, MA. Beyond the Water Main! Manf. water pumps. F. E. Myers and Brothers Co., Ashland, OH.
Ep. 93 1952 July 23 Granite for Grandeur! Cutting granite in Vermont. Barre, VT. Heat from the Soil! Manf. heat pumps for heating and cooling. Muncie Gear Works, Muncie, IN. New Find for Foundries! Manf. casting and molding. Cooper Alloy Foundry Co., Hillside, NJ. Refresher Course! Training stewards for cruises; tourism. U. S. Maritime Service Training School, Brooklyn, NY. loc #ref186 (93)
Ep. 94 1952 July 29 Tree to Trade! Processing trees into lumber. Long-Bell Lumber Co., WA.

Powered By Light! Manf. light meters. Western Electrical Instrument Corp., Newark, NJ.

Talking It Over! Open house of businessmen and women. Chamber of Commerce, Dayton, OH.

Provider of Props! Manf. and building animated props for exhibits and theaters. Messmore & Damon Co.

x IOP Ep 94 (94)
Ep. 95 1952 August 1 Forging Speed for the Jets! Manf. blades for jet aircraft engines. Steel Improvement and Forge Co., Cleveland, OH. Use and Discard! Manf. paper cups. Lily Tulip Cup Corp., Augusta, GA. King of Knives! Manf. knives. Russell Harrington Cutlery Co., Southbridge, MA. Relaxing Like Royalty! Habirshaw Athletic Club for employees. Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corp., Yonkers, NY. Box 4 (95)
Ep. 96 1952 August 4 Cargo Plane Deluxe! Manf. the C-97, a cargo plane for U.S. Air Force. Boeing Aircraft Corp., Seattle, WA. Turning Out Tamales! Manf. and canning tamales; ethnic foods. Walker's Austex Chile Co., Austin, TX. Oscar, Average Man! A lifesized model of human body used in designing automobiles. Ford Motor Plant, Dearborn, MI. Financial Genius! Manf. cash registers. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, OH. loc
Ep. 97.1 1952 Clearing the Air! Electronic air purifying unit cleaning the air at Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA. Museums and libraries use air purifiers. Trion, Inc., McKees Rock, PA. loc IOP Ep 97 - Clearing the Air ref194 (97)
Ep. 97.2 1952 Plastic Age Anniversary! Manf. and fabricating polyethylene and polyestyrene house wares. Injection molding. Rogers Plastic Corp., West Warren, MA. IOP Ep 97 - Plastic Age Anniversary ref194 (97)
Ep. 97.3 1952 The Super-Cementers! Oil well cementing for more productive oil wells. The Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co., Duncan, OK. loc Moving Image:IOP Ep 97 - The Super-Cementers ref194 (97)
Ep. 97.4 1952 Horns Aplenty! Manf. automobile horns. Women assemblers. Cattle calling horn. Jubilee Manf. Co., Omaha, NE. Jubilee Manf. Co., Omaha, NE. Box 4 Industry on Parade Ep 97 - Horns Aplenty Segment ref194 (97)
Ep. 98 1952 August 18 New Hope For The Soil! Manf. Krilium, a soil improver. Monsanto Chem., St. Louis, MO. Beauty in the Bag! Manf. luggage. Schwayder Brothers, Denver, CO. Riding High! Manf. machine tools. Women crane operators. Bullard Co., Bridgeport, CT. For Lovers of Lobster! Lobster fishing and packaging; food industry.
Ep. 99 1952 August 27 Servicing the Sleepers! The Pullman Coach Co.. Fashion for Fisticuffs! Manf. boxing equipment. Everlast Sporting Goods Speaking for the Sponsor! Production of TV commercials. Alexander Film Co., Colorado Springs, CO. Business with Pleasure! Southern girls harvesting tobacco in CT.
Ep. 100 1952 August Scooters Come of Age! Manf. motor scooters. Cushman Motor Works, Lincoln, NE. Doctors of Design! Design firm designed and furnished a house completely in plastic. Designing for synthetic materials. Lippincott and Margulies, Scarsdale, NY. Landmarks for Lawyers! Shepherd's citations. Guides to laws and past legal cases. Colorado Springs, CO. Artists in Glass! Stained glass. Jacoby Art Glass Works, St. Louis.
Ep. 101 1952 Sept. 12 Locking in the Lubricant! Manf. oil-bearing seals. National Motor Bearing Co., Redwood City, CA. Pre-Fabs in Production! Manf. pre-fabricated houses; construction. Harnischfeger Corp., Milwaukee, WI. The Big Chill! Manf. commercial refrigerator containers and refrigerator equipment. Hussman Co., St. Louis, MO. Teen-age Road-E-O! Teenage driving contest. Jr. Chamber of Commerce and Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., Washington, DC. Box 5 loc
Ep. 102 1952 Sept. 22 New Conquests in Communications! Television network relay system. The Bell System. Rubber Craft! Manf. V-belt. Gates Rubber Co., Denver, CO. Carriage Trade! Manf. baby and doll carriages. Children; toys. Welsh Baby Carriage Manf. Co., St. Louis, MO. With This Ring! Manf. wedding rings. Matrimony; jewelry. J. R. Wood and Sons Co.
Ep. 103 1952 Sept. 26 Chemicals from Corncobs! Manf. chemicals from corncobs. Quaker Oats, Omaha, NE. A New Way of Living! New approach to city and community planning. Park Forest, IL. Air Conditioned Motoring! Automobile air conditioning. Frigikar, Dallas, TX. In the Bag! Manf. paper, textile and plastic bags. Bemis Bag Co., St. Louis, MO. Harold Pratt's Travels! Ice cream salesman commutes to MA daily; food industry. Haddonfield, NJ. Box 5
Ep. 105 1952 New Role For Wood! Manf. plywood, particle board, and wood veneers. U.S. Plywood Corporation, Anderson, CA. Small-Fry Finery! Manf. baby clothes; apparel industry. William H. Carter Co., Needham Heights, MA. Mail Bus! A rolling Post Office bus. Chicago, IL. Beauty in Boots! Manf. cowboy boots. H.J. Justin and Sons, Fort Worth, TX.
Ep. 106 1952 Family Car of the Air! Manf. airplanes. Cessna Plant, Wichita, KS. Staple Theory! Manf. staples; office supplies. Bostitch Plant, Westerly, RI. Metal by the Mile! Manf. silver, steel, copper, and brass into microscopic thinness. American Silver Co., Flushing, NY. Number Nine Rolls Again! Rock Island Railroad celebrates its centenary by running from Chicago to Joliet, IL.
Ep. 107 1952 Wooden Ships for Iron Men! Building wooden ships for U.S. Navy. Mine sweepers. Boothbay Harbor, ME. Industrial Open House! Industrial manufacturing fair. Cleveland, OH. Salt of the Earth! Mining salt. Carey Salt, Hutchinson, KS. Loom Service! Spinning and weaving textiles at home; apparel industry. Hand Skill Loom, Inc., Woonsocket, RI.
Ep. 108 1952 Nov. 3 The Pier That Went for a Cruise! New pier floated down river. New York, NY. Harvester of the Future! Seed company. Northup King and Co., Minneapolis, MN. Salvaging Mileage! Rebuilding military trucks. A.C. F. Bruill Motors Co. Tips on Chips! Manf. potato chips; food industry. Bartlett Food Production Co., Wichita, KS. Digital reference copy in the Smithsonian Institution DAMS
Ep. 109 1952 Nov. 11 Super Shovel! Manf. power shovels. Marion Power Shovel Co., Marion, OH. Making Washes Whiter! Manf. bleach; laundry. Hi-Lex Co., St. Paul, MN and Denver, CO. Starting Fire to Prevent Forest Fires! Training for firemen. Oregon Petroleum Industries Committee, Portland, OR. Grandma's Methods. Bread baking; food industry. Pepperidge Farm, Inc., Norwalk, CT. Box 5 loc
Ep. 110 1952 Nov. 20 New Aura in Donora! Cleaning the environment; converting pollutants into reusable solids. U.S. Steel Corp., Donora, PA. Mechanizing the Hand Tool! Powered hand tools. The Porter Cable Machinery Co., Syracuse, NY. Problem a Day! Scientific think tank works on industrial problems. Midwestern Research Corp., Kansas City. Jet Powered Flying Windmill! American Helicopter Company, Manhattan Beach, CA. Box 5 loc
Ep. 111 1952 Nov. 26 Bringing Out the Brimstone! Mining and processing sulfur. TX and LA. Specializing in Steel! Manf. steel plates; steel fabrication. Watkins, Inc., Wichita, KS. Suited for Swimming! Manf. swim suits. The "Jantzen swimming girl;" apparel industry. Jantzen Manf. Co., Portland, OR. Plexiglass Freight Car! Manf. plexiglass freight car for safety testing. Union Pacific Railroad. Tiffany of Wood! Manf. cabinets of foreign and domestic wood, veneer and plywood. Monteath Lumber Co., Bronx, NY. Smithsonian Materials in the Archives Center Industry on Parade Film Collection (AC0507) Contains a 1952 film about Jantzen entitled "Suited for Swimming!" which describes the manufacture of swim suits at the company's Portland, Oregon, plant.
Ep. 112 1952 Aircraft Cookie Cutter! Developing and manufacturing aircraft parts. Towels by the Ton! Manf. paper towels. Brown Paper Co., Berlin, NH. Tinning Tuna! Processing and canning tuna fish. Star-Kist Food Inc., Terminal Island, CA. Saddle Story! Manf. saddles. Hamley and Co., Pendleton, OR. Box 5
Ep. 113 1952 New Speed for the Subs! Manf. diesel engines for submarines of U.S. Navy. General Motors Corp., Cleveland, OH and Seaporcel Metals, Long Island City, NY. Paper Plus! Processing wax paper. Western Wax Paper Co., San Leandro, CA. Making Good With Make-up! Manf. cosmetics. Fuller Products Co.. Bovine Buffets! Cattle feeding operation. Phoenix, AZ.
Ep. 114 1952 6 Power Plant with Pull! Manf. and casting locomotives. Fairbanks Morse Engine Div., Beloit, WI. Potent Potash! Mining potash. Potash Company of America, Carlsbad, NM. Packages of Trees! Christmas trees. Halvisin Trees, Inc., northern MN. Ideas for Sale! Research and development of new products. New Products Research Corp., Boston, MA.
Ep. 115 1952 9 Long Road to the Sky! Testing and modifying airplanes for the Air Force. Grand Central Aircraft Corp., Tucson, AZ. Organizing the Parade! Making of "Industry on Parade" - filming, post production, distribution. Factories Can Be Beautiful! Making factories attractive for workers; surgical dressing manufacturer. Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ. Flies That Fool! Manufacturing fishing flies. L. L. Bean Co., Freeport, ME.
Ep. 116.1 1952 December 24 Down Goes Mud, Up Comes Oil! Oil well supplies. Mud Control Laboratories, Oklahoma City, OK and Magnet Cove Barium Co., Malvern, AR. #ref230 (116)
Ep. 116.2 1952 December 24 Cleopatra Never Had It So Good! Manf. water heaters and tanks. Trageser Copper Works, Maspeth, NY. #ref230 (116)
Ep. 116.3 1952 December 24 Big Wheel! Manf. motorcycles. Indian Motorcycle Co., Springfield, MA. #ref230 (116)
Ep. 116.4 1952 December 24 The Vanishing Dinner Pail! Catering service for factories. Slater System, Inc. #ref230 (116)


Industry on Parade 1953
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link
Ep. 117 1953 January 5 Road to Progress! Constructing new streets and roads. Batavia, NY. Technique for Training! Training aids for U.S. Air Force; military. Technical Training Aids, Inc. Putting Water Where It's Wanted! Manf. fire hydrants. Waterous Co., St. Paul, MN. Tuneful Toys! Manf. musical toys. Mattel Corp., Inglewood, CA.
Ep. 118 1953 January 12 Sand Springs Story! Charles Page's home for widows and orphans. Sand Springs, OK. The Ancient Meets the Modern! Manf. butane table lighters. Evans Case Co., North Attleboro, MA. Conquest of Copper! Mining and processing copper. Magma Copper Co., Superior, AZ. Sharing Our Savvy! Sharing industrial knowledge with other countries; industrial and engineering exchange program. Worthington Corp., Harrison, NJ.
Ep. 119 1953 January 19
Ep. 120 1953 January 22 Off the Backs of Men! Manf. cranes, hoists, and power shovels. Harnishfeger Corp., Milwaukee, WI. Pressure Negatives! Manf. vacuum tubes and pumps. Consolidated Vacuum Corp., Rochester, NY. Making the Mark! Labelling and marking company. Markem Machine Co., Keene, NH. Sculptress of Safety! Woman artist designs snow tire patterns. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, OH.
Ep. 121 1953 January 28 Bauxite Build-up! Mining bauxite, for aluminum, in Jamaica. Reynolds Metal Co., Richmond, VA. Measured by the Atom! Manf. beta-ray gauges that use atomic radiation for accurate measurements. Tracerlab, Boston, MA. Industry in the Spotlight! Putting on industrial shows. Dramaturgy, Inc., Cleveland, OH. Serving God and Man! Box manufacturing plant employs workers aged sixty and over; senior citizens. Incorporating religion into factory life. Plymouth Co., Plymouth, IN. Box 5
Ep. 122 1953 February 15 Coal Mining Down on the Farm! Open-pit mining or surface mining. Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Mining Co., KS. Envelope Enterprise! Manf. envelopes; office supplies. Sheppard Envelope Co., Worcester, MA. The Tilt-Up Techniques! Building new factories with tilt-up techniques; construction. Barrett & Hile, San Francisco, CA. Saga of the Sardine! Sardine fishing and canning; food industry. ME.
Ep. 123 1953 February 18 Life From a Bottle! Red Cross blood bank. Processing whole blood into plasma. Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, CA. Concrete That's Cool! New concrete processes. York Construction Co., York, PA. Where Kings are Customers! Manf. specialty automobiles, ambulances, and hearses. Hess and Eisenhardt Manf. Co., Cincinnati, OH. Surface Party! Geological surface team. Carter Oil Co., Yuma Basin, UT. Box 5
Ep. 124 1953 February 26 Company Clinic! Health clinics for employees. Manf. electrical control equipment and motor controls. Allen Bradley Co., Milwaukee, WI. Gassing Up! Manf. gasoline pumps. Gilbert & Barker Manf. Co., West Springfield, MA. Caring for Currency! Armored car service. Brinks, Inc..
Ep. 125 1953 March 5 Serving by Observing! Military aircraft watch for foreign aircraft. Volunteers for Ground Observer Corps, Peoria, IL. Light On! Traffic and highway lighting. Broadway Maintenance Co. Taking Pain Out of Painting! Manf. paint rollers. E-Z Paint Co., Milwaukee, WI. Styles in the Aisles! Modeling in the aisles for women factory workers; apparel industry. Fashion Frocks, Inc., Cincinnati, OH. f9xvo6oqKF8
Ep. 126 1953 March 12 Exploring by X-Ray! Manf. X-ray tubes. X-Ray Dept., General Electric Co., Milwaukee, WI. Check-up for Connie! Overhauling aircraft. Eastern Airlines, Miami, FL. Skinning Spuds! Peeling potatoes for consumers; food industry. Sno-Spuds, Inc., Cleveland, OH. Dynasty of Dolls! Manf. glamorous high fashion dolls for girls and boys. Terri Lee Dolls, Apple Valley, CA.
Ep. 127 1953 March 19 Emblem of Integrity! Manf. emblems. American Emblem Co., Utica, NY. Window Dressing! Display and window dressing. Walter E. Zemitzsch Co., St. Louis. Leather with Allure! Manf. leather for upholstery. NJ. Woman on Her Way! Inventing by a housewife. Industrial Plastics, Inc., Cleveland, OH.
Ep. 128
Ep. 129 1953 April Craft Facts! Popular Mechanics magazine on how to build things including motorized wheelchairs. Making Information Flow! Billing system for Wanamaker's Department Store. Visi-Record Inc., Copiague, NY. Weavers of Wire! Manufacturers of wire and screens. Houses of the Highway! Manf. trailers and trailer homes.
Ep. 130 1953 April Ropes of Steel! Manf. wire rope. E. H. Edwards Co., San Francisco, CA. Fabricating Fiber! Manf. fiber boxes and paper. Continental Diamond Fibre Co., Bridgeport, PA. Decorative Dummies! Manf. mannequins; apparel industry. American Fixture & Manf. Co., St. Louis, MO. Payload Control! Centralized control system for United Air Lines, Denver, CO.
Ep. 131 1953 April 16 Sealskin Story! Processing seal skins on Pribilof Islands, AK. Fouke Fur Company, St. Louis, MO. Steering Power! Manf. power steering control. Gemmer Manf. Co., Detroit, MI. Powdered Metallurgy! Metal in powder form. Kwikset Lock Co., Anaheim, CA. Hitting the Tanbark Trail! A small circus; animals. Entertainment. Mills Brothers Circus, Greenville, OH.
Ep. 132 1953 April 23 Loads of Limestone! Limestone quarry; limestone used in the manufacture of steel. U.S. Steel Corp., Rogers City, MI. Sap to Syrup! Processing maple syrup; food industry. Webster Products Co., Jefferson, NH. Sculpted in Soap! Manf. figurines in soap for children. Allen B. Wrisley Co., Chicaco, IL. Forming the Uniform! Manf. band and school uniforms; apparel industry. Uniforms by Ostwald, Staten Island, NY.
Ep. 133 1953 April 30 College for Craftsmen! Hobart School of Welding, Troy, OH. It All Adds Up! Manf. adding machines and precision instruments. Clary Multiplier Corp., San Gabriel, CA. Bric-a-Brac Research! Research with common gadgets. General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, NY. Jet Boat! Manf. hypo-jet boats and marine engines. Kermath Manf. Co., Detroit, MI. Industry on Parade (Can 3a)
Ep. 134 1953 May 7 Secrets of the Crankcase! Oil for crankcases. Atomic energy in industrial research. Standard Oil Research and Development Laboratory, Richmond, CA. Everything But the Yodel! Manf. and processing Swiss cheese; food industry. Sugar Creek Dairy Co., OH. The Back of the House! Behind the scenes at world's largest hotel. The Conrad Hilton Hotel. Ideas for Export! Company sends magazines overseas to spread American ideas; publishing. American Express Co.
Ep. 135 1953 May 14 Seven Mile Snapshot! Manf. lenses and photo equipment. Bell and Howell Co., Lincolnwood, IL. Gooberville, USA! Peanut factory; food industry. Tom Houston Peanut Co., Columbus, GA. New Defense Against Fire! Thomas Edison Research Laboratory for Fire Detection, West Orange, NJ. Hollywood's Strangest Factory! Manf. electro-medical and electro-surgical machinery and scientific apparatuses. Fictional machines for Hollywood films. Dallons Laboratories, Hollywood, CA.
Ep. 136 1953 May 21 The War on Polio! Manf. polio serum; pharmaceuticals. E. R. Squibb and Sons, New Brunswick, NJ. Two Thousand Years! Manf. pottery and dinnerware. Gladding McBean & Co., Glendale, CA. A Sandwich, a Salad and a Solution! Conference of businessmen. Shipping and transportation on the Great Lakes. Ore & Coal Exchange, Cleveland, OH. Introduction to Industry! Factory on campus. Students work through college.
Ep. 137 1953 May 28 Out of the Scrap--and Back In! Recycling used shell casings for the military. Electric Steam Radiator Corp., Paris, KY. Building Boy-Proof Pants! Pants and work clothes with rubber-enforced knees; apparel industry. Blue Bell Corp., Greensboro, NC.
Ep. 138 1953 June 4 Printing Without Type! Electronic type and graphics equipment; photon typesetter machine. Graphic Arts Research Foundation, Cambridge, MA. Pageant of Plastics! Plastic industry; jewelry. Bakelite Co., Bound Brook, NJ. Prospecting With a Vacuum Cleaner! Recycling waste gold and making fountain pens. Schaeffer Pen Co., Fort Madison, IA. Truckers Retreat! Retreat for truck drivers; transportation. Mason and Dixon Trucking Co., New Market, VA.
Ep. 139 1953 June 11 Doctor Atom! Radioactive gold for medical research. Abbott Research Laboratory, and Oak Ridge, TN. Beneficial Bacteria! Yogurt making; food industry. Dannon Milk Products, Long Island City, NY Boxes, Cartons and Cases! Manf. paperboard and paper boxes. Old Dominion Box Co., Charlotte, NC. Proof of the Pudding! Testing automobiles. General Motors Auto Proving Ground, Detroit, MI
Ep. 140 1953 June 18 Transcendent Transistor! Manf. transistors. Raytheon Co, Waltham, MA. The Old Meets the New! Manf. synthetic fabrics in combination with natural fibers. Schwarzenbach Huber Company, Front Royal, VA. Spotlight on the Supermarket! Supermarket warehouse. The Dixie Home Stores, Greenville, SC. Literature for Little Ones! Printing children's books. Western Printing and Lithographing Co., Poughkeepsie, NY.
Ep. 141 1953 June 24 Tin Cans to Jet Planes! From manufacturing tin cans to aircraft parts. Continental Can Co., Coffeyville, KS, and Terminal Island, CA Challenging King Cotton! Poultry raising; agriculture. J. D. Jewell, Inc., Greenville, GA. Stocking Story! Manf. stockings; apparel industry. Women workers get free manicures. Davenport Mills, Chattanooga, TN. Windfall for the Wayfarer! Hotel reservation services; tourism. Denver Room Service, Inc., Denver, CO.
Ep. 142 1953 Incubating a Career! Training at Burgard Vocational High School. Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, NY. All in the Family! Family business. Vickers Petroleum Corp., Wichita, KS. Mechanics of a Manicure! Manf. manicure accessories and tools. Schneital Brothers Co., Newark, NJ. Transplanting the Tweetsie! Restoration of old-time railroad. Shenandoah Central Railroad, Shenandoah, VA.
Ep. 143 1953 July 7 Retirement in the Afternoon! Living in semi-retirement in Florida. Lens-making Modernized! Manf. glasses and lenses. Titan of Trucks! Manf. trucks for mining. , Lyons, IL. World's Fair Tulsa Style! Nursery in the Factory! Daycare for working mothers. IOP Ep 143
Ep. 144 blank x
Ep. 145 1953 August 8 A Paradise That Pays! Making Tabasco Sauce; food industry. Mining salt; oil drilling. The International Salt Co. and Humble Oil Co., Avery Island, LA. Railroad Research! Manufacturer of railway equipment displays products. Atlantic City, NJ. Makers of Murals! Manf. photographic murals. The Film Art Company, Miami, FL. Brownie Come Home! Breeding Boxer dogs and selling puppies. IOP Ep 145
Ep. 146 1953 Wonder Grass! Grass farm; new breed of grass for sod. Summit Hall Turf Farm, Gaithersburg, MD.

Community Crafts! Manf. bedspreads; textiles. Cabin Craft Inc., Dalton, GA

Creation of a Canoe! Canoes made of western red cedar. Old Town Canoe Manf. Co., Old Town, ME.

A Honey of a Business! Beekeeping; honey. Food industry. Bessonet Bee Farm, Donaldsonville, LA.

Ep. 147 1953 Factory Farm! Scientific farming; testing seeds. Delta and Pine Land Co., Scott, MS. Summertime Skiing! Manf. water skis; custom molded plywood. Ply-Curves, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI. The War on Pests! Termite and pest control company. Orkin Exterminating Co., Atlanta, GA. Motoring of the Future! RCA experimental car model. David Sarnoff Research Laboratory Center, Princeton, NJ.
Ep. 148 1953 August A Friend Indeed! Development of first non-commercial TV station; educational television. Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cullen. University of Houston, Houston, TX. Parade of Progress! Parade of progress in industry. General Motors Corporation. Caretakers of Our Teeth! Researching dental care. Bristol-Myers, Hillside, NJ. Making Haste With the Waste! Collecting and recycling waste paper. Benner Box Co., Miami, FL.
Ep. 149 1953 August Building a City! Suppliers of construction materials, including pre-cast concrete, sand, gravel, crushed stone and ready-mixed concrete. Material Service Corp.. Service That's Cool! Cool air pumped into cars at service stations while gasoline is pumped. Continental Oil Company, TX. Dream Job! Bob Lawrence gets paid for roller skating; manufacturing roller skates. Winchester Roller Skate Co., New Haven, CT. Mulch from Moss! Processing Spanish moss into mulch for use in gardens. L.M. Joffrion Co., bayous of LA.
Ep. 150 1953 August 27 460 Degrees Below Zero! Consulting industrial research engineering. Arthur D. Little Co., Cambridge, MA. Exporting an Idea! India considers Dairy Queens; food industry. Dairy Queen, Long Island, NY. Putting on the Pressure! Manufacturers of oilfield equipment including Ball and Gate valves. Cameron Iron Works, Houston, TX. Manufactured Menagerie! Manf. toy animals made of rubber. Woman inventor. Bain Factory, Peterborough, NH.
Ep. 151 1953 Sept. 3 Vision Without Sight! John Hayes built company after losing eyesight; food industry. Fanny Farmer Candy Co., Bedford, MA.

Behind the Brick! Making bricks. Glen Gery Shale Brick Corp., Harrisburg, PA. Soap from the Sea! Processing kelp for use in manufacturing soap and shampoo. Soil Renewal Products Co., Depoe Bay, OR. Marsh Buggy! Amphibious vehicle used to carry tools in Louisiana swamps and bayous. Andrew Cheramie Company, LA.

This weekly industrial newsreel was filmed for television and distributed as a public service by the National Association of Manufacturers. Presented in segments, this episode includes the following stories: "Vision without sight", about John Hayes, head of Fanny Farmer Candies, whose blindness does not impede his ability to oversee production in his chocolate factories; "Behind the brick", about brick-making at the Glen Gery Corporation in Pennsylvania; "Soap from the sea", about the development of kelp products, such as soap and shampoo, in Oregon; and "Marsh buggy", about a marsh grass vehicle that allows access to previously under-utilized natural resources in the bayou country of Louisiana.

IOP Ep 151
Ep. 152 1953 Sept. 10 The Popular Pickle! Processing cucumbers into dill pickles; food industry. Aunt Jane's Foods, Inc., Creswell, MI. Changing the Cast! Casting molds for rockets, bazookas, and shells. Norwalk Lock Company, South Norwalk, CT.

The Oyster and the Egg!

Ep. 153 1953 Sept. 17 Columns of Light! Manf. fluorescent lamps. Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Danvers, MA.

Wedding of the Fibers! Synthetic fibers; blending of Dynel and wool. Textiles.

Rice A-Plenty! Processing rice. American Rice Milling Co., Crowley, LA.

Books for the Blind! Books in Braille. American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY

Ep. 154 1953 Canning the corn crop

Tablets for tots;

Shipping in the South;

Diving for buttons Mussel shells retrieved from the White River in Batesville, Arkansas are transformed into buttons at the Batesville Shell and Pearl Works

Ep. 155 1953 October 1 Elusive Aluminum! Bauxite mining; processing aluminum. Bauxite, AR. Building a Battery! Manf. batteries. Gould National Battery Co., St. Paul, MN. Trackless Train! Manf. earth moving equipment and trackless trains. R. G. LeTourneau, Longview, TX. With an Eye on the Future! Fishing school for children. Manf. fishing supplies and equipment. Wright and McGill, Denver, CO. external link youtube
Ep. 156 1953 October 8 Before the Concert! Making pianos. Steinway and Sons, Long Island, NY. Fingers That Cannot Feel! Mechanical graspers delicate enough to grasp an egg without breaking. General Mills, Minneapolis, MN. Gathering the Grapes! Harvesting grapes for juice; food industry. Welch's Grape Juice, Springdale, AR. Country Club Factory! Country club built by and for workers. Diamond Alkali Co., Houston, TX.
Ep. 157 1953 October 15 Reading the Mind of a Machine! Manf. digital computer systems. Young workers making computers. Remington Rand, Inc. Increasing Nature's Riches! Growing alfalfa for food substances. Nutrilite Alfalfa Farms, Hement Valley, CA. Transplanted Neighborhood! Moving neighborhood for new highway; urban renewal. J. W. Hartshorne Co., Long Island, NY. Behind the Bow and Arrow! Ben Pearson; manufacturing bows and arrows. Sports. Pine Bluff, AR.
Ep. 158 1953 October 22 And Two Straws! Processing and bottling soft drinks. Coca-Cola, Atlanta, GA. Through the Mill! Timber cutting and processing into lumber. Reseeding. Crossett Lumber Co., AK. Switch Hitter! Manf. automobile and plane parts. Conversion from military to civilian production and back. General Motors, Kansas City. Science of the Soil! Preparing land for farming and cattle feeding. Idea Cement Co., Laporte, CO.
Ep. 159 1953 Limestone in the Limelight! Cutting limestone used for facing on houses. Indiana Limestone Co., Bedford, IN. Supermarket in the Home! Watkins products (including spices) delivered to the house. Watkins, Winona, MN. Quick Trip! Manf. brake drums; using scrap metal. Wheland Foundry, Chattanooga, TN. Shrimp Boat's A-Coming! Catching and processing shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. TX.
Ep. 160 1953 Nov. 5 Converts to Capitalism! Manf. refrigerators. Celebrating American capitalism over communal living. Amana Society, Amana, IA. Learning the Facts About Forks! Training to use forklifts. Clark Equipment Co., Battle Creek and Jackson, MI. Power Under Control! Manf. Delta power tools. Rockwell Manf. Co., Tupelo, MS. Mrs. Schaible's Mirrors! Minuscule mirror research. General Electric Laboratory, Schenectady, NY.
Ep. 161 1953 Nov. 12 Going Up! History and engineering of elevators. Otis Elevator Co., Yonkers, NY. Doc Seron's Sagacity! Manf. eyeglass holders. Joliet, IL. Yard-size Tractor! Manf. "Yard Hand" tractor. Hiller Engineering Corp., Emeryville, CA. Sweet Stuff! Manf. sorghum molasses. Songster's Sorghum Mill, KY.
Ep. 162 1953 Nov. 19 Behind the Druggist! Pharmacists. Apothecary in Williamsburg, VA and Rexall Drug Co., Los Angeles, CA. School for Bankers! Training for bank employees. National City Bank of New York. Putting Color in Our Lives! Silk screening on textiles. Castle Creek Prints, Inc., Washington, NJ.
Ep. 163 1953 Nov. 26 They Do Our Shopping! Auctioning fruit. The Brown and Seccomb Fruit Auction Gearing Up a Nation! Making gears. Western Gear Works Manf. Co., Los Angeles, CA. Hidden Talent! Electronic aircraft equipment. United Control Corp., Seattle, WA. Squeeze Aboard! Manf. miniature trains. Miniature Train Corp., Rensselaer, IN.
Ep. 164 1953 December 3 It's the Berries! Processing cranberries; food industry. National Cranberry Association Plant, Hanson, MA. On the Map! Published maps and notes for safety of American air traffic. Captain E. P. Jepperson and Co., Denver, CO. Product with a Pull! Permanent magnets. Indiana Steel Products Co., Valparaiso, IN. Artistry in Industry! Display of home furnishings produced by American companies. Designers: A. F. Arnold and Joseph Zalewski. Museum of Modern Art IOP Ep 164
Ep. 165 1953 December 10 Lights, Action, Camera! Manf. cameras for American motion pictures. Mitchell Camera Corp., Glendale, CA. Introduction to Sound! Making hearing aids and acoustic instruments for medical research. Maico Co., Minneapolis, MN. In the Screws! Manf. screws. Continental Screw Co., New Bedford, MA. Hunters' Retreat! Game shooting; sports. Marshall Field and Co., IL. Industry on Parade (Can 3b)
Ep. 166 1953 December 16 Filling the Facts! Processing microfilm for storage in old mine at Iron Mountain in NY. American Microfilming Service, New Haven, CT. Pushing Out the Pipe! Manf. seamless steel pipe for oil fields. Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp., Pueblo, CO. Crutch Craft! Manf. crutches and lawn furniture. Henniker Crutch Co., Warner, NH. New Parts for Antiques! Collecting auto parts, surplus tanks, trucks, and other used parts. Northwestern Auto Parts, Minneapolis, MN.
Ep. 167 1953 December 22 Springtime Is Anytime! Manf. springs. Torrington Manf. Co., Torrington, CT. The Carillon Meets the Electron! Manf. carillons for churches. Maas-Rowe Carillons, Los Angeles, CA. History of a House! Legal record of property; Great Fire of 1871. Chicago Title and Trust Co.. Sitting Bull's Last Stand! Peter Meindl, a German woodcarver, making cigar store wooden Indians. NH.
Ep. 168 1953 December 29 Preparing for Disaster! Manf. cots and stretchers for disasters. Simmons Machine Tool Co., Albany, NY. Timely Tiles! Using silkscreen process to apply designs to ceramic tiles. Pacific Tile and Porcelain Co., Paramount, CA. Twinkling Textiles! Processing aluminum for tarnish-proof thread and yarn; apparel industry. Metlon Corp., NY. Franklin's Comeback! A non-profit organization rejuvenates mill town. Franklin Developments, Franklin, NH.


Industry on Parade 1954
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link SOVA Link
Ep. 169 1954 January 6 No Medal for Walter! Smoke meter to monitor smoke and smog. Shaping the Chapeau! Making women's hats in Manhattan's garment district; apparel industry. Lilly Dache Salon and Beechhurst Hats, Inc. New York, NY. In the Race! Manf. miniature precision racer bearings. Miniature Bearing Co., Keene, NH. A Business is Born! Manf. stuffed animals for children. Two women parishioners started business. St. James Episcopal Church, Albion, MI. IOP Ep 169 s
Ep. 170 1954 January 13 Pride of Nashville! Astronomical telescope. Designed from the Inside! Railroad workers redesign main repair shops. Artistry in the Factory! The art of the silversmith. Sapolin Paints! New formulas for specialized paints. x s
Ep. 172 1954 January 27 Coaxing Along the Avocado! Tour of the eastern avocado region. Harold E. Kendall Nurseries, Goulds, FL. Glass Craft! Hand-blown glass. Blenko Glass Co., Milton, WV. Shopping Shift! Designing suburban shopping centers. Architect: Lothrop Douglass, Yonkers, NY. Playground in the Aisles! Recreation during lunch hour; employees play games in factory aisles.
Ep. 173 1954 February 3 Easier Rolling on the Rails! Manf. bearings for freight cars. The Timkin Co., American Car and Foundry Co., Huntington, WV. Furniture of the Future! Cardboard furniture. Dallas Smith Corp., Indianapolis, IN. Down to the Bare Metal! Designing and building mechanical washers for animal cages and other metal parts. Metalwash Machinery Corp., Elizabeth, NJ. Building in the Bounce! Manf. rubber basketballs; sports. Voit Rubber Corp., Los Angeles, CA
Ep. 174 1954 February 10 Supplies for the Scientist! Educational science materials. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Rochester, NY. Judgment Day! The cutting of fruit and vegetables judged by fellow canning workers; food industry. Canners League of CA, San Francisco, CA. Timer of Tools! "Toolometer" monitors wear and tear on tools electronically. Cross Co., Detroit, MI. Miniature Menagerie! Manf. rubber dolls and animals. Rempel Manf. Corp., Akron, OH.
Ep. 175 1954 February 17 X-ray on the Spot! Manf. portable X-ray unit. Picker Corp., Cleveland, OH. Practice Drill! Training for oil industry. Sowela Vocational Technical School, Lake Charles, LA. On Guard! Weekend security guards; protection for industry. General Plant Protection Co., CA. Fascination of a Factory! Dutch businessmen examine American factory methods in production of resilient flooring and carpets. Armstrong Cork Corp.
Ep. 176 1954 February 24 Scientists of Tomorrow! Manf. toy chemical and biological sets for children. Porter Chemical Co., Hagerstown, MD. The Big Lift! Manf. industrial tongs. Heppenstall Co., Pittsburgh, PA. Guidance for Greenhorns! Manf. patterns and plans for do-it-yourself projects. Easi-Bild Patterns Co., Pleasantville, NY. John Q. Public, Movie Mogul! Home movies; adding credits and editing. Telefilm, Inc., Hollywood, CA
Ep. 177 1954 March 6 Picture Pronto! Uses and reasons behind instant photography. Polaroid Corp., Cambridge, MA. Eating Cotton! Manf. raw cottonseed oil. Wesson Oil and Snowdrift Plant, New Orleans, LA. Chain Craft! Manf. chains. Round Woodhouse Chain Manf. Co., Trenton, NJ. In the Old Tradition! Making bagpipes; musical instruments. William Wallace, Sacramento, CA.
Ep. 178 1954 March 13 Finger on the Future! Creating mock-ups, models, templates of new cars. Engineering new automobile models. Studebaker Corp., South Bend, IN. Reno Keeps Rolling! Nonprofit organization builds skiing facilities outside Reno. Reno Ski, Reno, NV. Convenient Coal! Coal dispensing machinery; truck removes ashes. Barrows Coal Co., Brattleboro, VT. Science in the Suds! Research laboratory for laundry. Fabrics tested for color fastness. American Institute of Laundry, Joliet, IL
Ep. 179 1954 March 18 Bags by the Billion! Manf. paper bags. Union Bag and Paper Co., Savannah, GA. Long Distance Engineering! Designing and constructing test models of oil refineries. Dismantling and crating models for shipment. The Fluor Corp., Los Angeles, CA. Yeast by the Yard! Producing yeast for bread; food industry. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, MO. Getting the Green Light! Manf. and installing traffic lights. Crouse-Hinds Co., Syracuse, NY.
Ep. 180 1954 March 27 World News Center! Print and broadcast journalistic processes. National Press Club, Washington, DC. To Make a Desert Bloom! Large scale irrigation. Johnston Pump Co., Pasadena, CA. Part of the Team! Making and refrigerating butter; interdependence between industries. Hoosier Cardinal Corp, Evansville, IN. It's the Nuts! Machines break shells and remove kernels from black walnuts; food industry. Hammons Products Co., Stockton, MO.
Ep. 181 1954 April Petroleum Progress! Petroleum refining process. Lion Oil Co., El Dorado, AR. Copying Without Carbon! Manf. carbonless carbon paper. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, OH. A Town Is Born! Mining town; developing community through industry. Anaconda Copper Co., Weed Heights, NV. Worth the Candle! Manf. candles. Will and Baumer Candle Co., Syracuse, NY.
Ep. 182 1954 April Growing on Granite! Crushing granite for poultry food supplement and soil conditioning. Hybro-tite, Stone Mountain, Lithonia, GA. Security in Steel! Manf. electronic security systems, safes, and safe deposit doors. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, OH. Memphis Moves Ahead! Reclaiming waste land; environment. Memphis, TN. Zipper Zealots! Manf. zippers. Conmar Products Corp., Newark, NJ.
Ep. 183 1954 April 17 For a Firmer Footing! Manf. hardwood floors. E. L. Bruce Co., Memphis, TN. Daredevil Diner! Men who rivet metal beams and girders for skyscrapers. Schacht Steel Construction Co., Hillside, NJ. Snapshot Story! Photo development. Stanley Photo Service, St. Louis, MO. Country Cure! Ellis Henry's smokehouses and country-cured ham; food industry. KY.
Ep. 184 1954 April 24 Wandering Laboratory! Testing equipment at sea. Sperry Gyroscope Co., Great Neck, NY. Handicraft of Hawaii! Making trays and tables of Hawaiian woods. Woods of Hawaii Co., HI. Radiators of Glass! New heating system using glass. Blue Ridge Glass Corp., Kingsport, TN, and Titeflex, Inc., Springfield, MA. Automatic Office! Company president's office in modern building. Eliot Springs Cotton Mills, Fort Mill, SC
Ep. 185 1954 April 28 Elusive "Molly'! Mining molybdenum. Climax Molybdenum Co., Climax, CO. Walls of Wood! Manf. fine wood that can be handled like wallpaper. Mengel Co., Louisville, KY. Cutting Up in New England! News clipping service. The New England Newsclip Service, Boston, MA. Wall Street Moves to Main Street! Brokers' offices on buses owned by brokerage firm. Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, and Blane
Ep. 186 1954 May 4 Wood Lore! Yale School of Forestry on location. Crossett Lumber Co., Crossett, AR. Sail Saga! Making and repairing sails. White Stag Co., Portland, OR. Doctors of Design! Consulting firm redesigns automatic nailing machine. Designers for Industry, Cleveland, OH. Retiring to a New Career! Rock Cornish Game Hens bred by retired businessman Jacques Makowsky; poultry. Pomfret Center, CT.
Ep. 187 1954 May 12 Carrying the Cars! Transporting cars by auto carriers. National Association of Auto Transportation Co. Flint, MI. Shoes for the Stars! Manf. ballet toe shoes; dance. Capezio Co. United in the Spring! Manf. electrical insulation. Minnesota Mining and Manf. Company, St. Paul, MN. Builders of Bats! Manf. plywood baseball bats. Joe Engel Co., Chattanooga, TN
Ep. 188 1954 May 18 Working for a Welcome! Building a new cellulose plant; wood products. Rayonnier, Inc., Jessup, GA. Tagged Out! Manf. paper tags. Dennison Manf. Co., Framingham, MA. Spigots Without Spatter! Making modern aerated faucets; plumbing. Union Brass and Metal Co., St. Paul, MN. Every Man a Rembrandt! Manf. painting sets with numbers; hobby. Palmer Paint Co., Detroit, MI Moving Image:IOP Ep 188 #ref3xx (188)
Ep. 189 1954 May 26 Bark, but No Bite! Manf. blank grenades and mines for military training. Perennial Pleaser! Manf. ice cream cones; food industry. Crispo Cake Cone Co., St. Louis, MO. Washing without Water! Manf. waterless cleanser for industry. Soap, synthetic cleansers, skin cream, lotion. Sugar Beet Products Co., Saginaw, MI

Gems in the Dust! Housewife makes jewelry out of coal. Harlan County, KY

IOP Ep 189 #ref374 (189)
Ep. 190 1954 June 2 15,000,000 Years Underground! Mining and manufacturing diatomite products. Johns Manville Co., Lompoc, CA. Succeeding with Savvy! Small auto parts company survives by ingenuity alone. Wohlert Corp., Lansing, MI. Mill on a Ranch! Flour mill on ranch; brown bread made from cottonseed hulls. Food industry. Silver Spur Ranch, TX. Stamp Story! Stamp collectors buy and sell at auction. H. R. Harmer, Inc Industry on Parade (Can 3a)
Ep. 191 1954 June 9 Pipe from a Centrifuge! Manf. cast-iron pipe by centrifugal casting. Cast Iron Pipe Research Association, Birmingham, AL. Wrestling with Wrinkles! Auto body repair shop. Unger and Wilhelm. Photographed in Electricity! Dry electrostatic photographic process. Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH. Craftsmen of the Carousel! Manf. merry-go-rounds for amusement parks. Arrow Development Co., Mountain View, CA.
Ep. 192 1954 June 15 Advancing with the Atom! Radioactive isotope laboratory and plant mutation project. University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI. Versatile Plastic! Manf. cast plastic materials, including marbelized colored plants. Marblette Corp., Long Island, NY. More Power to the Householder! Manf. snow shovels and power lawn mowers for small yards. Jacobsen Manf. Co., Racine, WI. Taking Stock! Shareholders' meeting for Matson Lines held on board flagship Lurline. Box 8
Ep. 193 1954 June 22 Grandpa 's First Car! Automobile museum. Thompson Products Auto Album, Cleveland, OH. A Break for Coffee! Processing and packaging coffee; food industry. Nestle Co., Freehold, NJ. Twentieth Century Apprenticeships! Trade school (apprenticeship) for electrical work. Washington Water and Power Co., Spokane, WA. Wiser than the Owl! Research laboratory for animal behavior. Animal Behavior Enterprise, Hot Springs, AR.
Ep. 194 1954 July 3 To Give Us More Miles! Testing gasoline mileage in automobiles using Mobil gasoline. American Automobile Association. From Los Angeles, CA to Sun Valley, ID. Academy for Artists! Correspondence education for artists. Art Instruction, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Fabricated Firewood! Manf. Presto logs from sawdust for firewood. Weyerhauser Timber Co., Longview, WA. Hospitality, Old Style! Resort hotel specializes in hospitality; tourism. Treadway Inns, Cape Cod, MA IOP Ep 194 #ref384 (194)
Ep. 195 1954 July 7 City of Oil! World's first oil well. Quaker State Oil Co., Titusville, PA. Very Special Customers! Manf. orthopedic shoes for sport and dress; apparel industry. Field and Flint Co., Brockton, MA. Water Out of the Air! Manf. silica gel compound. Davison Chem.. Timed by the Camera! Camera measures speed of moving objects during sporting events. Beckman and Whitely, Inc., San Carlos, CA. x s
Ep. 196 1954 July 13 Big Boy! Railroading through the Rockies on the Big Boy steam locomotive. Union Pacific Railroad, Cheyenne, WY. Pictures in the Air! Fax machines used for news distribution; office equipment. International Wire Service. Precision Aplenty! Manf. watches and clocks. U.S. Time Corp., Waterbury, CT. Junior Bankers! Educational banking with teenage employees. Bank of Belmont Shores, East Long Beach, CA. s
Ep. 197 1954 July 20 Motoring on High! Aerocar. Making an automobile into an airplane. Moulton Taylor, Longview, WA. Recipe for Reassurance! Safety and health testing. Haskell Laboratory for Toxicology and Industrial Medicine, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Newark, DE. Soak, Don't Sprinkle! Manf. lawn sprinklers. Scovill Manf. Co., Waterbury, CT. Music Makers of Tomorrow! Children's orchestra. New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA. Box 9
Ep. 198 1954 July 26 Saving the Scraps! Using metal scraps to make new parts. Lukens Steel Company, Coatesville, Pennsylvania. America's Most Popular Game! Manf. bowling pins and equipment. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Muskegon, MI. What's in a Grind! Manf. abrasives. Grinding wheels and sandpaper. Norton Manf. Co., Worcester, MA. Stacking Them Up! Parking cars with automated garage and car compartments. Pigeonhole Parking, Los Angeles, CA. Box 9 s
Ep. 199 1954 August 7 Lumber Lab! Research laboratory. Western Pine Association, Portland, OR. House of Spice! Spices; food industry. Employee-run Junior Board of Directors. McCormick & Co.. Design of Door! Designers and engineers of doors; construction. International Steel Co., Evansville, IN. Learning Life by Living It! A place of work for troubled adolescents. George Junior Republic School, Dryden, NY. s
Ep. 200 1954 August 14 Sweet Ship! Processing sugar cane and shipping it on Matson Line. Hilo Sugar Plantation, HI. To the Victor! Manf. trophies; sports awards. L.G. Balfour Co., Attleboro, MA. Portable Offices! Manf. portable offices. Arnot-Jamestown, Division of Aetna Steel Products Corp., Jamestown, NY. Yachting Ashore! Manf. mobile homes called "land yachts." Travel; tourism. Saginaw Manf. Co., Saginaw, MI IOP Ep 200 s
Ep. 201 1954 August 21 Transporting an Inferno! Manf. cinder pots for molten waste. Mackintosh-Hemphill, Midland, PA. Power Steering for the Tractor! Manf. power steering for tractors. Dunbar Kapple, Geneva, IL. On Behalf of the Birds! Manf. bird feeders, houses, and accessories. Hyde Bird Feeder Co., Waltham, MA. Saving Young Lives! Bicycle safety program for children. Manf. men's toiletries and hair curlers. Mennen Co., Morristown, NJ s
Ep. 202 1954 August 28 Shares in the Future! Employees receive shares in company. Sun Oil Co. Fur-making in the Home! Do-it-yourself trend; apparel industry. Harry Jay Treu, furrier Class Ring! Making class rings; jewelry. Herff-Jones Co., Indianapolis, IN. Architects of Goose Pimples! Manf. amusement park rides. Safety testing. Eyerly Aircraft Co., Salem, OR. x s
Ep. 203 1954 Sept. 4 The Sturdy Sweepers! Constructing wooden mine sweepers. Bellingham Shipyards, Bellingham, WA.

Easy Move! Transporting household goods. Allied Van Lines, Mt. Kisco, NY.

Versatility of the Magnet! Using the magnet in industry. Motors, cranes, and electric controls. Stearns Magnetic Corp., Milwaukee, WI.

Farming Under Water! George Herndon, retired entrepreneur, and his goldfish hatchery. Ruddels Mill, KY

gONlX3XZo6Q s
Ep. 211 1954 October 30 Pennsylvania Manf. propulsion cans for home use; aerosols. Crown Cork and Seal Co.

Oregon Manf. diving boards. Swimming; sports. S. R. Smith Co., Portland, OR

Utah Manf. raw rubber, both synthetic and natural. Thermoid Western Co., Nephi, UT

Indiana Chickens raised in abandoned limestone mine; food industry. Martin Hatchery, Ramsey, IN.

Ep. 212 1954 Nov. 6 Washington Echo sounder used to check Puget Sound depths. Honeywell Marine Equipment, Minneapolis, MN. Wisconsin Manf. miniature toy cars from automobile blueprints. Product Miniature Company, Milwaukee, WI. Hawaii Vanda orchids sent to CA; horticulture. Hawaii, HI. Ohio Churches in trailers for migratory workers; religion. National Council of Churches of Christ in America, Givens, OH.
Ep. 213 1954 Nov. 13 CA Hollywood recording studio; making phonograph records. Capitol Records, Hollywood, CA. Pennsylvania Manf. saws. Henry Disston and Sons MA Manf. codfish and other glues; office supplies. Le Page's, Gloucester, MA. Illinois Man shows films to sick children. International Harvester Co.. IOP Ep 213
Ep. 214 1954 Nov. 20 Re-enactors at first iron works built in the Western Hemisphere on Saugus Creek in MA, 1645. Restored by American Iron and Steel Institute, MA. Utah Processing carbon dioxide into dry ice for use at soda fountains and in fire extinguishers. Carbon Dioxide & Chemical Co., Wellington, UT. Washington Manf. "mechanical pack horse" used to transport camping equipment. Merry Manf. Co., Edmonds, WA. Maryland Processing crabs in packing plants on eastern shore of Maryland; African American women workers. oclc 34630978
Ep. 215 1954 Nov. 27 Ohio Manf. electronic organs. Baldwin Piano Co., Cincinnati, OH. Maryland Processing shell into button blanks. B. Schwanda and Sons, Denton, MD. Minnesota Making canned and frozen chow mein. Chung King Foods, Duluth, MN. New York Manf. "Bird-e-vict" to frighten birds. Making answering machines and portable tape recorders. Mohawk Business Machines Corp., Brooklyn, NY
Ep. 216 1954 December 4 Wisconsin Ship-building and diversified manufacturing. CT Manf. typewriters. Underwood Typewriter Co., Hartford, CT. Washington Manf. prefabricated log cabins. Austin & Erickson Co., WA. Iowa Management and labor councils. Maytag Manf. Co., Newton, IA.
Ep. 217 1954 December 11 Missouri New home design around central air conditioning by Carrier Corp. Oak Estates, St. Louis, MO. CT Manf. brushes. The Fuller Brush Co., Hartford, CT. Illinois Watch-making and designing school. Elgin National Watch Co., Elgin, IL. Washington Dyeing art learned by Mr. and Mrs. G. Barber while teaching in Indian schools; textiles. Barber's Handweaving Shop, Bellingham, WA
Ep. 218 1954 December 18 Wisconsin Insurance company policies cover heavy construction projects. Mutual of Wausau Insurance, Wausau, WI. Oregon Manf. fork trucks and lifting equipment by Hyster Co., Portland, OR and used by Old Colony Paint & Chemical Co., Los Angeles, CA. Utah Making guns. Easton Rifle and Tool Co., Salt Lake City, UT. CT The oldest little red schoolhouse in the country. Woodstock, CT.
Ep. 219 1954 December 25 Researching new breeds of flowers; horticulture. Jackson and Perkins Research Laboratory, Newark, NY. Manf. crystal used in naval equipment. King Laboratory, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT. Manf. machines to make cardboard products. Langston Manf. Co., Camden, NJ. Better Homes and Gardens test kitchen; cooking. Meredith Publishing Co., Des Moines, IA


Industry on Parade 1955
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link SOVA Link
Ep. 220 1955 January 1 Venezuela Modern industrial and agricultural technology. Washington Manf. aircraft for crop-dusting. Indiana Making masks for Halloween and masquerade parties; children. x
Ep. 221 1955 January 8 New Jersey Manf. electric hands for disabled individuals. Lionel Corp., Irvington, NJ. Hawaii Growing and processing Kona coffee; food industry. Island of Hawaii, HI. Ohio Manf. hydraulic pumps to supply fuel and de-icing fluid to aircraft. Alabama Cobweb paintings; woman artist. Mrs. Anne Clopton, Huntsville, AL x s
Ep. 222 1955 January 15 Iowa Manf. electronic equipment for use on land, sea, and air. Collins Radio Co., Cedar Rapids, IA. MA Fourteen-year-old girl as teenage tycoon. Rosalind Moger, Boston, MA. Pennsylvania Joel Woolman, milk man; dairy products. Utah Exploring industrial center on outskirts of city. Salt Lake City, UT. x
Ep. 223 1955 January 22 New York The principle of suspending glass walls; architectural design. Manufacturers Trust Co. Missouri Cleaning, drying, mixing, and storing grain; agriculture. Elam Grain Elevators, St. Louis, MO. Ohio Making year round air conditioners. C. A. Olsen Manf. Co., Elyria, OH. Washington Making salmon sausage called Samolony; food industry. Williams Brothers, Bellingham, WA. Digital reference copy in Smithsonian Institution DAMS x
Ep. 224 1955 January 29 CA Supplying pure water through private industry. San Jose Water Works Co., San Jose, CA

Missouri Manf. safety equipment for power companies. A.B. Chance Co., Centralia, MO

Ohio Laminating plastic and Formica for do-it-yourselfers. Formica Co., Cincinnati, OH

New York Home baked beans processed in New York; food industry. Grandma Brown's Baked Beans, Mexico, NY

x ep 224 ref
Ep. 225 1955 February 5 Missouri Developing dwarf apple tree; agriculture. Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Co., Louisiana, MO. CA Camera takes photographs of people cashing checks; security. The Richardson Camera Co., Burbank, CA. Maryland Manf. night flares for stalled cars, trains, and trucks. Fusee, Inc., Easton, MD. Utah Headwear for infants; apparel industry. Tiny Tot Bonnet Co., Provo, UT. x ep 225 ref
Ep. 226 1955 February 12 New Jersey First motion picture studio. Thomas Edison Museum, West Orange, NJ. Ohio Manf. glass products. Anchor-Hocking Glass Corp., Lancaster, OH. Wisconsin Manf. television electronic parts and printed circuits. Globe Union, Inc., Milwaukee, WI. Missouri Recreation for children in community. Northwestern Bank, St. Louis, MO. x ep 226 ref
Ep. 227 1955 February 19 Illinois Manf. wooden barrels. Pioneer Cooperage Co.. New York Soil-resistant carpet. Mohawk Carpet Mills, Amsterdam, NY.

Washington Automated fish processing plant. Smith Cannery, La Conner, WA. Michigan General Motors celebration used closed-circuit television to reach 50 cities. Theater Network Television, Flint, MI.

x (227)
Ep. 229 1955 March 5 Kansas Changing conditions on American farms; agriculture. Topeka, KS. Florida Flying from Miami International Airport to Latin America; travel. Miami, FL. New York Hearing aids built into eyeglass frames. Otarian, Dobbs Ferry, NY. Illinois Pancake skillet machine; cooking. Quaker Oats Company. IOP Ep 229 (229)
Ep. 230 1955 March 12 Illinois Mail order catalogue production. Sears, Roebuck & Co.. Pennsylvania Manf. chocolate candies. Hershey Chocolate Corp., Hershey, PA.

Utah Manf. new equipment for laundry industry. Western Laundry Press Co., Salt Lake City, UT. Ohio Drive-in restaurant with electronic controls to deliver orders from car to kitchen. The Explorers' Restaurant, Columbus, OH

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Ep. 231 1955 March 19 Pennsylvania John Stamy's electrified dairy farm. Newville, PA. Oklahoma Petroleum industry campaigns against air pollution. John Zink Co., Tulsa, OK. Missouri Manf. polyethylene plastic containers for food products; storage. Central States Paper and Bag Co. and Hunter Packing Co., St. Louis, MO. Illinois Intravenous feeding; medicine; hospitals. Abbott Pharmaceutical Laboratories, North Chicago, IL. GixLX8O8skA
Ep. 232 1955 March 26 Missouri Manf. vending machines designed to handle perishable foods. Vendo Company, Kansas City, MO. MA Manf. DevCon plastic-steel mixture. Chemical Development Co., Danvers, MA. Kentucky Marketing research by Stewart Dougall and Associates, New York. General Electric, Louisville, KY. Hawaii Growing, marketing, and processing Macadamia nuts; food industry. Honokaa, HI. x s
Ep. 233 1955 April 2 Nebraska Manf. refrigerator components and manhole covers. Paxton-Mitchell Co., Omaha, NE. New York Manf. contact lenses; vision. Obrig Laboratories Florida Decorator fabrics from unlikely materials. Vic-Roth Weavers, Miami, FL. Oregon Manf. vehicle called "Sno-cat." Tucker Sno-cat Corp., Medford, OR. x s
Ep. 234 1955 April 9 CA Manf. Pogo plane that can take off or land anywhere. Consolidated Aircraft Corp., San Diego, CA. Maryland Manf. frit for ceramics. Pemco Corp.. Oregon Traffic school for drivers of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., Portland, OR. Illinois Strip farming leaving patches of sub-marginal land provides food and cover for game birds. Environment; hunting. Olin Mathieson Chem., IL. x
Ep. 235 1955 April 16 Texas Process of milling rice; food industry. Converted Rice, Inc., Houston, TX. Pennsylvania Incorporating safety guards into power tools. Dewalt, Inc., Lancaster, PA. Mississippi Making sewer pipes. W. S. Dickey Clay Manf. Co., Meridian, MS. Washington Vertically opening Venetian blinds. Norco Metal Products Co., Seattle, WA x
Ep. 236 1955 April 23 Oregon Laminating process makes small strips of lumber into beams. Kiln-dried lumber. Timber Structures, Inc., Portland, OR. Illinois Making old railroad tracks into everything from garden furniture to tractors. Recycling. La Ciede Steel Co., Madison, IL. Utah Making vacuum tubes. Eitel-McCullough, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT. Florida Hydroponics, farming in water. Flagler Hydroponics, Miami, FL. x
Ep. 237 1955 April 30 Washington Hanford atomic operations program run by General Electric. Atomic safety program. Atomic Energy Commission, Richland, WA. Indiana Research and development laboratories for railroad cars. Pullman Standard Car Manf. Co., Hammond, IN. Texas Electronic control of flow values in oil and gas wells. Magnetic Industries, Inc., Houston, TX. Pennsylvania Retired nurse raises goats and develops milking business; food industry. Waynesboro, PA x
Ep. 238 1955 May 7 Mississippi Manf. lounge chairs. Stratolounger, Inc., Okolona, MS. Utah Processing paraffin. Sure Seal Corporation, Bountiful, UT. Missouri Making electric transformers. Wagner Electric Corp., St. Louis, MO. Oregon Mrs. Wendling patents the Ease Off baby spoon; woman inventor. Portland, OR x s
Ep. 239 1955 May 14 Louisiana Use of atomic energy for industrial X-rays. Gamma Industries, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA. Maine Making turnbuckles. Thomas Laughlin Co., Portland, ME. CA On board oil tanker "F. S. Bryant;" shipping. Standard Oil, Richmond, CA. Ohio Manf. shuffleboard equipment. Dimco-Grey Co., Dayton, OH x s
Ep. 240 1955 May 21 Texas Mud is pumped into oil well during drilling. Baroid Division of the National Lead Co., Houston, TX. Washington Immersion suits for downed Navy fliers; military. JenCel-Lite Corp., Seattle, WA. Nebraska Portable bins for handling bulk materials; shipping. Tote System, Inc., Beatrice, NE. Maine Packing live lobsters and fresh seafood for shipping; food industry. Saltwater Farms, Damariscotta, ME.
Ep. 241 1955 May 28 Georgia Blind workers making the B-47 Stratojet bomber save taxpayers money. Disabled employees; military. Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Marietta, GA. New Hampshire Power saw on aluminum shaft. Brushmaster Saw, Inc., Keene, NH. Oklahoma Skelly Agriculture Achievement Awards provide public acclaim to American farmer. Shelly Oil Co., Tulsa, OK. Washington Ivan Haglund built restaurant business and aquarium. Fish and fishermen. Seattle, WA x
Ep. 242 1955 June 4 Georgia Manf. grit for poultry, pigment for paint, and aggregate for roofing. Georgia Marble Co., Tate, GA.

Oregon Nut-cracking by electricity; food industry. Northwest Nut Growers, Portland, OR.

Louisiana Manf. paper from residue of cane stalks after sugar removed. Valentine Pulp and Paper Co., Lockport, LA.

Pennsylvania Manf. Flexible Flyer sleds; children. S. L. Allen and Co.

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Ep. 243 1955 June 11 Oklahoma How maps of underground geological strata are made. The Century Geophysical Corp., Tulsa, OK. Oregon Processing fish into fish sticks; food industry. Columbia River Packers Association, Astoria, OR. Kansas Manf. farm machinery and general contracting equipment. Midwestern Industries, Inc., Wichita, KS. New York Nurses run mobile clinic for workers. Women workers; medicine. Turner Construction Co. x
Ep. 244 1955 June 18 Maine Potatoes from Maine transported to New York Mercantile Exchange and sold; food industry. Oregon Manf. the "Drive-it," a nail-driving gun used in home construction. Powder Power Tool Corp., Portland, OR. Ohio Manf. men's cotton underwear; apparel industry. BVD Company, Inc., Piqua, OH. South Carolina Manf. concrete pipe. Company run by two women. Wallace Concrete Pipe Co., Columbia, SC. x
Ep. 245 1925 June 25 New York Checking, adjusting, and servicing "Stratocruiser" (plane) before take-off. Northwest Orient Airlines Washington Manf. price tags and fasteners for plastic packaging bags. Kwik-Lok Corp., Yakima, WA. Georgia Manf. anhydrous ammonia. Southeastern Liquid Fertilizer Co., Albany, GA.

Oregon Combination boat and auto trailer invented by Dwight Johnson. Medford, OR.

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Ep. 246 1955 July 2 New York Manhattan's waterfront, Pier 57. Shipping to Latin America. Grace Line Virginia Making ready-mix spoon bread; food industry. Lindsey Robinson and Co., Roanoke, VA. MA Gold bullion made into gold-fill used in jewelry. Gold Filled Manufacturers Association, Attleboro, MA. Georgia Manf. shower doors. Do-it-yourself installation. Shower Door Co. of America, Atlanta, GA. x s
Ep. 247 1955 July 9 MA Manf. atomic clocks. Professor Zacharias at MIT's Research Laboratory of Electrons. National Company, Inc., Malden, MA. Georgia Manf. ball point pencils that never need sharpening; liquid lead. Scripto, Inc., Atlanta, GA. CA Manf. a pump to move solids without direct contact; food processing. San Francisco Western Machinery Co., San Francisco, CA. Mississippi Construction of trench silo; fodder for cattle. African American employees. Agriculture. Taylor Machine Works, Louisville, MS. x
Ep. 248 1955 July 16 Alabama Conservation and modern timber farming. W. T. Smith Lumber Co., Chapman, AL. Pennsylvania Processing beryl ore into pure beryllium. Beryllium Corp., Reading, PA. Ohio Manf. arc-welding machines. Do-it-yourself. Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, OH. MA Manf. electrically driven conveyor belts for moving coal. J.C. Corrigan Co., Boston, MA. x
Ep. 249 1955 July 23 Georgia Six towns along the Chattahoochee River in Georgia and Alabama operate schools, hospitals, and public services. All dependent on textile mills. West Point Manf. Co. New York Automation in garment center; apparel industry. Judy Bond, Inc. Pennsylvania Hot extrusion of carbon-steel billets. Glass as lubricant for high temperature steels. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, PA. California Manf. components for model railroad kits; hobby. Pacific Screws Products, San Francisco, CA x
Ep. 250 1955 July 30 Pennsylvania Lehigh University students employed in production of metals. Bethlehem Steel, Bethlehem, PA. New York Manf. electronic equipment such as televisions and shipping to customers. General Electric, Syracuse, NY. Georgia Rock-wool made into insulation; construction. Munford Co., Atlanta, GA. CA San Francisco cable cars and miniature cable car production. Small cable cars used as clothes racks. William Sanford Exhibits. x
Ep. 251 1955 August 6 Pennsylvania Walls of glass block diffuse light while insulating building; construction. Pittsburgh Corning Corp., Port Allegany, PA. South Carolina Making columns by pouring concrete inside paperboard tube called a "Sonotube." Scrap paper put back into use as cardboard tubes. Sonoco Products Co., Hartsville, SC. CA School in Los Angeles where women learn about cars; automobile repair. Michigan A veterans hospital where pages of books are projected on ceiling for the sick to read; microfilm production. University Microfilm Service, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI. x s
Ep. 252 1955 August 13 Kentucky Producing inexpensive and disposable air filters. American Air Filter Co. Louisville, KY. Pennsylvania A steel mill where machines have relieved men of hard work. Use of machines has increased employment. Crucible Steel Co., Midland, PA. CT Assembling and producing fountain pens. Waterman Pen Co., Milford, CT. Michigan Part-time college students learn by television. Michigan State, WKAR-TV, East Lansing, MI. 1mcj8sU2vSM s
Ep. 253 1955 August 20 Alabama Using wood to make newsprint. Coosa River Newsprint Co., Coosa Pines, AL. Michigan Rebuilding heat controls and replacing worn or broken parts. Automatic Equipment Co., Detroit, MI. New York An industrial show on investing in American industry. Merrill Lynch CA Restoration of a ghost town. How silver was mined. CA. x s
Ep. 254 1955 August 27 MA Porcelain and steel products. Metal cut, shaped, and colored. Ceramic coated metal used in murals. Beftinger Corp., Waltham, MA. CA Calculators manufactured by women workers. Marchant Calculators, Inc., Oakland, CA. Wisconsin How firms change products with different dies. Giant Grip Manf. Co., Oshkosh, WI. Michigan How rain is kept out of cars. Studebaker-Packard Corp., Detroit, MI. x s
Ep. 255 1955 Sept. 3 Illinois Manf. company employs disabled people. Paraplegics Manf. Co., Franklin Park, IL. Michigan Milk converted into dry products; food industry. M & R Dietetic Labs, Sturgis, MI. Washington Aluminum supply company makes pipes; uses of pipes, such as irrigation. Aluminum Supply Co., Spokane, WA. Pennsylvania Most men's clothes bought by women; company alters advertising program to appeal to women. Apparel industry. Daroff, Inc. x s
Ep. 256 1955 Sept. 10

New York Freezing bread stabilizes employment; food industry. Arnold Baker's Co., Fort Chester, NY.

Alabama Building costs reduced by using pre-assembling windows; construction. National Woodworks, Birmingham, AL.

Michigan Mobile training service with mechanics teacher. Plymouth Motor Corp., Detroit, MI.

Mass. Braille greeting cards for the blind. Rust Craft Greeting Cards, Dedham, MA.

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Ep. 257 1955 Sept. 17 Ohio Teachers learn about town's businesses; educating children. Community Resources Workshop, Middletown, OH. Wisconsin Redesigning seats for truck drivers to prevent backaches; health. Bostrom Manf. Co., Milwaukee, WI. Missouri Putting wire in glass. The Mississippi Glass Company, St. Louis, MO. New York Employing senior citizens. Mohawk Development Service, Schenectady, NY. x s
Ep. 258 1955 Sept. 24 Florida Reclaiming "unusable" swamp land with machinery; environment. Fleco, Jacksonville, FL. Ohio Producing electronic stoves that cook with radio waves. Microwave oven; cooking. Tappan Stove Co., Mansfield, OH. CA A commercial helicopter company inspects power lines, explores, and helps Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kern Copters, Inc., Bakersfield, CA. Pennsylvania Baking cookies. Pepperidge Farms Bakeries, Downingtown, PA. x s
Ep. 259 1955 October 1 Texas Determining age of rocks for clues to locating oil deposits. Atomic accelerator. Shell Development Co., Houston, TX. Illinois Designing and building bulldozers. Restoring soil at strip mine. Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, IL. Colorado Sheets of magnesium used in consumer products such as ultra-light suitcases. Shwayder Brothers, Denver, CO New York Making parts for kerosene lanterns used in camping, on railroads, and in emergencies. R.E. Dietz Co., Syracuse, NY. x s
Ep. 260 1955 October 8 Wisconsin George Borg developed machines that make synthetic fur. Delavan, WI. Pennsylvania Converting rusty iron into pure iron. National-US Radiator Corp., Johnstown, PA. New York Factories become classrooms; adult education. Elmira College, Elmira, NY. Minnesota Production of the game "Cooties." Schaper Toy Co., Minneapolis, MN. x s
Ep. 261 1955 October 15 Wisconsin Machine tool manufacturers. Giddings & Lewis, Fond du Lac, WI. New York Preparing signature plates and printing checks. The Todd Co., Rochester, NY. Pennsylvania Water analysis. Keeping boilers free of scale. Hagen Corp., Pittsburgh, PA. Ohio Making fruit cakes; food industry. Grace A. Rush, Inc., Cincinnati, OH. x s
Ep. 263 1955 October 29 Minnesota Drilling, crushing rock, extracting iron, and mining tocanite. Reserve Mining Co. New York Testing, shaping, and wrapping butter; food industry. Hotel Bar Butter Michigan Drilling and grinding metals using electricity. Elox Corp, Clawson, MI. Indiana Applying veneer; making plywood. Jasper, IN. x
Ep. 265 1955 Nov. 12 Pennsylvania Producing steel train wheels and axles. Baldwin-Line-Hamilton Corp., Burnham, PA.

California Developing superior strains of tomatoes, vegetables and flowers. Farming, horticulture. Food industry. Ferry Morse Seed Co., Salinas Valley, CA New York Floor tiles; construction. Mistic Tile Corp., Newburgh, NY. Virginia Training truck drivers. Drivers recorded on film; highway safety. Markel Service, Inc. Richmond, VA.

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Ep. 266 1955 Nov. 19 Wisconsin Cooling classrooms; fresh air pulled in and filtered. Trane Co., La Crosse, WI. New Jersey Company provides recreational activities for blind employees; disabilities. The Thermoid Co., Trenton, NJ. Michigan Securing freight in train cars to prevent damage. Evans Products Co., Plymouth, MI. Missouri Redesigning airplanes into flying offices for executives. Remmert Werner, Inc. x s
Ep. 267 1955 Nov. 26 New York Exhibition shows future changes and predicted needs of country in 1975. "Americade," New York, NY. Pennsylvania Producing, testing, and shipping mineral oil. Missouri Device to balance car wheels without removing them. Hunter Engineering Co., St. Louis, Missouri. Nevada Teaching Indian children about medicine, nutrition, sanitation, and automobile repair. Native Americans. Carson Indian School, Stewart, NV. x
Ep. 268 1955 December 3 CA Producing mercury from ore. New Idria Mining & Chemical Co. New Idria, CA. Indiana Assembling and testing small radios. Regency Radio, Indianapolis, IN. Kentucky Manf. diverse metal products including lawn chairs and fireplace curtains. Hotel management prepares for conventions. x
Ep. 269 1955 December 10 CA Machines with electronic memory utilizing both human and machine skills; robots. Benson-Lehner Co., Los Angeles, CA. New Jersey Crushed diamonds used as polishing agent. U.S. Industrial Diamond Corp., East Orange, NJ. Ohio Durable waterproof paper made with Playtex and rubber compound. Song Paper Co., Middletown, OH. CT Making goose quill pens. x
Ep. 270 1955 December 17 Ohio Research on glass and glass production. Owens Illinois Technical Center, Toledo, OH. MA Suburban growth. Need for schools, fire departments and police. Route 128 Industrial Development, Boston, MA. Pennsylvania Machines make machines. Using molds. Geiger counters. x s
Ep. 271 1955 December 24 New Jersey Assembling typewriters used to type foreign languages; office machines. Ralph C. Coxhead Corp., Newark, NJ. Michigan Servicing and repairing automobile parts. Miller Manf. Co., Detroit, MI. MA Adding nylon to nerophene and vinyl to increase strength. H. M. Sawyer and Son, Watertown, MA. CA Vegetable crops; food industry. Cleaning, cutting, and dehydrating onions. x s


Industry on Parade 1956
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link Sova
Ep. 273 1956 January 7 Pennsylvania Using electronics to control traffic of railroads and airplanes. Manf. air brakes. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Pittsburgh, PA. CA Community antennas give people better television reception. Tel-I-Clear Systems, Inc., Laguna Beach, CA. Ohio Custom-made, mass-produced trailers. Trailmobile, Inc., Cincinnati, OH.

New York Researching doughnut dough; food industry. Doughnut Corp. of America, New York, NY

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Ep. 274 1956 January 14 Ohio Computers help engineers design new production systems. Reliance Electric & Engineering Co., Cleveland, OH. Vermont Testing and inspecting gears. Fellows Gear Shaper Co., Springfield, VT. Pennsylvania Making paper. Swanee Paper Co., Ransom, PA. CA Skin-diving equipment made by variety of companies. Los Angeles, CA. Moving Image:IOP Ep 274 s
Ep. 275 1956 January 21 Pennsylvania Manf. rocket heads. Metal shaping methods. Heinz Manf. Co., Philadelphia, PA. Michigan Manf. delivery trucks; require walk-in doors and insulation. Divco Corp., Detroit, MI. CT Producing hand tools such as levels and rulers. Stanley Works, New Britain, CT. CA Portable oil drilling rig. Standard Oil Co., CA Moving Image:IOP Ep 275 s
Ep. 276 1956 January 28 Ohio Combining hydraulic and mechanical transmissions for better handling of trucks. Dana Corp., Toledo, OH. Wisconsin Producing pipes from cellulose wood fibers. Line Material Co., WI. CA Processing and mining gold with modern machinery. Natomas Co., Sacramento, CA. Maryland Magnets put in toy blocks; helping children with cerebral palsy. Disabilities. Donated by Crucible Steel Co., Reisterstown, MD. l s
Ep. 277 1956 February 4 Pennsylvania Hydraulic fluid made safer with water base. E.F. Houghton & Co., Philadelphia, PA. West Virginia Mining coal by machine. Eastern Gas & Fuel Assoc., Grant Town, WV. New York Operating trains by remote control. Union Station & Signal, New Rochelle, NY. Virginia Razor manufacturer. New York family adjusts to life in Virginia.. American Razor Co., Staunton, VA. l s
Ep. 278 1956 February 11 North Carolina Traveling health care unit with on-board laboratory; health care for employees. Occupational Health Services, Ashville, NC. Tennessee Changes a town experiences as it evolves from an agricultural to a manufacturing town. Magnavox, Greenville, TN. Pennsylvania Electric stoves that turn themselves off and on. Making control units. Robertshaw Fulton Controls Co., Irwin, PA MA Proposing, screening, and making games. Demonstrates "Go to the Head of the Class;" children. Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, MA. Moving Image:IOP Ep 278 s
Ep. 279 1956 February 18 Pennsylvania A steel mill and its goal of diversification and competitive production. Lukes Steel Co., Coatesville, PA. CA Making maps. Keeping them up-to-date and correct. H. M. Gousha Co., San Jose, CA. MA Replacing worn metal on machine parts. Replacing teeth on a power shovel. Perini Brothers Construction Co., Framingham, MA. Virginia Shipyard has industrial school offering academic and scientific courses. Apprenticeship program; adult education. Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Newport News, VA. l s
Ep. 280 1956 February 25 New York Counteracting odors found in trucking industries and stores. Airkom, Inc. Georgia Producing paper containers. Atlanta Paper Co., Atlanta, GA. MA Producing men's jewelry, specifically cuff links. Apparel industry. Swank, Inc. Attleboro, MA. Ohio University of Miami researches construction industry; constructing a window that can withstand hurricanes. Republic Steel Corp., Youngstown, OH. l s
Ep. 281 1956 March 3 Pennsylvania Topography. Using airplanes to photograph and survey land. Translating photographs into maps. Aero Service Corp., Philadelphia, PA. CA Using fiberglass in instrument cases for the Air Force. Testing luggage for sturdiness and water resistance. H. Koch & Sons, San Francisco, CA. Ohio Combating tooth decay. Company makes teeth radioactive and tests chlorine compounds to see which best fights decay. Proctor & Gamble, Miami Valley, OH. Georgia Teaching children about textile industry. Public schools. Dalton, GA. Moving Image:IOP Ep 281 s
Ep. 282 1956 March 10 CA A factory fire. Company designs better plant where delays and wasted motions are eliminated. Leadlight Fixture Co., Oakland, CA. Ohio Synthetic paintbrushes as good as brushes made with Chinese hog bristles. Wooster Brush Co., Wooster, OH. CT Making screw thread inserts from stainless steel wire. Heli-Coil Corp., Danbury, CT. Georgia Designing children's clothes; apparel industry. Alexis, Inc., Atlanta, GA. l s
Ep. 283 1956 March 17 Michigan Shipping flour by railroad; food industry. International Milling Co., Detroit, MI. Ohio Making pipes from a mixture of clay and shale. Robertson Clay Products Co., Akron, OH. CA Family business makes gopher traps; agriculture. MacAbee Gopher Traps, Los Gatos, CA. Georgia Raincoat manufacturer builds new plant with bank sponsorship; apparel industry. Almar Co., Washington, GA. IOP Ep 283 s
Ep. 284 1956 March 24 New York Converting solar energy to electrical power. Solar battery to aid in telephone communication in rural areas. Bell Telephone Co., New York, NY, and Americus, GA. Ohio Convention to decide men's styles for coming year. Fabrics, sewing machines, and new styles on display; apparel industry. International Association of Clothing Designers, Cincinnati, OH. CA Making liners with layers of tar paper and asphalt. Linings used to prevent seepage in reservoirs. Water conservation. Envoy Petroleum Co., Long Beach, CA. New York Aircraft engines subjected to punishment to reproduce strains of flight. Mobil vacuum cleaner to clean runways. U.S. Air Force, Wright Field, OH; Anacostia Naval Air Station, Washington, DC; U.S. Hoffman Machinery Corp., Syracuse, NY. Moving Image:IOP Ep 284 s
Ep. 285 1956 March 31 Florida Reclaiming "unusable" swamp land with machinery; environment. Fleco, Jacksonville, FL. Ohio Producing electronic stoves that cook with radio waves. Microwave oven; cooking. Tappan Stove Co., Mansfield, OH. CA A commercial helicopter company inspects power lines, explores, and helps F.B.I. Kern Copters, Inc., Bakersfield, CA. Pennsylvania Baking cookies. Pepperidge Farms Bakeries, Downingtown, PA. s
Ep. 286 1956 April 7 Nevada A hydroplane, the "Bluebird", designed to ride over water. Las Vegas, NV. Ohio Airflow by doors of Kroger supermarket counteracts weather outside. Saves on heating and air-conditioning bills. St. Louis Air Curtain Co. Pennsylvania Producing seamless metal pipes. Barium Steel Corp., Phoenixville, PA. Georgia When city faced an uncertain future, it organized campaign to remove uncertainties by building new schools, playgrounds, and homes. City planning. Georgia Power, Co., Manchester, GA. l s
Ep. 287 1956 April 14 Florida Diving for sponges and preparing them for sale. Tarpon Springs, FL.

California Producing three-wheeled golf cart for industrial and recreational use. Wayne Manf., Pomona, CA

New York Manufacturing staples, bicycle baskets, and wire furniture from steel wires. E.N. Titchener & Co., Binghamton, NY

Michigan Manufacturing guitars. Gibson Co., Kalamazoo, MI

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Ep. 288 1956 April 21 Idaho Nuclear reactor and nuclear powered electricity; atomic energy. Utah Power & Light. Argonne National Laboratory, Arco, ID.

Florida Manf. aluminum and aluminum products including jalousie windows, furniture and screens. Spectromat determines which metals are in alloy. Adams Engineering Co., Miami, FL.

Ohio Manf. starch from corn and wheat; byproduct is gluten used in food industry. Keever Starch Co., Columbus, OH.

CA Testing and grading gemstones; jewelry. Gemological Institute of America, Los Angeles, CA

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Ep. 289 1956 April 28 Florida Preparing frozen orange concentrate; food industry. Fruit Industries, Inc., Bradenton, FL. Minnesota Safer winter driving by using grips to avoid slipping wheels; automobiles. Napco Industries, Minneapolis, MN. Delaware Distributive Education Clubs of America prepare students for white collar jobs through business education program and on-the-job training. Wilmington High School, Wilmington, DE.

Texas Non-denominational chapel in a steel mill where weddings and baptisms are performed; religion. Lone Star Steel Company, Lone Star, TX.

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Ep. 290 1956 May 5 Florida Extracting tung oil from tung nuts. Nutmeg separated from the shell and refined. Spices; food industry. Southern Oil & Chemical Co., Brooker, FL. Pennsylvania Collapsible partitions of synthetic material. Plastic; construction. Masland Duraleather Co., Philadelphia, PA. Ohio Painting ashtrays and tumblers with company logos; house wares. Kemper-Thomas-Osborne Co., Cincinnati, OH. New Jersey Manf. spinning reels for fishing rods. Lionel Corp., Irvington, NJ Moving Image:IOP Ep 290 s
Ep. 291 1956 May 12 Oklahoma Producing petrochemical detergents. High pressure tests on flammable liquids. Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, OK.

Pennsylvania Devices to eliminate safety hazards. Producing safety ladders, including the "Beanstalk" which uses hydraulic ram. Ballymore Co., Wayne, PA.

California School operates television studio and printing press. Correspondence education. National Schools, Los Angeles, CA.

Indiana Making chicken coops; poultry. Small business owner, Simon Rockey, insists on quality. Simon Rockey, Pekin, IN.

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Ep. 292 1956 May 19 Pennsylvania Stabilizing land to make it suitable for housing and building. Environment; construction. Manu-Mine Research & Development Co., Reading, PA. Texas Manf. rubber stamps; office supplies. Gribble Stamp & Stencil Co., Houston, TX. Ohio Industrial research finds a cleaning agent that eliminates static electricity. Davies-Young Soap Co., Dayton, OH. North Carolina At earth moving school, safety is stressed. Adult education; construction. National School of Heavy Equipment Operation, Charlotte, NC. Industry on Parade Ep 292 #ref558
Ep. 293 1956 May 26 New Jersey Creating drug, "Meticorten," to replace cortisone for those with arthritis. Pharmaceuticals; health. Schering Corp., Bloomfield, NJ

Ohio Manf. window shades. Clopay Corp., Cincinnati, OH.

Minnesota Producing couches with motor driven hydraulic systems. Sofabed; furniture. U.S. Bedding Co., St. Paul, MN.

Florida Cigar packaging plant has nursery for children of women employees; child care. King Edward Cigar Co.

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Ep. 294 1956 May 26 Florida Control room has television to monitor electrical plant. Florida Light & Power Co., Miami, FL.

Ohio Researching medical tools. Testing and producing electronic thermometers that do not break and are easier to read. Medical Research Institute, Cincinnati, OH.

Tennessee New methods of processing metals. Machine bites through metal plate with accuracy and speed. W.J. Savage Co., Knoxville, TN. Michigan Transporting ore on the Great Lakes for steel companies. Ice breakers clear shipping lanes. Sault Sainte Marie, MI.

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Ep. 295 1956 June 9 Tennessee Removing oil from soy beans without waste; food industry. Central Soya Co., Chattanooga, TN. Michigan Each car design is road tested. Automobile engines tested under all conditions. Chrysler Corp., Chelsea, MI. New Jersey Manf. and assembling flexible steel rulers. Evans Ruler Co., Elizabeth, NJ. Florida Craftsmen build shrimp boats. Diesel Engine Sales Co., St. Augustine, FL. l s
Ep. 296 1956 June 16 CT Manf. bomb directional systems. Testing at Yucca Flats, NV. Norden-Ketay Co., Milford, CT. Michigan Company employs people who also work at other places. Shows versatility of Americans. Yale Rubber Manf. Co., Sandusky, MI. New Jersey Uses of plastics. See-through plastic used for signs. Gooden Products Corp., Englewood, NJ. Alabama Worker camaraderie at company retreat at Lake Mitchell; recreation. Alabama-Georgia Syrup Co., Montgomery, AL. l s
Ep. 297 1956 June 23 Massachusetts Radar defense systems on steel platforms off Cape Cod. Anderson, Nichols & Co.

Alabama Manufacturing evaporators for producing powdered eggs, coffee and other food stuffs. Welding. Goslin-Birmingham Manufacturing Co., Birmingham, AL

Pennsylvania Using alligator and snake skins for belts and suspenders. Leather punching and staining done by machine. Men's clothing. Pioneer Suspender Co., Darby, PA

New Jersey Restoration of old books. Rebinding, sewing pages, re-trimming edges, and putting on new covers. Rademaeker Bookbinding Co., Newark, NJ

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Ep. 298 1956 June 30 New Jersey Dr. Waksman studies microbiology and searches for organisms to fight disease, sometimes finding useful antibiotics; pharmaceuticals. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Georgia Sterilizing and cleaning bottles protects public health. Miller Hydro Co., Bainbridge, GA. North Carolina Reconditioning crankshafts. Vehicle repair. American Crankshaft Co., Charlotte, NC. Virginia Sewing classes with new sewing machine attachments and easy patterns. Children make doll clothes. Singer Corporation, Charlottesville, VA l s
Ep. 299 1956 July 7 New York Radiology is key to good medical care. Film for radiographs is tested. Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY

Ohio Ovens dry paint and prepare plastics and food. Fostoria Pressed Steel Corp., Fostoria, OH

Georgia Manf. tufted carpets. E.T. Barwick Mills, Lafayette, GA

New Jersey Toy factory employs dependable elderly workers; senior citizens. Childhood Interests, Inc., Roselle Park, NJ

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Ep. 300 1956 July 14 Pennsylvania Manf. rayon; non-woven fabrics are pressed. Used for napkins and towels; textiles. American Viscose Corp., Marcus Hook, PA. Texas Making aluminum units that spread insecticides for increased farm productivity; agriculture. Gustafson Manf. Co., Corpus Christi, TX. Tennessee Making saws and circular blades. Carley Manf. Co., Chattanooga, TN. Michigan Making sponges with detergent in them; household products. Brooklyn Products Sales Corp., Brooklyn, MI l s
Ep. 301 1956 July 21 Texas A pilot skyway with modern streamlined cars runs along a pipe-like structure in the air; the future. Monorail, Houston, TX. New Jersey Manf. and balancing fan blades. Cooling air. Diehl Manf. Co., NJ. South Carolina Assembling fiberglass fishing rods. Making and testing antennas. Columbia Products Co., Columbia, SC New York Mr. Quisenberr designs and builds toy tractors children can ride. BMC Manf. mass-produces toy tractors and cars. American Machine & Foundry Co., NY. IOP Ep 301 301
Ep. 302 1956 July 28 North Carolina Developing mismanaged land. Program holds land judging competitions and educates farmers on good soil management; environment. Sponsored by Carolina Power and Light Co., Raleigh, NC.

On the High Seas Assembling clocks and chronometers for navigation. American Export Line, Hamilton Watch Co.

New York Creating television cartoons. Assembling animation stands. People travel from foreign countries to see the factory, thus improving international relations. Schaeffer Pen Co., Fort Madison, IA.

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Ep. 303 1956 August 4 New Jersey Manf. disinfectants. Entire cities need disinfecting after floods. Used in hospitals. Lehn and Fink Products Corp., Bloomfield, NJ. North Carolina Carving, polishing and assembling in a furniture factory; wood products. Globe Parlor Furniture Co., High Point, NC. Colorado Powdered bricks and clay made into terracotta. Denver Terra Cotta Co., Denver, CO. New York Company makes booths for toll roads. Machines issue tickets and photograph license plate numbers. Taller & Cooper, Brooklyn, NY Moving Image:IOP Ep 303 s
Ep. 304 1956 August 11 New Jersey Building and testing small ship models, recreating the conditions real ships could face. Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. New York Elderly employees making lightweight clothes to protect against foul weather. Apparel industry; senior citizens. Utica Duxbak Corp., Utica, NY. Ohio Producing and road testing tires. Seiberling Rubber Co., Akron, OH. New Mexico American Indians manufacture jewelry. Sold at Maisel's, Inc., Albuquerque, NM. IOP Ep 304 s
Ep. 305 1956 August 18 Illinois Using human "guinea pigs" for research. Volunteers take medicines not yet approved; pharmaceuticals and medical research. Abbott Laboratories. New York Making wood products using traditional wooden machinery. American Manf. Concern, Falconer, NY. Pennsylvania Soft shirt collar replacing the starched collar, making shirt care easier. Apparel industry. Philip-Jones Corp., Pottsville, PA. New Mexico An archeologist studies the land and artifacts of earlier civilizations, before gas company drills pipeline. El Paso Natural Gas Co., Gallup, NM. IOP Ep 305 s
Ep. 306 1956 August 25 New York Manf. automatic voting machines. Automatic Voting Machine Corp., Jamestown, NY. New Mexico Machines drive holes into the dry land so water can be absorbed and plants can grow. Environment; farming. Machine Engineering Corp., Albuquerque, NM. Oklahoma Precision tools result of competition between manufacturers. Macklanburg Duncan Co., Oklahoma City, OK. Ohio Good landscaping design promotes better work environment and pleasant surroundings for passersby; horticulture. Reader's Digest, Cleveland, OH. Moving Image:IOP Ep 306 s
Ep. 307 1956 September 1 Oklahoma In the Science for Youth Program, high school students conduct experiments. Program encourages students to go into science careers. Sunray Midcontinental Oil Co., Tulsa, OK. New York Preparing and producing chicken, beef and vegetable bouillon cubes; food industry. Pure Food Company, Inc., Mamaroneck, NY. Illinois Manufacturer of outboard motors, pistons, and propellers employees. Testing for interchangeability. Johnson Motors Div., Outboard Marine & Manf. Co., Waukegan, IL. Ohio Building power shovels; construction industry. Marion Power Shovel Co., Hanna Coal Company Division, Cadiz, OH. l s
Ep. 308 1956 September 8 Oklahoma Civil defense workers practice for emergencies with imaginary attacks. Practice re-routing electricity and mobilizing materials and equipment. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co., Oklahoma City, OK.

Kansas New feed mill to advance flour and grain technology. Types of grain blended in various formulas; food industry. Kansas State College, Manhattan, KS.

New York Producing and assembling reclining chairs. Barcalo Manufacturing, Buffalo, NY

Virginia Making and packaging envelopes for church collections. National Church Supply Co., Chester, WV.

l 308
Ep. 309 1956 September 15 New York Workers under medical supervision making uniforms. Company's Social Service Department helps workers find permanent jobs after they recover. Altro Workshop, Inc. Illinois Repairing, evaluating and assembling car engines with scientific testing equipment. Garage employees go to school. Sun Electric. New Mexico Company builds roads; environment. Many tons of earth removed before opening new mine. Isbell Construction Co., Albuquerque, NM. Pennsylvania Two women sculptors first make stainless steel and slate models. Slate plaque for churches and schools. Gibsonia, PA. l s
Ep. 310 1956 September New York Cocoa is made into chocolate. Forming and wrapping candy bars; food industry. Nestle Co., Fulton, NY. Ohio Gas pumped through gas lines. Gas required for synthetics, industry, and homes. Women demonstrate gas-generated appliances. Ohio Fuel Gas Co., Columbus, OH. Texas Molding the inexpensive plastic disposable cup. Crown Plastic Cup Co., Ft. Worth, TX. CA Sea animals provide entertainment; care of the mammals. Ocean Aquarium, Hermosa Beach, CA. l s
Ep. 311 1956 September 29 New Mexico Milling ore; tin made from discarded tin cans. Crushing ore into bales; recycling. Chino Division, Kennecott Copper Corp., NM. Wisconsin Company provides other businesses with skilled and semi-skilled temporary workers of almost every kind. Manpower, Inc., Milwaukee, WI. Texas With machines, company can make more hats faster and price drops. Richard Englander Hat Co., Dallas, TX. Ohio Professionals use fireworks, so market has not decreased though fireworks outlawed in most states. Factory workers have safe working conditions. United Fireworks, Dayton, OH. l s
Ep. 312 1956 October 6 Michigan Studying chickens helps defeat some human ailments due to faulty diet. Finds that cholesterol is bad for the heart. Poultry; health. UpJohn Co., Kalamazoo, MI. Kentucky Manf., assembling, and inspecting protective domes for airplane hangars. Irving Air Chute Co., Lexington, KY. Arizona Cactus craft of Arizona uses dead cactus. Furniture shaped like covered wagons made from cactus; horticulture. Cactus Craft Co., Tucson, AZ. New York Company moves without stopping production. Neptune Storage l s
Ep. 313 1956 October 13 New Jersey Magnesium and iron mixed together make virtually new metal. Using photomicrographs to study the metal and its strength. International Nickel Co., Bayonne, NJ. Arizona Charcoal made from mesquite trees. Horticulture; food industry. Southwest Chemical Co., Tucson, AZ. Kansas Frozen food in natural icebox costs less to operate because it is naturally cold. Inland Cold Storage Co., Kansas City, KS. Ohio A ship can be operated with radio waves by using remote-controlled transmitter. Hobby Harbor, Columbus, OH. l s
Ep. 314 1956 Indiana Company makes components of a house. New mass production home-building techniques; construction industry. National Homes Corporation, Lafayette, IN. Ohio Making a crate which can stretch, hold liquid. Used in washing surfaces. Cincinnati Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, OH. Arizona Producing air coolers cheaper and easier than air-conditioners. Wright Manf. Co., Phoenix, AZ. New York Company makes weather seals for windows. Company first produced fringe for women's skirts. As skirts shortened, company changed products. Schlegel Co., Rochester, NY. Box 12 IOP Ep 314 s
Ep. 315 1956 October 27 New York Pharmaceutical firm lines tanks with glass to prevent contamination. Pfaudler Co., Rochester, NY. Ohio Safety supervisor teaches classes about electrical hazards and how to save people in contact with "live" electrical wires. Dayton Power and Light Co., Dayton, OH. Kentucky Making veneer for laminated floor blocks; construction industry. Wood Mosaic Corp., Louisville, KY. Wisconsin At the farm of Everett Horner, lights installed for airplane landing strip. Uses plane to operate farm and get help if someone injured. Line Material Co., Milwaukee, WI. Moving Image:IOP Ep 315 s
Ep. 316 1956 Nov. 3 Utah Men move a mountain in order to use it for fill for rail facilities. Construction; environment. Southern Pacific Railroad, UT. Ohio Making and packaging cement so people can make concrete. Sakrete Co., Cincinnati, OH. New York Making, bending, and painting metal tubes for use in furniture manufacture. Daystrom Furniture Co., Olean, NY. Wisconsin Business leaders support new zoo. Some companies donate animals. Milwaukee, WI. Box 12 l s
Ep. 317 1956 Nov. 10 Pennsylvania Molten iron refined with modern machinery; shaping metal. Glass fibers used for internal reinforcement. A. M. Myers Co., Pittsburgh, PA. Wisconsin Selling knitted items, many hand-made. Making mukluks, or Eskimo socks. Handicraft Corp., Princeton, WI. Utah Mixing concrete on the spot. Travel Batcher Co., Salt Lake City, UT. Kentucky Water-powered mill grinds corn the old way; food industry. Mill Springs, KY. IOP Ep 317 s
Ep. 318 1956 Nov. 17 Illinois "Our Wonderful World" classifies material by subjects. Students asked what they wanted to find in an encyclopedia; printing. Spencer Press, Champaign, IL. Ohio Making ceramic tiles with different glazes; construction industry. Mosaic Tile Co., Zanesville, OH. CA Peaches are hand-picked, graded and canned. Equipment removes pits and skins; food industry. New York Crushed stone for highways; construction. Man travels by helicopter onto barges to get gravel and hand out paychecks. New York Trap Rock Corp. l s
Ep. 319 1956 Nov. 24 Wisconsin Conservation and renewal of natural resources. "Trees for Tomorrow" program informs the public and plants trees. Manf. and assembling toasters; house wares and appliances. Toastmaster Products, Elgin, IL. CA Preparing saddle leather, luggage, and handbags. Michigan Manf. automobile headlights. l s
Ep. 320 1956 December 1 California Students visit grocery store to learn about homemaking, to shop wisely and about the nutritional value of food. Sponsored by Seventeen Magazine. Ralph's Supermarket, Los Angeles, CA. Wisconsin Men and women (including numerous African Americans) work together in dry cleaning plant. If a button is missing, they search for a new one in the button library. Spic and Span Dry Cleaning, Milwaukee, WI. Oklahoma Portable scales on trailer for weighing cattle; farming. Paul's Portable Scales. Jack Hall's Ranch, Duncan, OK. CT Workers making attachments for home sewing machines wear protective goggles. Eyesight preservation program. IOP Ep 320 s
Ep. 321 1956 December 8 Texas Experienced pilots learn new procedures in pilot school; adult education. American Flyers, Inc., Fort Worth, TX. Utah Brightening and dimming of lights used for stages and studios; theater . Ariel Davis, Salt Lake City, UT. Wisconsin Manf. aluminum kitchen supplies; housewares. Pennsylvania Tractors designed for comfort with heating and air-conditioning. Protective cab with radio. l s
Ep. 322 1956 December 15 New York The New York State Fair offers people the opportunity to display their best. Through research, the Beacon Milling Company developed balanced feed for farm animals. Beacon Milling Co., Cayuga, NY. Texas Manf. steel drums. Rheem Manf. Co., Houston, TX. Illinois Producing and testing golf clubs. Nadco Sporting Goods. map#text:CA College students learn the building trade by designing and decorating houses. Students learn about appliances. Each class constructs a house. Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA. Box 12 l s
Ep. 323 1956 December 22 Wisconsin Brewery provides yeast which produces enzymes and co-enzymes important in fighting diseases. Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, WI. Indiana Washing and cooking tomatoes. Making ketchup; food industry. Stokely-Van Camp Co., Indianapolis, IN. MA Electronics taught through films for children. Science Electronics, Inc., Cambridge, MA. CA Art made from airplane parts. San Diego Gallery of Fine Art, San Diego, CA. l s
Ep. 324 1956 December 29 New Jersey Truck trailers that go on ships mean consumer savings. Shipping freight; containerization. Meerschaum and corn cob pipes; tobacco industry. Washington, MO. Illinois Lights that glow in the dark without heat using zinc sulfide compound. Dials for watches and clocks. CA Trucks travel through rows picking and packing lettuce without damaging the heads. Moving Image:IOP Ep 324 s


Industry on Parade 1957
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link
Ep. 325 1957 January 5 Pennsylvania C. R. Morrison developed conveyer belts for the food industry from a polyester film made by DuPont. Other uses are boil-in bags for frozen foods and toy airplane wings. Mohawk Supply Co., Philadelphia, PA. Illinois Fluid drive eliminates gear shifting in automobiles. Hydraulic torque converter. Twin Disc Clutch Co., Rockford, IL. New York Preparing synthetic fibers for use in machine-made comforters; textiles. Lockport Mills, Lockport, NY. CA Preparing cherries for candy, including bleaching, machine removal of stems and pits, candying, sorting and packaging. Food industry. Lyons-Magnus, Sebastopol, CA Box 12
Ep. 326 1957 January 12 Colorado Uranium mining company built modern one-room schoolhouse for its employees' children. Beaver Mesa Uranium, Inc., Beaver Mesa, CO. Illinois Making chocolate-covered candy with peanut butter inside; food industry. D. L. Clark Co., Evanston, IL. New York Making, painting, assembling, and packing aluminum benches, chairs and tables. Molla, Inc., Westbury, NY. Kansas Captain Brown, a firefighter, carves puppets and performs as a ventriloquist. Fire Station No. 2, Lawrence, KS. Box 12
Ep. 327 1957 January 19 New Jersey Machines form metals into tubes for such things as toothpaste and thermos jugs. The Sun Tube Co., Washington, NJ. Illinois Radio system gives emergency vehicles remote control of traffic lights. Standard Coils Electronic Protection Plant, Melrose Park, IL. CA Harvesting cotton with machines. Mobile repair units fix mechanical cotton pickers; farming. W. B. Camp and Sons, Bakersfield, CA. Missouri Electrical power plant, located near coal deposits. An artificial lake, stocked with fish, cools condensers and creates new recreational facilities. Kansas City Power and Light Co., Clinton, MO.
Ep. 328 1957 January 26 New Jersey Developing an air filter to keep dirt from machines and operators. The company uses paper, resin, and impregnated cellulose in its filters. Purolator Products, Rahway, NJ. Missouri John Blair created a business that uses cedar to make wooden boxes, whistles, and other items. Blair Cedar and Novelty Co., Camdenton, MO. CA Noncombustible vinyl sheets molded to look like brick. Produced in wall-sized sheets that can be installed over plaster or wallboard; construction industry. Studio Brick, Inc., Hollywood, CA. Illinois Using electric power to produce horse shoes; farming. Horseshoe Division, Phoenix Manf. Co., Joliet, IL.
Ep. 329 1957 February 2

Illinois Corn used to make over 500 products, including corn oil and syrup. Company provides support for high school night courses. Corn Products Refining Co., Argo, IL.

Massachusetts Manf. doll clothes for "Ginny Dolls." Founded by Jennie Graves who needed to support her family. Vogue Dolls, Inc., Medford, MA.

Washington Making neon-gas panels that display time and temperature. American Sign and Indicator Corp., Spokane, WA.

Texas Custom-designed interiors for helicopters and airplanes. Horton and Horton, Fort Worth, TX.

Ep. 330 1957 February 9 Utah Extracting and preparing salt for the table and forming it into blocks; food industry. Royal Salt Co., Great Salt Lake, UT. Illinois Manf. device to control temperature of shower water. Powers Regulator Co., Skokie, IL. Maine Making paper plates from a mixture of pulp and water. Keyes Fiber Co., Waterville, ME. Oregon The Holmes family gift wraps pears from their orchards; food industry. Harry and David Holmes, OR.
Ep. 331 1957 February 16 Michigan Integrating sphere measures the light transmitted by a glass block. Research finances Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Daylighting Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Oregon Converting timber into plywood in an aircraft hangar. Diamond Lumber Co., Tillamook, OR. New York Improving cameras to make them more automatic. Obex Corp., Lynbrook, NY. Texas Using helicopters to harvest nuts by blowing pecans off trees. Helicopters save tomatoes from freezing by churning layers of warm upper air downward; farming. W. T. Evers Pecan Farm, Denton, TX.
Ep. 332 1957 February 23 Utah Manf. sugar from sugar beets. By-products used as livestock feed. Utah and Idaho Sugar Co., West Jordan, UT. MA Consulting and research firm concerned with shortage of science teachers has two employees alternate duties each semester. One teaches high school and other works in company's lab. Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Michigan Though crippled by polio as a child, businesswoman designs and produces greeting cards. Gwen Frostic, Frankfort, MI. Missouri Using modern equipment, including air conditioned milking parlors, to produce milk at low cost. Sky-Go Farms, Fulton, MO. Box 13
Ep. 333 1957 March 2 New York Office work more pleasant and efficient through electronics. Pneumatic tubes carry paper work from office to office. Remote control applied to dictation of correspondence. Standard Vacuum Oil Co., White Plains, NY. Michigan Producing mufflers to quiet engines while maintaining engine power. Walker Manf. Co., Jackson, MI. MA Making leather and rawhide mallets for hammering without damaging materials. Turner & Cook, Southfield, MA. Indiana Harvesting mint and removing the oil. Oil used in chewing gum, candies, and as the menthol in pharmaceutical items. Remaining leaves used as fertilizer. South Bend, IN.
Ep. 334 1957 March 9 MA Henry Ellis Warren invented synchronous electric clock. Regulated by pulsations from electric current without connecting cord. General Electric Telechron, Ashland, MA. Oregon Raising, pruning, and packaging holly. Brownell Farms, Milwaukie, OR. New York Making dies from which castings are formed. Training die-makers. Precision Castings Division, Harsco Corp., Fayetteville, NY. Arizona Modified "Kaibabs" (shoes made by Hopi Indians from Spanish conquistador design) used as modern sportswear. Tucson, AR.
Ep. 335 1957 March 16 Indiana Campaign to reduce oversupply of tomatoes by promoting new recipes and reminding public of their nutritional value. Can Manufacturers' Institute, IN. Texas Woman develops a book rest first in ceramic, then plastic, that is sold nationwide. Fort Worth, TX. New York Making fastening devices for men's clothes. Wearing Madras shirts and Ivy League trousers make fashion statement; apparel industry. Waldes Kohinoor, Inc., Long Island City, NY. MA Making styrofoam, a light-weight material that is easily shaped, is useful as an insulator and as packaging for electronic components. Dow Chemical, Somerville, MA. Box 13
Ep. 336 1957 March 23 Utah Making dynamite at Bacchus Works, using nitroglycerine mixed with other ingredients. Machinery powered by steam and compressed air. Hercules Powder Co., UT. Pennsylvania A refugee from behind the Iron Curtain starts new life. His drafting skills are in demand and he can look forward to having a car and a home. Alan Wood Steel Co., Conshohocken, PA. CT Producing mobile ground support units that supply power to start engines, test and service jets owned by Defense Department. Aircraft Div., Consolidated Diesel Electric Corp., Stamford, CT. Michigan Association of Americans and Canadians allows people to send flowers great distances. Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association, Detroit, MI.
Ep. 337 1957 March 30 Oregon An emergency radio system located on Roxy Ann Mountain owned by logging and lumbering firms. System keeps men who work in forest in touch through "Handie-Talkie" sets. Southern Oregon Conservation and Tree Farm Association, Jackson County, OR. MA Transforming steel into firearms. Company promotes safety through program of awards to gun clubs. Development of gun that fires a lifeline for use by Coast Guard, police and fire departments. Harrington and Richardson, Inc. Worcester, MA. New York Boy learns about factories and mechanized production. Modern factory design. General Electric, Schenectady, NY. Michigan Making checkerboards in wood. Manf. plastic checkers and chessmen; entertainment. William F. Drueke and Sons, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI. Box 13
Ep. 338 1957 April 6 Ohio Giant grain elevator, run by Anderson family, has large retail market next door. Store attracts business to grain facilities. Maumee, OH. Maryland Electronic device for opening garage doors by remote control. Good salesmanship with demonstrations develops market for new device. Rado Corp.. Oregon Light-weight neoprene rubber molded into hundreds of items, including rollers used in paper mills and buffers for boating enthusiasts. JETS, the Junior Engineering Technical Society, is a nationwide club for students interested in engineering; education.
Ep. 339 1957 April 13 CT Pre-fabricated house components manufactured in a factory combined create individualized houses; construction industry. Fabricators, Inc., Norwalk, CT. Michigan Manf. tricks for magic trade; entertainment. Pennsylvania Making wetting agent to fight dust in industry; clean air. A secretary, Mary Smith, gets patent on supply drawer that fits under typewriter shelf. Idea incorporated into assembly line of office furniture manufacturer. Woman inventor. Globe Wernicke, Cincinnati, OH. Duplicate of 359
Ep. 340 1957 April 20 Oregon Consulting agricultural specialists help farmers install appropriate irrigation systems to conserve rainwater. New demands for electricity; agriculture and environment. Portland General Electric Co., Portland, OR. Ohio Precision measuring gauges made with interchangeable parts. Laboratory named for Eli Whitney who developed concept of interchangeable parts. The Sheffield Corp., Dayton, OH. Pennsylvania Nottingham loom makes lace that copies handwork of traditional makers. Seamless lace allows creation of new patterns. Textiles. Scranton Lace Co., Scranton, PA. New York Two sisters run Madison Avenue pipe shop where tobacco blends are mixed. Sell "natural" or unvarnished wooden pipes. Misses Anna and Louisa Wilke
Ep. 341 1957 April 27 New York Collecting house dust for developing serum to treat people allergic to dust. Pharmaceutical industry helps relieve symptoms of hay fever and asthma. Endo Laboratories Michigan Sheila Forshee developed idea of way to dispose of paint-saturated water using disposable curtains for paint booths. Woman inventor. Newcomb-Detroit Co., Detroit, MI. Vermont Treating scrap mica with chemical and heat treatments to form large sheets with uniform electrical insulating properties. Samica Corp., Rutland, VT. Texas Attendant hooks basket to car, fills basket, and keeps running tab so women can shop at drive through market without leaving their car. Drive-Thru Market, Houston, TX.
Ep. 342 1957 May 4 CT Town finances equipment and construction of a plant for manufacturing paper towelettes used for washing face and hands; sanitation. Employees design many of their own tools. R. R. Williams Co. and Industrial Development Association, Canaan, CT. Ohio The wallpaper industry and a school for paperhangers. Cleveland, OH. Washington Making specialized glass that scientists can look through to see 'hot" cells in atomic research without danger from radiation. Penberthy Instrument Co., Seattle, WA. Florida Fresh orange juice pumped onto sea-going tanker, the S. S. "Tropicana," for delivery to New York where shipped to processing plants; food industry. Fruit Industries, Inc., Cocoa, FL. Box 10
Ep. 343 1957 May 11 Michigan Manf. satellite, made of magnesium alloy, to be sent into space as part of Project Vanguard. Brooks and Perkins, Inc., Detroit, MI. CT New careers for women as engineering aides or assistants in jet aircraft industry. These "girls free the engineers for more demanding, original research." Hamilton Standard Division, United Aircraft, Windsor Locks, CT. CA Picking, processing, and packing dates. Automatic machine for pitting; food industry. CA Date Growers' Association, Coachella Valley, CA. Pennsylvania "Muscletown, U.S.A." manufactures iron barbells to improve physical fitness of businessmen. York Barbell Co., York, PA. Box 13
Ep. 344 1957 May 18 New York Parents employed in scientific industries advise new high school on type of chemistry laboratory equipment to install and gather information on industrial scholarships. Parents Advisory Councils, Carle Place, NY. Pennsylvania Large air compressors used to bring pulverized rock to surface in process of drilling for natural gas. Keta Gas and Oil Co., Indiana, PA. MA Making burglar alarms using radar waves that detect movement. Radar Eye Corp., Natick, MA. Texas Vince Genovese, U. S. Air Force baseball star, teaches sports to boys as a way to prevent juvenile delinquency. Samuels & Co., Dallas, TX.
Ep. 345 1957 May 25 Ohio Using airplanes to photograph potential sites for mining. Special camera creates three-dimensional transparency from two negatives. Aerial Surveys, Inc., Cleveland, OH. Virginia Making wrinkle-resistant cotton cloth by impregnating it with special fluid. Columbia University professor develops a "Fabricometer" to measure wrinkles. Dan River Mills, Inc., Danville, VA. Pennsylvania Developing a door hinge that requires no mortising; construction industry. McKinney Manf. Co., Pittsburgh, PA. New York Dage Division of Thompson Products supplies television receivers and cameras to give fast information on seat availability on Pennsylvania Railroad. Pennsylvania Station
Ep. 346 1957 June 1 Virginia A working reproduction of the 1608 glass blowing facility; historic reenactment. Glasshouse Foundation, Jamestown, VA. Michigan Architectural firm uses small three-dimensional scale models made of cardboard and plastic to visualize buildings. Eberle M. Smith, Detroit, MI. North Carolina Modern plant manufactures and packages cigarettes; tobacco industry. P. Lorillard Co., Greensboro, NC. Colorado Company President Kolowich helps former college basketball stars find jobs when their athletic careers end. Denver-Chicago Trucking Co., Denver, CO. IOP Ep 346
Ep. 347 1957 June 8 Delaware Engineers at proving ground resolve problem of runways that are too short. Jet-powered car pushes test planes to simulate take-off and landing without plane leaving the ground. Using a catapult to boost jet into the air without long take-off. All American Engineering Co., Wilmington, DE. Kentucky Frank Reeves developed system of placing photographed pieces of clothing, including hats, coats, and dresses, on "mug shots" to aid in criminal identification. Showing women how they would look with new haircut. Reeves' Identifiers, Louisville, KY. New Jersey Manf. electro-plating machines; machines in operation at Hamilton Standard Division of United Aircraft. Hansen-Van Winkle Munning Co., Matawan, NJ. Indiana Making violins for home players and square dancers. Charles Kelly, Borden, IN.
Ep. 348 1957 June 15 Maryland High school using closed-circuit television instruction. Experimental program to solve teacher and classroom shortages. Sponsored by the Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers Association and the Fund for the Advancement of Education. South Hagerstown High School, South Hagerstown, MD. Washington, DC Designing and printing postage stamps. Bureau of Printing & Engraving, Treasury Dept., Washington, DC. Arkansas Company encourages better engineering by giving money to customers who make improvements to its model airplane engines. Fox Manf. Co., Fort Smith, AR. Kentucky Digging wild herbs and selling them to a druggist; the environment. Some roots recognized in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary. Others used for seasoning and scenting. Sim Brackett, Oldham County, KY.
Ep. 349 1957 June 22 Pennsylvania Manf. surgical equipment, including surgical lights, tables, and a sterilizer that uses sound waves to clean instruments. American Sterilizer Co., Erie, PA. New York Making fishing line in a 140 year old company. B. F. Gladding Co., South Otselic, NY. New Jersey Mass producing modern plumbing equipment; construction industry. American Standard, Trenton, NJ. Missouri Protecting buildings and large trees from lightning. Using model homes to see what happens when lightning strikes. National Lightning Protection Co., St. Louis, MO. Box 13
Ep. 350 1957 June 29 New Jersey Making pharmaceutical materials to be injected in a sterile environment. Air cleaning system and mobile ultra-violet units clean air in a "positive pressure" atmosphere. Schering Pharmaceutical Corp., Union, NJ. Ohio A national chain of hamburger stands. Company owns steel plant to manufacture its equipment and a paper company to manufacture employees' hats. Managerial training program for young men. White Castle Systems, Inc., Columbus, OH. CT Making paper dress patterns for Vogue Pattern Service. Parisian high fashion designs available to American women. Includes pattern made from a design by Patou. Conde Nast Publications, Inc., Greenwich, CT. Missouri Conversion of an automobile showroom into a public library. Machines speed book repairs. Dictation machines save paperwork by recording books borrowed. Mobile units take books to readers. St. Louis County Library, St Louis, MO. IOP Ep 350
Ep. 353 1957 July 20 New York Radio transmitter inside a capsule can be swallowed and detect changes in pressure exerted by the body's internal organs. Antenna transmits information to a cathode oscillograph. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Veteran's Administration, and Radio Corporation of America Minnesota Air conditioned shopping center with roofed interior. Closed circuit television keeps shoppers safe; security. Courtyard has exhibitions, escalators and interior "streets." Southdale Regional Shopping Center, Minneapolis, MN. Pennsylvania Improvements in piston ring design meant fewer sales as rings lasted longer. Company uses same materials to make spiral toys. Wilkening Manf. Co., Philadelphia, PA. Ohio New housing development strains capacity of schoolhouse. Developer allocates new houses for use as schools while new school is built. Huber Heights, OH. Box 13
Ep. 354 1957 July 27 Texas In "Aviation Hot Lab" robot manipulates materials for possible use in atomic powered aircraft. Testing hexadecane to form protective layer on water to reduce evaporation. Testing samples of clays found in southwest for industrial uses. Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX. New Jersey Making graphite crucibles for pouring castings. Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, NJ. Michigan Developing the Dockleveler for bridging gap between a truck body and a loading platform to create a smooth bridge. T. and S. Equipment Co., Albion, MI. Tennessee Restoring Davy Crockett's boyhood home with hand-hewn wooden shingles or shakes. Cliff Fletcher splits shakes from white oak trees. Crockett Tavern, Morristown, TN.
Ep. 355 1957 August 3 Ohio Testing irradiated tires for atomic powered aircraft of the future. Tires exposed to cobalt-60 are harder. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, OH. New York Manf. pencils, including moisture-resistant pencil, weatherproof pencil, and pencil that writes on glass. Lead Pencil Manufacturers' Association Mississippi Selling pecan seedlings to farmers, nurserymen, and homeowners. Grafting trees for better production. Bass Pecan Co., Lumberton, MS. Michigan Roy Lowe invented a mobile cafeteria, the "Autoteria." Unit serves lunch at eighteen factories and can serve 500 people with one waitress. Detroit, MI. Box 13
Ep. 356 1957 August 10 Indiana Improving farm production by adding antibiotics and tranquilizers to poultry and cattle feed. Some results checked by "mechanical cow" that simulates cow's first stomach. Stronger egg shells. Agricultural Research and Development Center, Charles Pfizer and Co., Terre Haute, IN. New York Retreading rubber tires; recycling. Daleley Tire Service, Monsey, NY. Mississippi Converting logs into furniture. Veneer mill peels logs for use as paneling. Jackson, MS. Michigan Women home service advisors address schools and clubs about electrical appliances that can be used in homes. Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, MI.
Ep. 357 1957 August 17 CT Manufacturers assemble parts for missiles in a dust-free area. Assembly area made of chrome, stainless steel, plastic, and glass. Fafnir Bearing Co., New Britain, CT. Louisiana Pine stumps are in demand for rosins, turpentine, and pine oil. Pine oil used in household cleansers, deodorizers, and whiteners. Crosby Chemicals Inc., De Ritter, LA, and Dumas Milner Corp., Jackson, MS. Michigan Making do-it-yourself cabinet kits for speakers and other hi-fi phonograph equipment. Electro-Voice, Inc., Buchanan, MI. New Jersey Building mobile ice cream parlors on standard truck chassis. Sold to dealers who buy a franchise along with truck. Vincentown, NJ. Polar Cub Mobile Units, Inc., Vincentown, NJ. Box 13
Ep. 358 1957 August 24 Indiana Making band instruments. High speed electronic computers calculate acoustical formulae to improve design of wind instruments. C. G. Conn, Ltd., Elkhart, IN. CT Solving the problem of friction-generated heat in automobile brakes. Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., Bridgeport, CT. Oklahoma Aerojet-General Nucleonics of CA manufactures small atomic reactors and cut-away models for educational purposes. Oklahoma University, Oklahoma City, OK. Michigan Adding special cells to fool bees into making more "royal jelly" used in cosmetics and capsules; agriculture. Prairie View Honey Co., Detroit, MI. Box 13
Ep. 359 CT Pre-fabricated house components manufactured in a factory combined create individualized houses; construction industry. Fabricators, Inc., Norwalk, CT. Michigan Manf. tricks for magic trade; entertainment. Abbott's House of Magic, Colon, MI. Pennsylvania Making wetting agent to fight dust in industry; clean air. Johnson-March Corp., Philadelphia, PA. Ohio A secretary, Mary Smith, gets patent on supply drawer that fits under typewriter shelf. Idea incorporated into assembly line of office furniture manufacturer. Woman inventor. Globe Wernicke, Cincinnati, OH.
Ep. 361 1957 September 14 CA Shipping wood pulp from British Columbia by tanker built by National Bulk Carriers. Water used to force pulp from ship into storage tanks. Paper making machines. Crown Zellerbach, Antioch, CA. Maryland Developing truck body for use with front wheel drive. Height of body can be adjusted to loading dock for quicker loading. Thompson Trailer Co., Pikesville, MD. Louisiana Processing shrimp at a cannery where catch is cleaned, cooked, canned, and sterilized by machines; food industry. Robinson Canning Co., Westwego, LA. New Jersey Developing machine process that cuts the cost of diamond tipped phonograph needles. Walco Products, Inc., East Orange, NJ. Box 14
Ep. 362 1957 September 21 Florida Missiles radio to earth information about atmospheric conditions. Equipment takes readings and measurements and converts data into radio signals. New science called telemetry. Telemetry van travels to pick up remote signals. Radiation, Inc., Melbourne, FL. North Carolina Studying how and why salt water and salt air corrode industrial products. Products including woods, metals, and fibers immersed in the ocean and then analyzed in a laboratory. International Nickel Co., Kure Beach, NC. Illinois Developing automatic tea-making machine, the Teamaker, that makes a uniform product meeting specifications of the National Restaurant Association and Tea Council of the U.S.A. Food Machinery and Chem., Hoopeston, IL. New York Woman artist uses power tools as paint brushes and stainless steel as a canvas to create murals. Murals created for General Motors Technical Center in Warren, MI, National Carbon Co., in Parma, OH, and Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, NY. Mrs. Buell Mullen (artist)
Ep. 363 1957 September 28 Illinois Light rays strike photo-electric cell, automatically adjusting exposure of a camera. Bell and Howell. Louisiana Steel railway rails welded together to create a "long rail." Reduces maintenance costs. Southern Pacific, Lafayette, LA. Michigan Advice on how to take care of a car and make it last longer. Automobile Manufacturers' Association, Detroit, MI. CA Barbara and Donn Sigerson, industrial designer and engineer, designed a dish-like metal toy called the "Tumble Top." The steps required to get product mass produced and distributed. Allwork, Inc., Oakland, CA.
Ep. 364 1957 October 5 Florida Mining phosphate at the Noralyn mine. Phosphate used as fertilizer, livestock feed, and in chemical laboratories. International Minerals and Chem., Bartow, FL. Illinois Engraving music and then printing it through process called offset lithography. Rayner, Dalheim Co.. Ohio Developing tires that are 100% Butyl, a synthetic rubber. Pennsylvania Tire Co. Mansfield, OH and Esso Research and Engineering Co., San Antonio, TX. New York Reopening and deepening channels with dredges. Creating usable land by pumping silt and sand into marshes; environment. Ellicott Machine Corp., Shinnecock Bay, NY.
Ep. 365 1957 October 12 MA Research to improve intercontinental missile re-entry through use of a shock tube that simulates conditions. Avco Research Laboratory, Everett, MA. Indiana Making mats of horse, cow, and hog hair to be used in upholstering furniture. CA Inventing and manufacturing the "Dialaphone," an automatic dialing machine using punched holes. James Kilburg (inventor), San Mateo, CA. North Carolina Outdoor laboratory experiments with lights for roadways. Included are filament lights, mercury lights, and fluorescent lights. General Electric Co., Hendersonville, NC.
Ep. 366 1957 CA "House of the Future" at Disneyland shows how plastics will change our lives. Dishwasher cleans by high frequency radio waves; watchdog television cameras to introduce visitors. Monsanto Chemical Co., Anaheim, CA. New York An ingot of special alloy steel is made stronger by electrode process where impurities are removed. Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Watervliet, NY. Minnesota Salting peanuts inside the shell by forcing vaporized salt water through the shell; food industry. Fisher Nut Co., St. Paul, MN. New Jersey Assembling Edsels, an automobile, using sign language to communicate over the noise. Ford Assembly Plant, Mahwah, NJ. Box 14
Ep. 367 1957 October 26 Minnesota Milling limestone. Using stone facades in construction. Synchronizing work at mill and home site. "Cross-dyeing" technique for cloth dyed in one operation. Finishing processes of textiles. Fairlawn-Richmond Finishing Co., Fairlawn, NJ. North Carolina Civic improvements, including new Presbyterian College, hospital, and community swimming pool, through voluntary contributions. Laurinburg, NC.
Ep. 368 1957 Nov. 2 Arizona Developing an air motor powered by jet exhaust to reduce jet speed after landing. Airsearch Division, Garrett Corp., Phoenix, AZ. South Carolina A cafeteria on wheels, a "Mobilteria," used to deliver meals to hospital patients. Assembling fishing rods using parts manufactured by other firms. Subcontracting to other small businesses. CT Welcoming families to new community and company. Company hostesses greet wives.
Ep. 369 1957 Nov. 9 MA Using electronic membrane systems to purify salt water. Ionics, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Minnesota Chamber of Commerce helps companies expand and encourages new businesses to settle in the town. Jobs Building, Inc., Albert Lea, MN. Washington Tips on buying houses; construction. National Association of Home Building, Washington, DC. Indiana Harry Randall makes harpsichords as a hobby. H. and A. Selmer, Inc., Elkhart, IN.
Ep. 370 1957 Nov. 17 CA Machining metal by chemical milling. United States Chemical Milling Co., Manhattan Beach, CA. New York Recycling scrap paper into boxboard. Columbia Boxboard, Inc., Chatham, NY MA Making Necco wafers candy; food industry. New England Confectionary Co., Cambridge, MA. Texas Lee Simpson invents a robot motor boat called a "Ski-Horse" controlled by the water skier. Lake Austin, TX. Box 14
Ep. 371 1957 Nov. 23 Ohio Foreign visitors study U.S. tools, techniques, and lifestyle. Armco Steel Corp., Middletown, OH. Iowa Producing spray nozzles and related parts. Delavan Manf. Co., Des Moines, IA. New Jersey Making street signs. Traffic and Street Sign Co., Newark, NJ. Minnesota Making "Scotchguard," a compound that makes fabrics stain resistant. Minnesota Mining and Manf. Co., St. Paul, MN. Box 14 external sova ref713
Ep. 372 1957 Nov. 30 New York Designing and building refineries and petrochemical plants around the world. Electronic computers perform calculations in minutes. Scale models for testing purposes. M. W. Kellogg Co. Indiana Making saxophones with customized engraving. H. and A. Selmer, Inc., Elkhart, IN. Texas Donald Mitchell invented a lightweight automatic pilot, the Airboy Co-pilot, for small planes. Mineral Wells, TX. Minnesota Manf., testing, and improving outboard boat motors. Scott Atwater Manf. Co., Minneapolis, MN. Box 14
Ep. 373 1957 December 7 Oregon Building log cabins for hunters and fishermen in the Wallowa Country with the help of a McCulloch chain saw. La Grande, OR. Texas Making building blocks from crushed shale treated with high temperatures. Texcrete Division, Texas Industries, Dallas, TX. Pennsylvania Scientists study chips of hardwood logs and discover different types of pulp that can be made into high quality paper. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, PA. Texas P. J. Norris, a blind man, manufactures cleaning plugs for oil well pipes. He and his wife live independently; disabilities.
Ep. 374 1957 December 14 Wisconsin Making tractors with diesel engines; agriculture. J.I. Case Co., Racine, WI. Texas Making customized jail cells; prisons. More light and air make cells more humane. Southern Steel Co., San Antonio, TX. Indiana Uniform painting of bicycles and other objects using a disc atomizer and an electrostatic charge. Ransburg Electro-Coating Corp., Indianapolis, IN. Pennsylvania Making Stetson cowboy hats that protect eyes, keep dust out of hair, and can even be used as a horse feedbag. John B. Stetson Co., Philadelphia, PA.
Ep. 375 1957 December 21 New Jersey Using ultrasonic waves in industry. Ultrasonic soldering irons fuse aluminum or magnesium without flux or special surface treatment. Drilling holes in hard materials. Cleaning objects immersed in water by sound waves. Gulton Industries, Inc., Metuchen, NJ. New York Manf. railroad equipment for use overseas, especially India. Diesel locomotive school. Box 14

New Jersey Using ultrasonic waves in industry. Ultrasonic soldering irons fuse aluminum or magnesium without flux or special surface treatment. Drilling holes in hard materials. Cleaning objects immersed in water by sound waves. Gulton Industries, Inc., Metuchen, NJ.

New York Manufacturing railroad equipment for use overseas, especially India. Diesel locomotive school. Alco Products, Inc., Schenectady, NY.

Texas Making plastic that can withstand high temperatures produced by natural gas. New product is called Marlex 50 and is a polyethylene. Phillips Chemical Co., of Phillips Petroleum, Pasadena,TX.

California Invention allows drivers, particularly policemen and taxi drivers, to read and write while driving. Patrolman Gale Wilson, inventor. Car Desk Co., Vernon, CA.

Ep. 376 1957 December 28 CA Improving company morale through employee opinion surveys. Polling conducted by Psychological Services, Inc., Garrett Corp., Los Angeles, CA. West Virginia Steel used in manufacturing chimney corsets which hold together tall smoke stacks. Reich-Huntington Iron Works, Huntington, West Virginia. Texas Unique building roofed with a series of hyperbolic parabaloids made in concrete. Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX. Maryland Making "straw" Panama hats out of plastic. Hopkins Hats.


Industry on Parade 1958
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link
Ep. 377 1958 January 4 How industry and private citizens prepare for and cope with both natural disasters as well as those man has brought upon himself as a price of progress. Kanawha Valley Industry Emergency Council, WV, formed by industrial directors to prevent avoidable disasters. Industry goes beyond legal requirements in its concern for public health and safety.
Ep. 380 1958 Museums of Industry and Science From a weekly documentary series devoted to American industry. This episode looks at historic sites, museums, factories, industrial plants and other places where visitors may view manufacturing processes or objects used in manufacturing or industry. It includes footage of an apothecary shop in Colonial Williamsburg and glassblowing in Jamestown.

Also, a silversmith at Old Sturbridge Village; iron forging at the restored ironworks in Saugus, Mass.; glass blowing in Jamestown, Va.; the Drake oil well in Titusville, Penn.; the restored Black Maria studio at the Edison National Historic Site in West Orange, N.J.; restored mining towns in Buena Park [probably Knott's Berry Farm, although not identified as such] and Calico, Calif.; the Wright Brothers' first airplane and other items in the Smithsonian Institution's Arts and Industries Collection; and fountain pen nib manufacture at a Schaefer Pens factory.

Museums of Industry and Science . Produced by Arthur Lodge Productions, Inc. Directed by Roger A. Young, Jr. Industry on Parade, no. 380. New York: National Association of Manufacturers, 1957. 1 reel (13.5 min., b & w).

  1. IOP Ep 380
  2. w&m link
  3. oclc 36592323
Ep. 381 1958 February 1 Science and Youth Preparing today's youth to become tomorrow's scientists. Oklahoma oil company allows employees' children to use its laboratories. Summer jobs for high school students and provides scholarships. Science Electronics, Inc., makes chemistry and electronic sets as toys. Carle Place High School parents' science council helps school acquire scientific equipment.

This episode looks at the way industry promotes knowledge of science and interest in scientific careers. Scientific toys, summer internships, college scholarships and improvement of science teaching are among the methods covered. Companies featured include DX Sunray Oil Co. which has a science-for-youth educational program; Radiation, Inc., which has a cooperative internship program with Georgia Institute of Technology; Science Electronics Inc., a manufacturer of scientific toys; and Arthur D. Little, which sponsors summer study fellowships for science and math teachers. An experiment in closed-circuit televised instruction is also mentioned.

IOP Ep 381
Ep. 385 1958 March 1 Billion Dollar Breakfast American industry improves the quality, variety, and freshness of food resulting in nutritious breakfasts. Development of toasters, heat controls for stoves, safe milk, instant coffee, cereal shot from guns, and eggs with harder shells less likely to break. Mass production brings price down. IOP Ep 385
Ep. 387 1958 March 15 The Welcome Mat Americans are on the move from one section of the country to another. Small towns need to persuade new industries to locate there while other communities campaign to dissuade settled industries from moving.. Developing selling points such as man-made lakes, dredged channels, improved highways, and up-to-date police and fire service. Moving Image:IOP Ep 387
Ep. 391 1958 Apil 12 Quest for Oil America imports a million gallons of oil daily, a complicated and costly proposition. America requires petroleum for fuel and lubricants and for by-products such as mineral oil, asphalt, paraffin, plastics, synthetic fibers, and synthetic rubber. New oil reserves sought worldwide. Moving Image:IOP Ep 391
Ep. 396 1958 May 17 The Long Haul The railroad opened the West by connecting communities and transporting agricultural and industrial products. New diesel locomotives, improved springs on freight cars, welded rails, and improved methods of freight handling. Shipping coal and other mine products, forest and agricultural products (including animals), and manufactured goods. Moving Image:IOP Ep 396
Ep. 397 1958 May 24 Looking at Glass Modern technology allows for a new range of glass items that can be used in industry. Plate glass used in new construction, hand shaped glass used to make laboratory implements for chemical industry, and Pyrex and fiberglass used increasingly in factories and homes. Mass production allows millions of incandescent light bulbs to be made in a day. Radiant glass panels may heat the home of tomorrow. Moving Image:IOP Ep 397
Ep. 398 1958 May 31 Improving on Nature Industrial conservation. Re-forestation program. Using hardwood for crates and veneer and laminated wood for ships, church arches, baseball bats, bowling pins, and water skis. Timber Structures Corp., Portland, OR; Western Pine Association. IOP Ep 398
Ep. 399 1958 June 7 The Tools of Medicine Researching and producing medical equipment, such as operating tables and lights, sterilizers, X-ray machines, surgical instruments, contact lenses, artificial lungs, crutches, respirators, bandages, and even a "radio pill" with a tiny FM transmitter. Moving Image:IOP Ep 399
Ep. 401 1958 Beauty on the Production Line American women and their appearance; accessories help her "feel like a million dollars." View of industries that create diamond and costume jewelry, shoes, hats, cosmetics, perfumes, watches, and eyeglass frames. x
Ep. 402 1958 ? IOP Ep 402
Ep. 403 1958 Growing Up A report on industry's assumption of its responsibility to youth. Includes footage of members of Future Farmers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts; and of teen artists and ballet students. Moving Image:IOP Ep 403 38076937 403 UGA
Ep. 404 1958 ? Moving Image:IOP Ep 404
Ep. 405 1958 July 12 Power in the Yard Increased leisure allows more time for yard care. Manf. power tools to ease once tiring jobs. Industry has developed the power handle, power lawn mowers, garden tractors for fertilizing, sprinklers, home snowplows, and radio controlled garage doors. Swimming pools are now a do-in-yourself possibility. IOP Ep 405
Ep. 406 1958 ? Moving Image:IOP Ep 406
Ep. 407 1958 August 2 Cotton Holds Its Own Growing cotton with new machines, fertilizers, and seeds. Cotton seed turned into oil and other products. Low-calorie flour from cotton-seed hulls. Fiber board and explosives are other uses of cotton. New treatments of cotton fibers result in wrinkle-resistant cloth with resistance to stains. Tufting machines produce cotton carpeting.
Ep. 415 1958 via an old Georgia Southern College syllabus: Onward and Upward First level American Industry developmental area. This film is concerned with in-service training of employees to keep them familiar with modern trends. Such things as training aids, conventions, customers, and mobile school units are discussed.
  1. Moving Image:IOP Ep 415
Ep. 416 1958 October 4 The Science of Smallness Miniaturization of parts provides more function, service, and convenience. Smaller automatic pilots; gyroscopes made with tiny bearings; miniature devices in satellites; compact televisions; smaller computers or "electric brains;" smaller, more powerful automobile engines; hearing aids with microphones, receivers and amplifiers fit in eyeglass frames.
Ep. 417 1958 October 11 Waste Not, Want Not American industry saves natural resources by recycling. Timber company salvages charred logs after a forest fire in Tillamook, OR for cardboard and sawdust. Recycling paper and making boxboard. Making raw steel from scrap metal; slag treated to make rock-wool insulation. Using broken glass in air filters. Taking coal from a river, cleaning, and reclaiming it. Moving Image:IOP Ep 417
Ep. 418 1958 Delivering the Goods Report on the role of trucks in the economy... IOP Ep 418
Ep. 419 desc Moving Image:IOP Ep 419
Ep. 420 The Phantom Servants Gasses vital to the industrial economy. Oxygen used to refine steel in the Basic Oxygen Furnace and, with acetylene gas, used to cut steel. Using carbon dioxide in fire extinguishers, dry ice, and carbonated beverages. Ammonia used for fertilizer. Inert gasses used as propellant and in light bulbs. Propane gas for cooking and heating. Using chlorine in pools to purify water. Moving Image:IOP Ep 420
Ep. 423 1958 November 25 A Matter of Taste Producing flavoring for food. Tasters test coffee, tea, and wine. Producing pepper, salt, and mint in the U.S. and importing other spices. Making Tabasco sauce using old and new methods. Using fresh fruits as flavorings for soft drinks.
Ep. 424 1958 November 29 Baby Boom Babies and industry. Constructing homes for new families. Making baby food and producing food substitutes for babies with food allergies. Making stylish clothes, including hats for infants. Manf. baby powder, lotion, and oil. Making toys. Diaper services.
Ep. 425 1958 December 6 Leveling Peaks to Fill Valleys How industry contends with seasonal slumps. Freezing and dehydrating fish allows food producers to sell all year. Candy sales no longer seasonal. Christmas trees cut in spring and stored. More sensitive film and flash cubes expand the photography business. Shipbuilders turn to making power shovels. Company produces fireplace equipment and lawn chairs to solve seasonal slumps. Vending machines make products available any time.
Ep. 426 1958 December 13 Joined in the Search Cooperative experiments between small companies for their mutual benefit and for benefit of the public. Fire resistant construction materials, electrical fixtures and connections, liquids, powders, and fibers. New uses and ways to improve physical properties of woods, textiles, and jewels. Safe disposal of waste products used to clean clothing. Sharing information from road-testing automobiles.
Ep. 427 1958 December 20 The Corporate Citizen Industry spends time and money on projects for the public interest in its role as Good Citizen. Preserving archeological sites while putting in pipeline. Logging and lumber companies have communication systems used by community. Employees volunteer as nurses' aides, community chest organizers, and coaches. Making games and toys for children with disabilities. Labor for park supplied by steel mill workers. Starting watermelon juice bank for people with nephritis; pharmaceuticals. Businesses endow zoos, museums, and concert halls.
Ep. 428 1958 December 27 Living with Our Climate Industry eliminating discomforts and inconveniences caused by climate. Air conditioning in houses, schools, offices, and factories. Textile manufacturers increase warmth of winter clothes and coolness of summer clothes. Removing odors using a vaporized counteraction agents rather than masking. Sewage disposal plants use neutralizers. Tractors have air-conditioning and radios. Researching ways to produce snow and rain by seeding clouds.


Industry on Parade 1959
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link
Ep. 430 1959 January 5 No Room to Spare Innovative ways to save space. Skyscrapers made possible with steel and development of the elevator. Geodesic domes, hyperbolic paraboloids and hemispherical plastic tents create more space; construction. Movable furniture, compact storage devices, and microfilming save office space. Using natural underground areas for storage. Regulating climactic conditions in limestone mine used as chicken hatchery. Parking cars in space-saving ways. x
Ep. 431 1959 January Pumping Solids Using liquids to move solids. Transporting cherries, oranges, and shrimp with water is less expensive and causes less damage. Transporting wood by water; using water pumps to de-bark logs. Using water in pulp to make paper. Mining depends on water. Separating sand and phosphate with the help of water. Using paints and oils in factories. Making solutions to feed patients intravenously. Worthington Corp., Harrison, NJ; Abbot Laboratory; and International Minerals and Chemicals Corp. x
Ep. 433 1959 January 31 Animals and Industry Household pets, zoos, and aquariums fill valuable role. Conservation programs protect wildlife and provide animals for hunters. Hunting a major industry. Billions are invested in cattle and poultry that provide food and clothing. Laboratory animals used in researching drugs and medical techniques. Study of animal psychology has aided in evaluating mental processes of humans. Filmed at: Ducks Unlimited, Inc., New York, NY; Ocean Aquarium, Hermosa Beach, CA; Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc., Brooklyn, NY; and Animal Behavior Enterprises, Hot Springs, AR. IOP Ep 433
Ep. 434 1959 February 7 On the Map Accurate maps require constant revision. Making relief maps using better lenses in aerial cameras. Mass-producing models. Underground maps called seismographs used to find oil, coal, iron, and uranium. Geophones measure sound waves. Making maps of ocean floor with navigational device called Loran. x
Ep. 435 1959 February 14 Man-made Miracles Synthesis, or re-arranging atoms in a molecule, creates new substances. Transforming coal to synthetic plasma. Synthetic cortisone. Synthetic rubber frees nation of dependence on overseas supply. Making synthetic sapphires and diamonds for industrial processes. Synthetic crystals for sonar equipment. Plastics combine qualities never before found in the same material. Making high fashion clothing using synthetic materials. Filmed at: Mohasco Industries, Inc., Amsterdam, NY; Masland Duraleather Co., Philadelphia, PA; Schering Corp., Bloomfield, NJ; Linde Air Products Co., New York, NY; Bakelite Co., Bound Brook, NJ; General Electric Co., Detroit, MI; and General Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, OH
Ep. 445 1959 April 25 Quiet Please Campaign against unnecessary noise. Noise reduces efficiency and affects nervous system. Acoustical research uses sound chambers. Changes in tire tread design reduces whine. Muffling jet aircraft exhaust. Sound conditioning new office buildings, factories, schools, and apartments by installing acoustical tiles. United States Rubber Co., Detroit, MI; Walher Manf. Co., WI; Armour Research Foundation at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Ep. 447 1959 May 9 The Hidden Payroll Helping employees manage finances and understand value of fringe benefits such as paid vacations, pension plans, health insurance, and workmen's compensation. Employee financial security partially dependent upon the "hidden payroll." Modern plants and offices planned for beauty and comfort. Recreational facilities, nursery schools, books, college scholarships, and counseling provided by some employers. Giving employees stock in company.
Ep. 450 1959 May 30 What's on Your Mind? Industry polls consumers to find how to best serve them. Selecting company name. Improvements in garden tools and washers and driers come from users. Opinion surveys ask questions ranging from products to politics. Filmed at: The Garrett Corp., Los Angeles, CA; Chemetron Corp.; General Motors Appliance Division, Louisville, KY; Porter Cable Machine Co., Syracuse, NY; and Opinion Research Corp., Princeton, NJ.
Ep. 451 1959 June 6 Mother's Helpers Energy expended by a housewife doing family wash a half century ago compared with today. Making housework easier with paper plates and napkins, prepared baby foods, central heating, screens and storm windows. Experimenting with wash-and-wear products. New appliances and food products tested. Good Housekeeping Institute, New York, NY; The Borden Co., New York, NY; Iowa State University, Iowa City, IA.
Ep. 452 1959 June 13 Still Going Strong New ways of manufacturing and distributing old items, including wagon wheels, horseshoes, kerosene lamps for railroads and camping, candles, safety wooden matches, clothes pins, brooms from broom corn, and wooden barrels. Building log cabins with few nails.
Ep. 453 1959 June 20 Setting the Standard America's standard of living shown at international expositions. Free enterprise produces abundant supplies of food and clothing. More Americans own houses than do not. Leisure time for reading and attending concerts. Increasing church attendance demonstrates America's spiritual values.
Ep. 455 1959 July 4 Developing a car without wheels that slides on compressed air. Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, MI. Making space suits for U.S. Navy pilots. Testing in decompression chamber. B. F. Goodrich Co., PA. Making wire tires for use on rocket-powered aircraft. Wire tires withstand high temperatures and do not become flat. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, OH. Associations arrange for home repair companies to respond to emergency calls and make small repair jobs. Allied Home Owners Association, NY. Making paper plates with adhesive to prevent their blowing or sliding off. Superior Paper Products Co., IN. Manf. the first atomic merchant ship, Savannah, using uranium oxide pellets. Babcock & Wilcox Co., NJ. Box 15
Ep. 456 1959 July 11 How Are We Doing? Annual reports contain balance sheets, income statements, and describe new products and research projects. New style reports are graphically interesting. Committee of judges sponsored by Financial World magazine determine which annual reports win "Oscar" type award.
Ep. 457 1959 July 18 While a Nation Sleeps Many employees work the night shift including workers in theaters, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, newspapers, communications, milk industry, and shippers of agricultural produce. Steel made round the clock. The electric light has made it possible. IOP Ep 457
Ep. 458 1959 July 25 Making Contact Communication in industry. Car assembly plant uses sign language on assembly line. In-house radio, newspapers, and closed-circuit television keep workers in touch. Bulletin boards, suggestion boxes, and meetings still important. Wetherhead Co., Cleveland, OH; Robertshaw Fulton Controls Co., Long Beach, CA; Atlantic City Electric Co., Atlantic City, NJ; General Motors, Flint, MI; and C&O Railroad, Huntington, WV.
Ep. 459 1959 August 1 Keep It Clean America is the most hygienic nation. Sixty gallons of water used per day per person. Dry cleaning industry using improved chemicals. Manf. soap. Vacuum cleaners and plumbing fixtures are mass-produced. Good factory housekeeping important factor in safety record.
Ep. 460 1959 August 8 Food for the Future Applying industrial techniques to farming. Using waste products such as cotton seed hulls in food products. Synthesizing vitamins. Processing mesquite into cattle feed. Hydroponic plants for human and animal food. Algae may provide food source for extended stays in outer space. Studying growing food on the moon. Wesson Oil and Nutty Brown Farms, New Orleans, LA; University of CA, Berkeley, CA; Republic Aviation, Farmingdale, NY; Rio Vista Ranch, TX; Buckeye Incubator Co., Springfield, OH; and General Dynamics Corp., Groton, CT Moving Image:IOP Ep 460
Ep. 461 ? ? Moving Image:IOP Ep 461
Ep. 462 1959 Automation - What Is It? Explains automation as the latest extension of industry's continuing development of improved manufacturing methods. Describes application of automation in a sawmill, in commercial mail handling, oil refining, lace manufacture, the telephone industry, and in farming. IOP Ep 462
Ep. 463 1959 August 29 Selecting the Champion Developing prettier and stronger strains of roses through hybridization. Grafting hybrid onto old rose plant to gain strong roots; horticulture. New varieties can be patented under Plant Patent Act of 1930. All American Rose Selections gives awards to best new roses. x
Ep. 464 1959 September 5 Big Little Businessman Small businessman, Francis J. Schuster, supplies home heating oil. Using up-to-date equipment and keeping good records assures supply to homeowners. Schuster is civic minded, a volunteer fireman and a devoted father. Troy Oil Co., Indianapolis, IN.
Ep. 465 1959 September Threat or Opportunity? Importing inexpensive steel means competition for America. Japanese work for less money and have adapted our machines and methods; balance of payments. European factories destroyed by war rebuilt with modern equipment and American assistance. U.S. trained foreign executives and U.S. factories served as classrooms for foreigners. To be competitive, America must be more efficient and productive.
Ep. 466 1959 September 19 The Mighty Electron Innovations in the electronics industry include radar, sonar, radio, and television. Thousands of small businesses engaged in manufacturing electronic components. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles depend upon electronics as does space exploration. In the home, electronic systems open garage doors and cook food by microwave. Box 16
Ep. 467 1959 September 26 Grade A Citizens Nine men associated with dairy industry serve their communities in many ways, including rescuing children in a school fire, organizing ambulance service, serving as church elder, being mayor of San Francisco, coaching Little League, and working with Future Farmers of America. Casimir Janik; Norman Kaufman, Reading, PA; Thomas Talleur, Warwick, NY; Duane Bowman, Madison, WI; Dr. Milton Powell, Los Angeles, CA; George Christopher, San Francisco, CA; Ed Lybolt, Middletown, NY; Professor William E. Peterson; and Dolph Loucks, VT.
Ep. 468 1959 October 3 Mutual Attraction Developing new uses for magnets. Thermostats, radios, electric blankets, and electric trains depend on magnets. Magnetic toy blocks do not tumble when used by children with cerebral palsy. Using electromagnetic equipment to remove impurities from raw materials and to move heavy scrap metal. Recording dictation and music with magnetic tape. Video tape has made it possible to record pictures and sound. Moving Image:IOP Ep 468
Ep. 469 1959 October 10 Surviving Crises Industry solves problems caused by natural disasters and other crises. With planning, industry can switch production or rebuild quickly. One company produces defense products and, in slow times, makes tin cans. Politics can cause problems. When trade with Communist China was suspended, hog bristles for paint brushes were unavailable, so synthetic variety developed. Developing molybdenum to replace Iron Curtain-bound tungsten. Moving Image:IOP Ep 469
Ep. 470 1959 October 17 Communists No More History of the Amana Society, Amana, IA, a religious community established in the 19th century. Society voted to abolish communism in 1932 and since then has prospered. They raise cattle and hogs, but manufacturing refrigerators brought prosperity. Young people stay because of better opportunities. Rejection of communism in favor of free enterprise. Moving Image:IOP Ep 470
Ep. 471 1959 October 24 Nearest Thing to Nothing Industry's investment in research led to development of high vacuum equipment which led to the development of radio, television, and radar, and the splitting of the atom. Mass production of antibiotics requires vacuums. Vacuums used to extract water from paper pulp and in freeze-drying. X-ray tubes require a vacuum. Vacuum chambers used to test space suits. Molding decorative plastic coverings and making relief maps.
Ep. 472 1959 October 31 Refreshing Neighbors The soft drink industry consists primarily of small businesses. Bottling plants produce brand-name products, but the plant owner is a small businessman. Water is specially treated so taste is uniform. Wide distribution at peak efficiency keeps cost low per bottle and the drink accessible to even the lowest income group. Roanoke, VA. Box 16
Ep. 473 1959 Time on Our Hand The development of timekeeping, from sundials to clocks, watches, chronometers and even atomic clocks has depended on advances in technology. Glass pitchers are formed and decorated on an assembly line; parts of furniture are cut by machine and then the craftsman puts the furniture together; quick drying lacquer on automobiles saves production time. Housewives save time by using kitchen appliances, especially a dishwasher. Through mechanization Americans have more leisure time and can enjoy such activities as riding the cog railroad to the top of Mount Washington, NH
Ep. 474 1959 The Tools of Production Tools produce more at lower costs. Industry depends on tool-making machines. Good tools create high productivity, greater abundance, more jobs, and a higher standard of living.
Ep. 475 1959 November 21 The American Look Most American teenagers are dressed neatly and appropriately. High school students in Buffalo, NY, set up voluntary dress code, resulting in less horseplay and better attitudes. The USO staged fashion show to show GI's on leave in foreign countries how to dress. Good grooming on the job important to a man's success. Uniforms of blue collar workers are of a good quality and cut. x
Ep. 476 1959 November 28 The Large and Small of It The interdependence of American enterprises. Large companies depend on small companies for tools and materials. Automobile assembly line uses components from six thousand firms. Some companies must be big because of costly facilities and equipment. Some businesses need to be small, such as highly specialized manufacturers.
Ep. 477 1959 December 5 On Their Way Industry invests heavily in training and trade education, apprentice programs, and on-the-job training. Women take part. One bank runs a "practice bank" for training. Teaching machines are programmed computers. Training helicopter mechanics; training in the leather, paper, furniture, and forestry industries.
Ep. 478 ? ? Moving Image:IOP Ep 478
Ep. 479 1959 December 19 (12/19/59)

Luxuries or Necessities? Yesterday's luxuries are today's necessities. Cars, airplane travel, telephones, televisions, radio, and indoor plumbing once considered luxuries. Women can afford silk hosiery and cosmetics as prices decrease. Many senior citizens now have the luxury of financial security and comfortable retirement.

Ep. 480 1959 December 26 Growing with the Nation Industry grows because of growing markets. Light aircraft market expands. Merging small textile plants in Georgia and Alabama into one large company with expanded resources. "Vertical mergers" effected by acquiring competitors as well as manufacturers of essential components. Ink manufacturing company sells ink and ink pigments. Cessna Aircraft, Wichita, KS; West Point Manf. Co., West Point, GA; Sun Chem., NJ


Industry on Parade 1960
Ep No Date Subjects Include Link
Ep. 481 1960 January 2 The Man Who Owns America Assets of life insurance companies and pension funds fuel industrial growth. Help build natural gas pipelines, atomic power plants, and plants producing weapons and ammunition. During WWII invested in Government bonds. Postwar housing developments pioneered by insurance companies. Mortgage loans help families buy houses. Moving Image:IOP Ep 481
Ep. 482 1960 January 9 Fairest in the Land Four factories selected by Factory Magazine for beauty and practicality. Khrushchev impressed by bakery where "electronic chef" automatically weighs and mixes flour, sugar, and chocolate. Aluminum plant carries production from raw ore through rolling mill. Paraboloid roofing units create pleasant place to work and stimulate creative research. Architect Edward Stone designed beautiful building which is also efficient for manufacturing pharmaceuticals; keeping employee morale high. National Biscuit Co., Fairlawn, NJ; Kaiser Aluminum, Ravenswood, WV; Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX; and The Stuart Co., Pasadena, CA.
Ep. 483 1960 January 16 The Happiest Business Industry makes holidays happy, safe, and memorable for children. Manufacturing Halloween costumes and masks, safer fireworks, Valentines, Easter bonnets and candy, displays for Thanksgiving parades, and Christmas ornaments and toys. Moving Image:IOP Ep 483
Ep. 484 1960 (via Hagley) Shopping center for industry Highlights importance and role of industrial distributors. Manufacturing plants that mass produce items need to keep stockpiles of parts and items to manufacture goods but also items to keep the factory running. Industrial distributors provide the supplies factories need. Items distributors carry depends on the region they are in and companies they supply. Episode #484. Not service center IOP Ep 484
Ep. 485 1960 Januaury 30 Environment for Learning More children mean more schools. Constructing one-story schools that extend outward, not upward. Forest management meets demand for wood products. Wood siding, paneling, and flooring used in school construction. Shows the need for new schools and the constraction of modern one-story school building. Points out what has been done to assure a plentiful supply of timber to meet present-day needs and needs of the future.
Ep. 486 1960 February 6 The Atom Shufflers History and production of synthetic rubber. Synthetic rubber a result of atom shuffling. Combining raw materials, including petroleum, to produce synthetics. Rubber used in tires, railway components, moving sidewalks, and aircraft parts. Box 16
Ep. 487 1960 February 13 Weather or Not Air conditioning used in electronics, printing, candy making, television production, hospital operating rooms and gives architects more design freedom. National defense uses air conditioning in warning systems, missiles, rockets, and on atomic submarines. IOP Ep 487
Ep. 488 1960
Ep. 489 1960 July 16 Living on Air Manufacturing foam rubber from liquid rubber and air. Used in innersoles for shoes, underlay for carpet, protective sports pads, upholstery cushioning, and mattresses. Hospitals use because it resists mold, mildew, and moisture, and can be sterilized. Used in seats and padding on trucks, buses, limousines, and airplanes.
Ep. 490 1960 September 3 The Defending Champion Invention of sewing machine changed role of women. Foreign lands now compete with American clothing manufacturers. To solve problem of increasing foreign dominance, U.S. manufacturers try to build better machines. America defends itself against foreign competition. Moving Image:IOP Ep 490
Ep. 491 Fabric Care Magic Laundry industry. Researching better ways to wash clothes. Testing shrinkage and resistance to sunlight. Replacing buttons and making minor repairs at the laundry. Dry cleaning services. Shows the professional way of caring for clothing and other fabric items, and tells how the problem of fabric care has been complicated by the introduction of innumerable new synthetics and chemically-treated fibers. Presents testing procedures in the laboratories of the Institute to step up its testing and research programs. IOP Ep 491
Ep. 492 1960 Putting Sparkle in Our Lives Producing and bottling soft drinks; food industry. An episode in the Industry on Parade (1950-1960) television series created by National

Association of Manufacturers highlighting American industries. Aimed at a general audience, examines the soft drink industry focusing on production and bottling.

Ep. 493 1960
Ep. 494 NOT Fabric Care Magic SNAFU IOP Ep 494
Ep. 495 1960 The Flame of the Future Using gas in synthetics. Infrared is a new innovation. Using natural gas to heat and cool buildings gives architects more design freedom. Using gas to dry printing ink. Making natural chemicals and synthetic rubber. IOP Ep 495
Ep. 496 Design for Highway Safety Driving classes teach safety on and off the job. Developing better roads and road services to increase driver safety. Testing cars and their components. Moving Image:IOP Ep 496
Ep. 497 The Tree Farm Harvesting trees on tree farms; Christmas trees. Forest products used to make paper. Scientific forestry management helps wood industry. Hybrids yield better strains. IOP Ep 497
Ep. 498 The Information Logjam Different forms of communication including, telephone, radio, computers, television, telemetry. Using radio communication in large factories. Using telecommunications in disasters such as forest fires to coordinate land and sky crews. Moving Image:IOP Ep 498
Ep. 499 1960 To Clothe a Nation Apparel manufacturing done by machines and by hand. Complex machines call for skilled repairmen. Using computers to make patterns and predict future trends. Moving Image:IOP Ep 499
Ep. 500 1960 desc Moving Image:IOP Ep 500
Ep. 501 1960 What's in a Package? Food weighed and packaged. Different types of packaging and their functions. Packaging makes more foods available, including various dairy products. Winn-Dixie store. Country store in Weston, VT

Examines food product packaging, calling attention to the aesthetic design and utilitarian functions of packaging.

IOP Ep 501
Ep. 502 1960


Plastic Age Anniversary from Ep. 97

See Also